ARI Abstracts
ARI Abstracts hosting, Science for all
 ARI Abstracts ISSN 2960-2483 (Continues: eCM conferences open access online periodical, ISSN 2522-235X- finished July 2023)

8th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals
May 14-17 2016, L’Estérel resort, Laurentide, Montréal , Canada

Following the successes of the past 7 editions, we are proud to introduce the abstract book of the 8th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, which was held in L’Estérel resort, in Laurentide region, 75 km North of Montréal , from Saturday May 14 to Tuesday May 17, 2016. This year again, the onsite symposium emphasized its academic-conference-style with an openly discursive format, rather than a lecture and question–answer format. This style was completed by the traditional discussions and the unconventional daily free-time sessions early in the afternoon. Behind the presentations, this symposium aimed to discuss open questions on the session topics, new approaches, background knowledge, and personal views among the participants. Furthermore, discussions at the poster session were focused on specific topics and will encourage the participants to raise critical questions or help each other advancing the field of biodegradable metals.
The resort environment, in a wild and (not-yet-highly) touristic regions of north of Montréal completed the experience offered to the attendees. The location was especially selected for bringing the attendees in a new region to explore, know and be inspired from.
The symsposium was held few days in advance of the 10th World Biomaterials Congress (, which was held at the Palais des Congrès, downtown Montreal. While the 8th Biometal 2016 was bringing attendees in a completely different environment, it also pursued its typical style of an isolated, focus-on-networking thus providing several occasions for exchanging, discussing and sharing ideas on the exciting field of biodegradable metals,
We hope you will enjoy reading the abstracts submitted to the Sympsoium

Prof. Diego Mantovani, Prof. Mark Staiger, Prof. Yufeng Zheng, Prof. Frank Witte

Co-Chairs, 8th Biometal 2016

Presentation and Poster Abstracts