ARI Abstracts
ARI Abstracts hosting, Science for all
 ARI Abstracts ISSN 2960-2483 (Continues: eCM conferences open access online periodical, ISSN 2522-235X- finished July 2023)

eCM Meeting Abstracts 2016, Collection 1

Towards Future Regenerative Therapies
TERMIS-EU 2016 Conference, Uppsala, Sweden

Poster Abstracts

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file

Page P1: I Garzón, MA Martín-Piedra, F Campos, L Rico, V Carriel, M González-Andrades, A Campos, M Alaminos
Ex vivo crystallin expression in a bioengineered anterior lamelar cornea

Page P2: LA García-Martínez, D Durand-Herrera, I Garzón, BD Jaimes-Parra, MA Martín-Piedra, A Vela-Romera, JM García, V Carriel
Development of artificial elastic cartilage for tissue engineering applications

Page P3: S Asif, Y Teramura, K Nilsson-Ekdahl, M Huber-Lang, AR Biglarnia. B Nilsson
Reduction of thrombo-inflammation during ischemic reperfusion injury using endothelial surface modification with PEG-conjugated phospholipid in an allogeneic transplant model

Page P4: E Avolio, I Rodriguez Arabaolaza, VV Alvino, M Ghorbel, G Angelini, M Caputo, P Madeddu
A novel bioengineering application of cardiac pericytes for vascular replacement in paediatric patients with congenital heart defects

Page P5: M Bagó, DB Horváthy, M Simon, A Hinsenkamp, I Hornyák, Zs Lacza
Temperature controlled dual hypoxic chamber design for in vitro ischemia experiments

Page P6: MS Kwak, ER Balmayor, M Chhaya, DW Hutmacher, JM de Souza e Silva, D Müller, M Pramanik, HG Machens, JT Schantz
Engineering functional bioartificial lymph nodes using polycaprolactone scaffolds

Page P7: R Vaineikytė, E Balčiūnas, T Kochanė, S Budrienė, S Rekštytė, M Malinauskas, E Liutkevičius, V Bukelskienė, D Baltriukienė
Interaction of muscle-derived stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells in co-culture: tissue engineering applications

Page P8: RD Bartlett, D Choi, JB Phillips
A novel protocol to characterise the mechanical properties of spinal cord tissue and benchmark candidate biomaterials for CNS tissue-engineering

Page P9: O Berberich, A Kossmann, F Kiepe, T Böck, M Krähnke, R Meffert, S Hölscher-Doht, W Richter, T Blunk
Lateral cartilage integration in an in vitro defect model utilizing surgical adhesives

Page P10: S Lau, A Mrugalla, T Aper, A Haverich, M Wilhelmi, U Böer
Differentiation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells to contractile smooth muscle cells for fibrin-based vascular tissue engineering

Page P11: AR Cameron, C Gallagher, F O’Sullivan, R Sridharan, PJ Fox, WJ Power, CC Murphy, M Clynes, FJ O'Brien
Development of a collagen-based film for limbal stem cell transplantation

Page P12: C Camilli, L Urbani, C Crowley, R Wong, E Hannon, F Scottoni, A Urciuolo, J Luo, S Aruta, MO Baradez, K Deguchi, S Eaton, M Lowdell, G Cossu, P De Coppi
Human mesoangioblasts and fibroblasts co-culture enhances repopulation of bioengineered oesophagi

Page P13: AS Chahal, M Schweikle, J Reseland, HJ Haugen, H Tiainen
A cell-responsive biomimetic extracellular matrix material for periodontal tissue regeneration

Page P14: CI Chamorro, M Asghar, A Nordenskjöld, Å Ekblad, C Götherström, A Färnert, M Fossum
Stem cell isolation from bladder washes

Page P15: R Chandaria, M Ilyas, FRAJ Rose
In vitro engineering of colon epithelium

Page P16: CC Wang, KC Yang, IH Chen
Extensible gelatin scaffold for tissue engineered cartilage

Page P17: J Choi, S Moon, H Chung, S Kang
Histological analysis of in vitro co-culture and in vivo mice co-transplantation of stem cell-derived adipocyte and osteoblast

Page P18: M Adhikary, P Gupta, M Kumar, S Jasmine, N Bhardwaj, D Chouhan, BB Mandal
Hydroxyapatite-silk fiber-silk fibroin tri-composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

Page P19: SY Chun, TG Kwon
Kidney regeneration through host stem cell recruitment supported by a novel anti-inflammatory scaffold

