ARI Abstracts
ARI Abstracts hosting, Science for all!
 ISSN 2522-235X

eCM Meeting Abstracts 2019, Collection 5

2019 eCM XIX: Orthopaedic Infection
26th – 28th June 2019, Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland

Oral presentations: click here to download all the abstracts in one file

Poster presentations: click here to download all the abstracts in one file



Page 1: H Simpson
Musculoskeletal infection in trauma: surgical and antibiotic treatment

Page 2: WJ Metsemakers
Fracture-Related Infection
2019 Berton Rahn Research Award Winner

Page 3: JC Wenke, SM Shiels
Challenges and strategies of protecting orthopaedic implants from bacterial colonization

Page 4: RA Mooney, CW Farnsworth, SR Gill
Host and Staphylococcus aureus factors influence orthopaedic infection severity in obesity and type 2 diabetes

Page 5: CJ Hernandez, MPG Bostrom, AV Carli
The microbiome and orthopaedic implant infection

Page 6: D Gil, S Grindy, S Hugard, O Muratoglu, E Oral
Prevention of periprosthetic joint infections using analgesic-loaded UHMWPE

Page 7: K Thompson, MA Burch, A Milstrey, U Eberli, D Arens, RG Richards, VA Stadelmann, TF Moriarty
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration impairs antibiotic treatment of orthopaedic-device related infection in a rat model

Page 8: S Karbysheva, S Cabric, A Trampuz
Biofilm investigation on ceramic, metal and polyethylene bearing components from explanted hip joint replacement systems

Page 9: SL Kates, S Hurni, M Chen
The AOTrauma Bone Infection Registry

Page 10: CC Lee, G Muthukrishnan, JR Owen, SL Kates, CA Beck, JL Daiss, VPost, TF Moriarty, S Zeiter, EM Schwarz
Deriving a dose and regimen for anti-glucosaminidase antibody passive-immunization for patients with s. aureus osteomyelitis

Page 11: EA Masters, AT Salminen, KL de Mesy Bentley, JL McGrath, SR Gill, HA Awad, EM Schwarz
Cloning the haptotaxis and durotaxis genes responsible for S. aureus invasion of the osteocytic lacuno-canalicular network during chronic osteomyelitis
Best oral presentation

Page 12: W Boot, T Schmid, O Guillaume, M D'Este, A Foster, D Eglin, RG Richards, S Zeiter, TF Moriarty
Antibiotic-loaded hydrogel demonstrates superior efficacy to bone cement in treating MRSA implant-associated osteomyelitis in sheep

Page 13: J Puetzler, A Milstrey, J Everding, M Raschke, D Arens, S Zeiter, RG Richards, TF Moriarty
Combination of high-energy focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy with conventional treatment: results from an in vivo rabbit model of fracture related infection

Page 14: S H Weinans
Why 3D printing for implant infections

Page 15: S Purkayastha, P Varela, JM Vazquez, A Idrees, S Sartori, S McMahon, U Greiser, R Viebahn, W Wang, J Salber, V Chiono, G Ciardelli
Biomimetic polymers as drug-free antibacterial materials and coatings

Page 16: I Reigada, K Savijoki, Yli-Kauhaluoma, T Jari, A Fallarero
Strategies to prevent biomaterials from Staphylococcus aureus infections: effect of dehydroabietic acid derivatives on biomaterials pre-incubated with human cells

Page 17: J Allkja, AE Parker, NF Azevedo, DM Goeres
Principles of method standardisation

Page 18: CM Guarch Pérez, D Martínez-Pérez, W Swieszkowski, M Riool, SAJ Zaat
Is gelatin metacrylate the future 3D printing antimicrobial coating?

Page 19: D Martínez Pérez, C Guarch Pérez, I Reigada, A Fallarero, E Choińska, SAJ Zaat, W Święszkowski
3D printed hybrid antimicrobial coating for prevention of implant-associated osteomyelitis

Page 20: GJ Atkins
The involvement of osteocytes in staphylococcus aureus deep bone infections

Page 21: AD Potter, NE Putnam, JM Curry, LE Fulbright, CE Butrico, CA Ford, JR Petronglo, AS Hendrix, JE Cassat
Bone appétit: host-pathogen interactions during osteomyelitis

Page 22: KL de Mesy Bentley, CA Galloway, MJ Ninomiya, SL Kates, EM Schwarz
Immunogold labeling of Staphylococcus aureus to survey human infected bone tissue

Page 23: EJ Sheehy, C von Diemling, TF Moriarty, FJ O’Brien
Antibiotic-eluting scaffolds eradicate infection and facilitate bone regeneration in a rabbit model of osteomyelitis

Page 24: JM Gilbertie, LV Schnabel, TP Schaer
Use of platelet-rich plasma lysate improves outcomes of S. aureus infectious arthritis in horses

Page 25: IAJ van Hengel, NE Putra, MWAM Tierolf, MB Minneboo, AC Fluit, HH Weinans, S Amin Yavari, LE Fratila-Apachitei, I Apachitei, AA Zadpoor
Additively manufactured bone implants to prevent implant-associated infection

