ARI Abstracts
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 ARI Abstracts ISSN 2960-2483 (Continues: eCM conferences open access online periodical, ISSN 2522-235X- finished July 2023)

eCM Meeting Abstracts 2005, Collection 4

Abstracts of European Cells and Materials VI /SRN I
Spinal Motion Segment: From Basic Science to Clinical Application

4th - 7th July 2005, Congress Centre, Davos, Switzerland

Abstracts listed in order of presentation at the meeting

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file

Page 1 : C Schizas
Spinal fusion: techniques results and limitations

Page 2 : R Gunzburg, P Willocx
Disc arthroplasty, surgical approaches

Page 3 : M Ahrens, JC Le Huec, H Halm, U Liljenqvist, J Sherman, T Schulte, E Martz, S Hook, H Yuan
A new procedure for total nucleus removal from the posterior approach

Page 4 : HJ Meisel, A Beier, T Hoell, Y Minkus, T Ganey, WC Hutton
Transient reduced mineral density associated with BMP-enhanced spinal fusion

Page 5 : C Tournier, JC Le Huec, S Aunoble, JP Lemaire, P Tropiano,W Skalli
Total disc arthroplasty: consequences for sagittal balance and lumbar spine movement

Page 6 : M Morra, C Cassinelli, G Giavaresi, M Fini, R Giardino
Enhanced osteointegration by biochemical surface modification: covalent linking of collagen I to intervertebral metal disk surface

Page 7 : M Aebi
The myths and the facts of disc arthroplasty surgery

Page 8 : KDK Luk, DK Ruan, DS Lu, DHK Chow, KMC Cheung
Allogeneic intervertebral disc transplantation: Results of pre-clinical and clinical studies

Page 9 : DO Halloran, M White, R Collighan, M Griffin, A Pandit
Scaffold characterisation for nucleus pulposus regeneration

Page 10 : E Boelen, C van Hooy-Corstjens, A van Ooij, L van Rhijn, L Koole
Preclinical evaluation of intrinsically radiopaque hydrogels for replacing the nucleus pulposus

Page 11 : F Heuer, L Claes, H-J Wilke
Can the biomechanical disc function be restored by a collagen matrix nucleus replacement

Page 12 : S Olsen, Á Higgins Ní Chinnéide, W-R Fritz, SJ Ferguson
Re-swelling degenerate intervertebral discs by percutaneous injection: an in-vitro investigation

Page 13 : GBJ Andersson
Is the Disc a Source of Back Pain?

Page 14 : JR Ralphs
Cell-cell interactions and the cytoskeleton in organisation of the developing intervertebral disc

Page 15 : CJ Hunter
The notochordal cell in the postnatal intervertebral disc

Page 16 : J Chen, W Yan, IA Setton
Molecular phenotypes of notochordal cells purified from nucleus pulposus via fluorescence-activated cell sorting

Page 17 : PJ Roughley, L Melching, JS Mort, RH Pearce, S Sivan, A Maroudas
The structure, degradation and lifespan of aggrecan in the human intervertebral disc

Page 18 : MA Adams
Mechanical influences in disc degeneration

Page 19 : JC Iatridis
Effects of mechanical loading on disc metabolism

Page 20 : E Kelly, NA Duncan
Intercellular communication via gap junctions in the annulus fibrosus

Page 21 : C Neidlinger-Wilke, K Würtz, W Börm, A Ignatius, H-J Wilke, L Claes
Regulation of gene expression in intervertebral disc cells by low and high hydrostatic pressure

Page 22 : LA Setton
Cell mechanics and mechanobiology in the intervertebral disc

Page 23 : T Oegema
The role of extracellular matrix and matrix molecular fragments in disc degeneration

Page 24 : S Roberts, J Menage, EH Evans, SM Eisenstein
Proteinases in degeneration of the intervertebral disc: cause and effect

Page 25 : M Haefeli, F Kalberer, D Saegesser, AG Nerlich, N Boos, G Paesold
The course of macroscopic degeneration in the human lumbar intervertebral disc

Page 26 : H Bertram, E Steck, G Zimmermann, B Chen, C Carstens, A Nerlich, W Richter
Accelerated intervertebral disc degeneration in scoliosis versus physiological ageing develops against a background of enhanced anabolic gene expression

Page 27 : JPG Urban, O Boubriak, T Grunhagen, SR Smith, JCT Fairbank, D Mokhbi Soukane, A Shirazi-Adl.
Factors influencing nutrition of the intervertebral disc