Page P20: A Grayson, V Hearnden, HE Colley, R Bolt, A Jebreel, C Murdoch
Isolation and immortalisation of tonsillar keratinocytes for three-dimensional tissue engineered tonsil mucosal models

Page P21: P Colombier, J Clouet, C Chariau, C Chédeville, J Lesoeur, L Lescaudron, L David, A Camus, J Guicheux
Generation of nucleus pulposus cells from stem cells: first steps towards intervertebral disc regeneration

Page P22: P Contessotto, R Spelat, G Marsico, L Joshi, P Dockery, M Kilcoyne, A Pandit
Comparing the myocardial glycoprofile across non-regenerative and regenerative models: an inner look at the extracellular environment

Page P23: SE Critchley, AO Reilly, G Cunniffe, PD Payno, A McAlinden, H Almeida, DJ Kelly
Regeneration of osteochondral defects by spatial modulation of endochondral ossification within engineered cartilage grafts

Page P24: AM Crovace, C Esposito, A Guarracino, F Staffieri, L Lacitignola, E Francioso, A Di Meo, A Crovace
Autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in the treatment of type I ununited anconeal process in dogs

Page P25: P de Graaf, SR Ottenhof, TFW Soeterik, LMFH Neeter, M Zilverschoon, M Spinder, JLH Ruud Bosch, RLAW Bleys, LMO de Kort
Architecture of the corpus spongiosum urethra

Page P26: PKJD de Jonge, M Sloff, HP Janke, PJ Geutjes, E Oosterwijk, WFJ Feitz
Ureteral reconstruction in goats using collagen-vicryl templates after subcutaneous pre-implantation

Page P27: E Della Bella, M Maglio, A Parrilli, M Fini
An alternative tissue culture model for the evaluation of biomaterials

Page P28: YR Devaud, PS Lienemann, W Weber, MP Lutolf, V Milleret, M Ehrbara
Studying tissue healing by mimicking recruitment in hybrid PEG hydrogels

Page P29: A Díez-Escudero, M Espanol, X Lu, C Persson, MP Ginebra
Osteoinductive potential of heparinised calcium phosphates and their inflammatory response

Page P30: S Rohringer, W Holnthoner, S Chaudary, P Slezak, E Oberbauer, M Strassl, H Redl, P Dungel
Effects of low level light therapy on endothelial cells and vasculogenesis

Page P31: J Edin, N Scalet, M Griffith
Conductive polymer coatings in 3d, effect of alignment, conductivity and electrostimulation

Page P32: Å Ekblad, M Westgren, S Zeiai, M Fossum, C Götherström
Fetal subcutaneous-derived cells for autologous tissue engineering in congenital malformations

Page P33: AA Janeczek, E Scarpa, D Jenner, CA Rowland, RS Tare, ROC Oreffo, TA Newman, ND Evans
PEGylated Wnt-associated liposomes for cell delivery in bone marrow

Page P34: S Fahmy-Garcia, M van Driel, GJVM van Osch, JPTM van Leeuwen, E Farrell
BMP2 and follistatin stimulate skeletal progenitor cell migration and their differentiation into mature osteoblasts

Page P35: A Acaiturri, V Llopis-Hernandez, K Naudi, A Ayoub, MJ Dalby, M Salmeron-Sanchez
Functionalization of PEEK to maximize the effect of BMPs

Page P36: JJ Bara, I Dresing, S Zeiter, M Anton, G Daculsi, D Eglin, D Nehrbass, DC Betts, R Müller, VA Stadelmann, M Alini, MJ Stoddart
Doxycycline inducible, adenoviral BMP-2 delivery for large bone defect repair

Page P37: S Brkic, E Bovo, P Gruber, M Markovic, D Orbanic, T Flora, M Asthana, R Gianni-Barrera, A Pandit, JC Rodriguez-Cabello, R Liska, A Ovsianikov, A Banfi
Photo-grafting of VEGF protein gradients into elastin-like polymer hydrogels for improved vascularization

Page P38: S Fahmy-Garcia, MA Rodrigues, M van Driel, JPTM van Leeuwen, H Walles, GJVM van Osch, E Farrell
Nell1, CCN2 and HMGB1 enhance osteoprogenitors migration and endothelial cell angiogenic activity, but not osteogenesis in vitro

Page P39: AR Fernandes, DM Chari
DNA minicircle vector technology limits DNA size restrictions on gene transfer using nanoparticle vectors: overcoming a translational barrier in neural stem cell therapy