Page 26: M Cámara-Torres, S Duarte, R Sinha, M Bastianini, M Sisani, M Scatto, A Egizabal, A Patelli, C Mota, L Moroni
3D additive manufactured scaffolds with antimicrobial activity for bone tissue regeneration

Page 27: BM Bröker
Immune control of staphylococcus aureus in the post-genomic era

Page 28: AS Zinkernagel
Clinical perspective of chronic –recurring staphylococcal infections

Page 29: G Muthukrishnan, JD Brodell, CC Lee, CA Beck, C Ackert-Bicknell, JL Daiss, EM Schwarz
Anti-staphylococcal antibodies from circulating plasmablasts can diagnose and differentiate various S. aureus orthopaedic infections

Page 30: JM Gilbertie, LV Schnabel, NJ Hickok, TP Schaer
Bacterial aggregation in equine synovial fluid shows similarities to traditional biofilms and increased antimicrobial recalcitrance in vitro

Page 31: A Raic, J Overhage, K Bieback, C Lee-Thedieck
Mimicking the bone marrow in health and disease: 3D in vitro models to unravel the triangle interaction of host, bacteria and implant material in osteomyelitis

Page 32: S Zhang, B Li
Immune stimulating biomaterials for orthopedic infection

Page 33: D Hürlimann, S Rigo, K Langowska, G Gunkel-Grabole, WP Meier, CG Palivan
Functional surfaces based on immobilized polymeric nanostructures

Page 34: SET Louth, K Nai, MM Atallah, SC Cox
Investigating mechanical and elution properties of a novel hip spacer

Page 35: A Trampuz
Bacteriophage therapy for biofilm infections: myth or reality?

Page 36: R Lavigne
Phage biology and its potential for antibacterial design strategies

Page 37: M Di Luca, A Materazzi, A-B Klatt, A Tavanti, A Trampuz
Treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm: administration of Sb-1 bacteriophage in a Galleria mellonella model of implant-associated infection

Page 38: C Röhrig, M Huemer, A Sobieraj, A Keller, N Keller, P Phothaworn, L Zinsli, F Eichenseher, Y Shen, S Korbsrisate, AS Zinkernagel, MJ Loessner, M Schmelcher
Engineered peptidoglycan hydrolases as therapeutics for staphylococcus aureus infections


Page P1: H Bezstarosti, PD Croughs, MJB van den Hurk, K Kortram, P Oprel, WJ Metsemakers, EMM van Lieshout, MHJ Verhofstad
Antimicrobial effect of cerament-G® on bacterial isolates, with various levels of gentamicin resistance, found in fracture-related infection

Page P2: JD Brodell; G Muthukrishnan; MJ Ninomiya; CC Lee; SR Gill; JL Daiss; EM Schwarz
Differential class-based humoral immunity in a murine model of orthopaedic S. aureus infection

Page P3: MA Burch, R Kühl, M Morgenstern, WJ Metsemakers
Osteosynthesis device retention in fracture related infection: investigating time limitations

Page P4: C Calligaro, A Mutschler, NE Vrana, P Lavalle
Poly(arginine) and hyaluronic acid films: an antimicrobial coating for medical devices

Page P5: Y Chen, V Post, TF Moriarty, RG Richards, W Boot
Synergism between traditional chinese medicine compounds and antibiotics against S. aureus

Page P6: M Czuban, L Wang, A Trampuz
Amphotericin B-loaded PMMA cement inhibits candida biofilms

Page P8: N Fatima, H Salehi, F Cuisinier, F Cunin, PY Collart-Dutilleul
Nanotopography of porous silicon scaffold: increasing bone regeneration and for orthopedic tissue engineering

Page P9: C Florek, S Kerr, J Julien, S Jain, L Bikram-Liles, J Owens, E Nasto, Y Sultan, D Armbruster
Local release of surgeon-selected antibiotic by melt mixing in organogel

Page P10: G Giavaresi, M Maglio, M Sartori, C Guarise, D Galesso, C Barbera, V Sambri, M Fini
Evaluation of dopamine-functionalized sulphated hyaluronic acid as implant coating to promote osteointegration and prevent acute bacterial growth: in vivo study

Page P11: JM Gilbertie, J Parvizi, TP Schaer
Discovery of plasma biomarkers in a rabbit periprosthetic joint infection revision model

Page P12: E Grigoriev, I Potapova
Early detection of bacterial infections in implants using hand-held gamma-probes

Page P14: S Hackl, JM Greipel, C von Rüden, M Militz
Acute posttraumatic osteomyelitis following unstable type c pelvic injuries – treatment concept and long term outcome

Page P15: LG Harris, L Mageiros, V Post, D Mack, H Rohde, F Moriarty, TS Wilkinson
Temporal changes in patient matched staphylococcus epidermidis samples from medical device associated infections

Page P16: M Hofstee, M Riool, SAJ Zaat, RG Richards, TF Moriarty
A novel 3-dimensional multicellular in vitro model for S. aureus microcolony interaction with neutrophils

Page P17: K Jain, C Lohrmann, C Holm
Computational modeling of bacterial dynamics