Page 28 : KMC Cheung, JJT Jim, J Ott, J Karppinen, KDK Luk, S-P Yip, PC Sham, Y-Q Song, JCY Leong, KSE Cheah, L Ala-Kokko, D Chan
The genetics of intervertebral disc degeneration

Page 29 : MC Battié
Determinants of disc degeneration and pathology: A major paradigm shift

Page 30 : S Majumdar, G Blumenkrantz, K Keshari ,T Link
Recent advances in MRI markers of disc degeneration

Page 31 : W Johannessen, JD Auerbach, AJ Wheaton, A Kurji, R Reddy, A Borthakur, DM Elliott
Non-invasive determination of nucleus pulposus proteoglycan content using T1 MRI
*** won the Hansjoerg Wyss Foundation Oral Presentation Award

Page 32 : S Rehman, S Johnson, K McKinlay, NM Everitt, DS McNally
Micro observations the intervertebral disc

Page 33 : H Wang, R Glauben, K Gebhard, M Buchner, M Schiltenwolf, E Raum, H Brenner, B Mueller-Hilke, W Richter
High serum level of TNF-alpha correlates with chronic low back pain but not acute sciatica

Page 34 : AS Turner
Spine surgery in a large animal model: Experiences and limitations

Page 35 : J Melrose, M Smith, S Smith, A Young, S-Y Hwa, C Smith, A Dart, CB Little
Investigations using an ovine annular lesion model of experimental intervertebral disc degeneration

Page 36 : B Jim, O Arlet, L Beckman, T Steffen
The influence of harvesting methods for the development of an in-vitro intervertebral disc model
****Robert Mathys Foundation award winner for the best student oral presentation

Page 37 : B Gantenbein, CR Lee, M Alini, K Ito
An in vitro tissue culture system for ovine caudal intervertebral discs with endplates

Page 38 : K Masuda, H An
Biological repair and a preventive approach for disc degeneration

Page 39 : H-J Meisel, O Alasevic, W Hutton, T Ganey
Disc repair with autologous chondrocytes: A pilot clinical study

Page 40 : ST Yoon
Molecular therapy of intervertebral disc

Page 41 : LG Gilbertson, PD Robbins, JD Kang
BMP-2 gene transfer alters course of disc degeneration in rabbit model

Page 42 : R Kandel, C Seguin, D Hamilton, M Grynpas, R Pilliar, M Hurtig
Towards bioengineering a scaffold-free nucleus pulposus

Page 43 : D Sakai, J Mochida
Stem cell applications in cell therapy for nucleus repair

Page 44 : WEB Johnson, A Wootton, A El Haj, SM Eisenstein, ASG Curtis, S Roberts
Topographical guidance of intervertebral disc cell growth in vitro: Towards the development of tissue repair strategies for the annulus fibrosus

Page 45 : KMC Cheung, G Ho, VYL Leung, D Chan
The effect of severity of disc degeneration on mesenchymal stem cells' ability to regenerate the intervertebral disc: a rabbit model


Page 46 : M Ahrens, N Ordway, A Tsantrizos, H Yuan, B Bowman
Nucleus replacement with an in situ curable balloon contained polymer and restoration of segmental kinematics

Page 47 : J Antoniou, F Mwale, CN Demers, G Beaudoin, T Goswami, L Beckman, M Alini
MRI and biochemical properties in dynamic loading studies of bovine intervertebral discs: Effect of loading conditions

Page 48 : M Attawia, T Chujo, K Akeda, HS An, E Thonar, K Masuda
In vivo effects of recombinant human growth and differentiation factor 5 on the intervertebral disc

Page 49 : H Beard, CG Schultz, MR Zarrinkalam, RJ Moore
Further characterisation of an ovine model of steroid-induced osteopaenia

Page 50 : L Beckman, K Debiparshad, D Giannitsios, N Boos, T Steffen
Low stiffness biopolymer used for mechanical bone augmentation in osteoporotic vertebrae

Page 51 : S Boden, J-L Ugbo, C Oliver, A Briest
Osseogenetic collagen complex as an effective graft alternative in experimental posterolateral lumbar spine arthrodesis

Page 52 : KMC Cheung, G Ho, D Chan, VYL Leung
Regeneration of nucleus pulposus after discectomy by autologous mesenchymal stem cells: a rabbit model

Page 53 : AK Darwesh, WW Lu, KMC Cheung, KWK Yeung, D Chan
Impact of Trp2 allele mutation of alpha-2 chain in collagen IX on the structural integrity of human annulus fibrosus