Page P40: E Gaudiello, L Melly, G Cerino, I Martin, F Eckstein, A Banfi, A Marsano
Modulating blood vessel morphology by combining cell-based gene therapy and tissue engineering approach

Page P41: R Grant, A Callanan
The synthetic production of cellular derived extracellular matrix for liver tissue engineering applications

Page P42: D Haralampieva, S Salemi, I Dinulovic, T Sulser, SM Ametamey, C Handschin, D Eberli
Human muscle precursor cells overexpressing PGC-1α support early myofiber formation for bioengineering of slow twitch sphincter muscle

Page P43: V Jeyakumar, E Niculescu-Morzsa, C Bauer, D Kern, Z Lacza, S Nehrer
Chondrogenic differentiation potential of osteoarthritic chondrocytes under human serum from platelet-rich fibrin (SPRF) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) 

Page P44: SM Jonsdottir-Buch, K Gunnarsdottir, L Jasonardottir, S Kristjansdottir, OE Sigurjonsson
Pathogen inactivated platelet lysates boost osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of MSC and mesenchymal progenitor cells

Page P45: WS Kim, JH Park, KN Park, SY Jung, JM Kim, WS Jang, YW Koh, HK Baik
Exogenous electric field using aluminium-silver galvanic patch for split-thickness skin wound dressing in a porcine model

Page P46: P Larsson, CI Chamorro, M Fossum
Bladder wound healing after mechanical injury

Page P47: M Morano, F Fregnan, O Ziv-Polat, A Shahar, S Rochkind, S Geuna
Neurotrophic factors conjugated to iron oxide nanoparticles to promote peripheral nerve regeneration

Page P48: HY Kim, JH Lee, JW Yun, JH Park, JH Byun, SH Oh
Porous beads to provide regulated BMP-2 stimulation for varying durations: in vitro and in vivo studies for new bone formation

Page P49: YJ Jang, JH Lee, TB Seo, JH Byun, SH Oh
Ion-complexed lidocaine as a potential strategy for prolonged local anesthesia

Page P50: DR Pereira, C Tapeinos, JM Oliveira, RL Reis, A Pandit
Functionalised collagen-MnO2 fibres inhibit oxidative-induced apoptosis in degenerated IVD

Page P51: Y Renz, E Seebach, E Hesse, B Lotz, T Blunk, O Berberich, W Richter
GDF-5 augmented fibrin glue to improve osteochondral integration of tissue engineering constructs in cartilage defects

Page P52: S Salemi, C Millan, T Sulser, M Zenobi, D Eberli
The role of autophagy during chondrodifferentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells

Page P53: S Schneider, S Font Tellado, M van Griensven, ER Balmayor
Impact of growth factors combination and timing on early, middle and late chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells

Page P54: K Schwabe, A Ewe, C Kohn, A Aigner, MC Hacker; M Schulz-Siegmund
Controlled delivery of siRNA nanocomplexes from cross-linked gelatin hydrogel matrices

Page P55: D Traxler, C Keibl, D Lidinsky, J Hartinger, S Nuernberger, H Redl, HJ Ankersmit, P Slezak
Improved wound healing by topical application of APOSEC in a diabetic mouse model

Page P56: A Stepanova, V Chernonosova, R Kvon, P Laktionov
Gelatin and heparin exposure on the surface of electrospun PCL fibers

Page P57: B Tabisz, T Lühmann, TD Müller, J Nickel
Site-specific immobilization of BMP-2 modified with an unnatural amino acid as a tool for improved regeneration of bone defects

Page P58: S Vanhatupa, L Hyväri, M Juntunen, M Ojansivu, S Miettinen
The role of molecular mechanisms of the cell attachment and actin tension in human adipose stem cell differentiation

Page P59: S Acosta-Rodríguez, M Alonso, JC Rodríguez-Cabello
New insight into the structure-property relationship of physically cross-linked elastin-like hydrogels

Page P60: I Ajaxon, C Öhman Mägi, C Persson
Long-term degradation of brushite cements in three different liquids

Page P61: AS Alagoz, JC Rodriguez-Cabello, N Hasirci, V Hasirci
PHA-PLA blend wet spun scaffolds coated with ELP-REDV for bone tissue engineering

Page P62: L Rodriguez-Arco, F Campos, IA Rodriguez, AB Bonhome-Espinosa, P Kuzhir, JDG Duran, MT Lopez-Lopez, V Carriel
Biocompatibility of magnetic core-shell nanocomposites for tissue engineering applications

