ARI Abstracts
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Personalised Therapies for Regenerative Medicine  
TERMIS-EU 2017 Conference, Davos, Switzerland


The AO Research Institute Davos was honored to host the TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society) European Chapter Meeting 2017 from 26 - 30 June, in Davos, Switzerland with the theme “Personalized Therapies for Regenerative Medicine”.

TERMIS-EU 2017 Davos was be the highest meeting of TERMIS at 1560M altitude and also reached the highest level of scientific and clinical presentations (naturally along with highest Swiss standards of organization and hospitality). There were 1387 abstracts submitted of which 833 were presented as posters (1300 registrations). There were over 350 oral presentations including 60 keynote lectures, 66 invited lectures (from symposia organizers), four world renowned plenary lectures and a superb opening lecture. The 350 did not include the SYIS presentations (chosen from the student posters). There were five parallel oral sessions, along with a new mode of an additional session room, dedicated for the whole week to the Student and Young Investigator Section (SYIS) presentations and activities including eight SYIS symposia. TERMIS-EU 2017 also hosted the second ever Business Plan Competition, which was initiated at TERMIS-EU 2016 in Uppsala, Sweden and was run by the same enthusiastic young team in Davos. Excellence in science was celebrated in two TERMIS-EU award lectures, several awards from the SYIS group and the prestigious AO Foundation Berton Rahn Research Award.

The organisers started preparing for this conference with our bid at Genoa in 2014 and work exponentially increased since that time, especially since Uppsala 2016. On top of the local organizers who worked exceptionally hard during this time, we would like to thank the TERMIS-EU 2017 Conference Scientific Advisory Committee who helped the local organizers with abstract reviews and speaker proposals. We would also like to thank TERMIS EU for having the confidence to let us independently run this meeting with very little monitoring, especially the chair Heinz Redl. A big thanks to the AO Research Institute Davos admin team and to Sarah Wilburn for great support in implementing all of this and for helping all our new ideas to take root.
We would also like to thank all the exhibitors and sponsors who have financially supported this meeting, which kept the costs low for the participants and to Davos Destination Organization for great support.

Thanks also to all the presenters and participants whose scientific work and discussions made this meeting the most successful TERMIS meeting to date helping the society grow in esteem for a healthy future. Finally, thanks to the AO Foundation for allowing us to host TERMIS-EU 2017.

Prof. R. Geoff Richards (Conference Chair) & Prof. Mauro Alini (Scientific Program Chair)         


Oral Presentation