Page 54 : D Giannitsios, S Ferguson, P Heini, G Baroud, T Steffen
High cement viscosity reduces leakage risk in vertebroplasty

Page 55 : D Giannitsios, C Richards, J Ouellet, P Jarzem, T Steffen
Comparison of pedicle screw spinal fixation for fractures: Bridge vs. tension band construct

Page 56 : CXX Guo, MG Irwin, D Chan, GL Tipoe, KMC Cheung
Differential functions of cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 in bone repair

Page 57 : D Haschtmann, J Stoyanov, L Ettinger, L-P Nolte, SJ Ferguson
Establishment of an in-vitro whole organ intervertebral disc / endplate culture model

Page 58 : RJW Hoogendoorn, MN Helder, TH Smit, PIJM Wuisman
Slowly progressive disc degeneration in a goat model

Page 59 : RJW Hoogendoorn, MN Helder, TH Smit, PIJM Wuisman
Notochordal cells in mature caprine intervertebral discs

Page 60 : M Huttunen, M Kellomäki, P Törmälä, N Ashammakhi
Bioresorbable fibre reinforced composites for spinal fusion application: In vitro analysis

Page 61 : B Jim, T Steffen
Potential nuclear replacement materials: Developing a screening process

Page 62 : JC Iatridis, JJ MacLean, JP Owen
Role of endplates in contributing to compression behaviors of motion segments and intervertebral discs
*** won the Hansjoerg Wyss Foundation poster Presentation Award

Page 63 : A Lai, DHK. Chow, WS Siu, AD Holmes, MCP Leung, FH Tang
The biomechanical effects of electrical stimulation on degenerative-like changes intervertebral disc

Page 64 : H Li, X Zou, C Woo, M Ding, M Lind, C Bünger
Lumbar spine fusion with a novel tantalum-coated carbon fibre cage loaded with Colloss®

Page 65 : L Mejia, J Lusk, T Nickel
Design considerations for a multi-DOF kinematic spine simulator

Page 66 : A Reiband, B Mrozik, G Hoffmann, P Offermann, G Schmack, W Pompe, M Gelinsky
Scaffolds for intervertebral disc tissue engineering created by flock technology

Page 67 : A Rohlmann, T Zander, G Bergmann
Influence of cement augmentation on intradiscal pressure: A finite element study

Page 68 : A Rohlmann, T Zander, H Schmidt, H-J Wilke, G Bergmann
Effect of disc degeneration on the mechanical behavior of a lumbar functional spinal unit

Page 69 : I Sitte, A Kathrein, M Klosterhuber, GP Dowthwaite, C Archer
Notch 1 expression as a sign for proliferation in Anulus Fibrosus after trauma of the cervical spine? An histological, immunhistological and ultrastructural study

Page 70 : CM Sprecher, J Goldhahn, E Schneider
Short term observations on Bonit coated surfaces in self cutting implants

Page 71 : Y Schroeder, D McNally, K McKinlay, W Wilson, JM Huyghe, FPT Baaijens
Comparison of experimental and numerical stress profiles in human disc show similar stress peaks why?
****Robert Mathys Foundation award winner for the best student poster presentation

Page 72 : M Schuler, TP Künzler, CM Sprecher, M de Wild, S Tosatti, M Textor
TiO2-coated epoxy replicas with identical surface topography for cell culture experiments

Page 73 : MA Tyndyk, V Barron, PE McHugh
Effect of osteoporosis on the biomechanics of the thoracolumbar spine: Finite element study

Page 74 : AJ van der Veen, MG Mullender, MN Helder, PIJM Wuisman, ThH Smit
Mechanical behavior of iv discs stabilizes in a loaded culture system

Page 75 : MJ van der Werf, P Lezuo, O Maissen, K Ito
An in vivo nutrient insufficiency induced ovine lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration model

Page 76 : H Wang, HM Byrne, DS McNally
Mathematical modeling of the intervertebral disc nutritional transport

Page 77 : K Würtz, JPG Urban, A Ignatius, H-J Wilke, L Claes, C Neidlinger-Wilke
Cells from the distinct regions of the intervertebral disc differ in terms of their mechanosensitivity

Page 78 : KWK Yeung, RWY Poon, X Liu, JPY Ho, CY Chung, PK Chu, WW Lu, D Chan, KMC Cheung
Nickel suppression in Ni-Ti alloys by plasma immersion ion implantation surface treatment: new materials for orthopaedic implantation

Page 79 : S Zeiter, CR Lee, M Alini, K Ito
Effect of TGF-beta and BMP-2 on rat mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into disc-like cells in vitro

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file