ARI Abstracts: Meeting Abstracts Information
The normal conditions for abstract hosting of conference meeting abstracts are as follows.
ARI Abstracts offers the opportunity to host collections of meeting abstracts on the ARI Abstracts website.
Please note: The abstracts within the collections are not peer reviewed outside of the respective conference organisers. Their content is controlled by the respective conference organisers. They do not have a DOI, are not searchable on PubMed, are not deposited in CLOCKSS, yet do have an ISSN number associated to the abstract collection and can be cited.
The Congress organisers are responsible for checking the scientific content and spelling (English UK or English USA) of the abstracts before publication on the website. Please email ARIABCHARACTER for this template when the publishing contract is made. The abstract MUST fit on 1 page of the word template and the page set up must NOT be modified or text sized to achieve this.
ARI Abstracts sets up a welcome page based on the programme and information supplied by the congress organiser. ARI Abstracts will produce the PDFs (please, do not send PDFs during submission of the meeting abstracts): one for all the oral abstracts and one for all the poster abstracts.
If you wish to have the meeting abstracts available during the actual conference on the ARI Abstracts website, we should receive the abstracts along with a welcome note, the congress logo, URL address of the society or congress and two suitable teaser images at least one month before (contact: ariabCHARACTER
Since the hosting is free to all and there are running costs for the ARI Abstracts website, for production and storage of the collections, there is a small charge for abstract hosting.
The invoice will be sent once the abstracts are online.
Our costs are
1.Official Societies: 350 CHF for up to 500 abstracts as 1 or 2 Word file(s) (one for oral, one for posters). 300 CHF for next 500 abstracts (to be within the same two files).
2. Other Societies: 800 CHF for up to 500 abstracts as 1 or 2 Word file(s) (one for oral, one for posters). 500 CHF for next 500 abstracts (to be within the same two files).