Page P18: S Karbysheva, M Di Luca, A Trampuz
Chemical biofilm dislodgement with chelating and reducing agents in comparison to sonication: implications for the diagnosis of implant associated infection

Page P19: MY Nazri
Treatment of osteomyelitis using local bio degradable antibiotic pellets

Page P20: MJ Ninomiya, KL de Mesy Bentley, RP Trombetta, JD Brodell, C Xie, SR Gill, EM Schwarz
Assessment of antibiotic therapies to eradicate S. aureus occupying the osteocytic-canalicular network of cortical bone in a murine model

Page P21: J Onsea, S Djebara, JP Pirnay, M Merabishvili, D De Vos, P Soentjens, J Wagemans, R Lavigne, WJ Metsemakers
Local bacteriophage therapy for chronic osteomyelitis: current hurdles and future perspectives
Best poster presentation

Page P22: J Quiros, LYang, L Espitalier, L Richards, S Collins, M Wilks, JC Shelton
Chromium nitride silver coating as new antibacterial composite for orthopaedic implants

Page P24: S Rigo, G Gunkel-Grabole, WP Meier, CG Palivan
Nanostructured surfaces based on co-immobilization of polymersomes and micelles on solid support

Page P25: M Riool, MGJ Schmitz, PYW Dankers, SAJ Zaat
Development of multifunctional antimicrobial supramolecular biomaterials

Page P26: SG Rotman, M Wang, S Yang, DW Grijpma, RG Richards, FT Moriarty, D Eglin, TT Tang, O Guillaume
Gentamicin-AOT loaded poly(ε-caprolactone) microspheres functionalized with poly(aspartic acid) as bone targeting delivery system tested in a rat osteomyelitis model

Page P27: CA Schoenenberger, M Kyropoulou, K Langowska, WP Meier, CG Palivan
Polymersome stepping-stones towards active surfaces that fight bacterial growth

Page P28: B Shaqour, E Choińska, Ż Górecka, B Verleije, K Beyers, W Święszkowski, P Cos
Comparison between physical and solvent mixing in FFF 3D printed drug loaded devices

Page P29: VA Stadelmann, K Thompson, U Eberli, D Arens, RG Richards, TF Moriarty
Impact of osteoporosis and bisphosphonate on staphylococcus epidermidis implant infection and response to antibiotic treatment

Page P30: H Straub, CM Bigger, F Pan, J Valentin, D Abt, XH Qin, WW Schmahl, L Eberl, K Maniura-Weber, Q Ren
Mechanism of bacteria interaction with soft polydimethylsiloxane surfaces: tentacle-like interface

Page P31: T Tkhilaishvili, M Di Luca, L Wang, A Trampuz
Evaluation of in vitro synergistic activity of ciprofloxacin and PYO bacteriophage in eradicating a dual-species biofilm formed by pseudomonas aeruginosa and methicillin resistant S. aureus

Page P32: T Tkhilaishvili, L Wang, A Trampuz, M Di Luca
Efficacy of Sb-1 and PYO bacteriophages for the prevention and treatment of methicillin-resistant S. aureus either embedded in biofilm or in an infection model of Galleria mellonella larvae

Page P33: J Valentin, A Ravikumarvaradarajan, C Ahrens, H van der Mei, Q Ren
Identification of genes involved in pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm resistance to antibiotics
Best poster presentation

Page P34: B van Dijk, KJH Allen, M Helal, HC Vogely, MGH Lam, H Weinans, BCH van der Wal,
E Dadachova
Radioimmunotherapy on methicillin-resistant S. aureus in planktonic state and biofilms

Page P35: R Vowden, G Perino, L Hughes, Z Xia, J McKenna, R Pink
Morphology and localisation of patient hip replacement-derived particles and hip prosthetic materials in macrophages

Page P36: A Wallimann, B Stanic, R Frei, R Ferstl, D Groeger, M Hildebrand, S Zeiter, CA Akdis, TF Moriarty, L O'Mahony, K Thompson
Investigating the efficacy of exopolysaccharide from bifidobacterium longum in preventing bone loss in an ovariectomized mouse model

Page P37: L Wang, M Di Luca, T Tkhilaishvili, M Gonzalez-Moreno, A Trampuz
In vitro activity of fosfomycin, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin and their combinations against escherichia coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

Page P38: L Wang, M Di Luca, T Tkhilaishvili, M Gonzalez-Moreno, A Trampuz
In vitro synergistic activity of fosfomycin, ciprofloxacin and gentamicin combinations against escherichia coli biofilms

Page P39: K Xie, Z Zhou, Y Guo, L Wang, G Li, S Zhao, X Liu, J Li, W Jiang, S Wu, Y Hao
Antibacterial and enhanced osteogenic hybrid coating with selective silver toxicity

Page P40: Y Zhuang, L Ren, Ke Yang, K Dai
Antibacterial activity of a copper-bearing titanium alloy for the prevention of implant-related infection


Oral presentations: click here to download all the abstracts in one file

Poster presentations: click here to download all the abstracts in one file