Page P63: BD Jaimes-Parra, I Garzón, R Fernández-Valadés, F Campos, MC Sánchez-Quevedo, V Carriel, M Alaminos, A Campos
Generation of bioactive SMARTiScaffolds by wharton’s jelly cell self-assembly

Page P64: M AlQaysi, R Shah, JC Knowles
Strontium and zinc based phosphate glass beads as osteogenic tissue engineering material

Page P65: JK Atkinson, PV Hatton, P Gentile, CA Miller
Bioactive peptides may be covalently coupled to functionalised hydroxyapatite

Page P66: A Bakopoulou, A Georgopoulou, M Chatzinikolaidou
Tuning mechanical features of chitosan-gelatin scaffolds to enhance differential biological responses of dental pulp stem cells

Page P67: L Morejón, JA Delgado, PSP Poh, A Antunes, M Varella, A Alfonso, I Duran, E Mendizábal, M van Griensven, ER Balmayor
Development, characterization and biological properties of nano-hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone engineering

Page P68: AA Barros, S Browne, C Oliveira, RL Reis, E Lima, ARC Duarte, KE Healy
Biodegradable ureteral stents for the treatment of urothelial tumors of the upper urinary tract cancer

Page P69: SN Beal, PV Hatton, M Santocildes-Romero, T Paterson, M Placzek, D Furley, A Sidambe, I Ortega
The fabrication of synthetic three dimensional niche environments designed to modify in vitro stem cell behavior

Page P70: A Berdichevski, RA Brooks, AE Markaki
Collagen scaffolds with tailored pore geometry for building 3-dimensional vascular networks

Page P71: D Bermejo, N Güvener, S Cremers, P Borm, J Hilborn, D Ossipov
Development of hyaluronic acid hydrogels with possibility of non-invasive monitoring of their degradation by MRI

Page P72: P Bhattacharjee, TK Maiti, D Bhattacharya, SC Kundu
Non-mulberry silk fibroin grafted poly (Є-caprolactone)/nano hydroxyapatite nanofibrous scaffold for osteoconduction and osseointegration

Page P73: T Bobula, R Buffa, H Vágnerová, R Šuláková, O Židek, V Velebný
One-pot synthesis of α,β-unsaturated polyaldehyde of chondroitin sulfate

Page P74: N Jeinsen, M Klingenberg, L Mägel, D Jonigk, A Haverich, M Wilhelmi, U Böer
Intensified decellularization confers a higher biocompatibility of equine carotid arteries after subcutaneous implantation in rat

Page P75: GSA Boersema, L Utomo, Y Bayon, N Kops, E van der Harst, JF Lange, YM Bastiaansen-Jenniskens
Monocyte subset in blood can predict obesity related response of macrophages to biomaterials in vitro

Page P76: M Bottagisio, AF Pellegata, F Boschetti, M Moretti, AB Lovati
Tissue engineering approaches to optimize the decellularization of equine tendons as biological grafts for the replacement of damaged tissues

Page P77: SA Braim, KM Shakesheff, BR Saunders, C Alexander
Thermoresponsive magnetic colloidal gels via surface-initiated polymerisation from functional microparticles

Page P78: E Brauer, I Fischer, H Stachelscheid, GN Duda, A Petersen
The transitory extracellular matrix as a template for biomaterial-based tissue regeneration

Page P79: TP Burton, A Callanan
The implications of electrospun scaffold morphology in kidney tissue engineering

Page P80: S Caddeo, A Crawford, P Gentile, F Baino, C Vitale-Brovarone, G Ciardelli, PV Hatton
In vitro modelling of young and aged bone through polymeric coated glass-ceramic scaffolds

Page P81: M Carrabba, C De Maria, G Vozzi, B Drinkwater, P Madeddu
Novel ultrasound-based seeding method for adventitial progenitor cells onto composite scaffolds

Page P82: M Carvalho, A Poundarik, JMS Cabral, CL da Silva, D Vashishth
Biomimetic collagen type I gels for enhanced stem cell mediated osteogenesis

Page P83: APG Castro, M Brunelli, A Campos Marin, D Lacroix
Numerical simulation of PCL-Collagen tissue engineering constructs

Page P84: M Cavo, M Fato, A Marrella, F Beltrame, S Scaglione
Mechanically-tuned alginate gels as new 3D breast cancer models

Page P85: N Celikkin, K Szlązak, J Jaroszewicz, W Święszkowski
Golden hydrogel - hydrogels visible for µCT imaging in tissue engineering

Page P86: A Georgopoulou, M Chatzinikolaidou, M Pantazopoulos, A Tsouknidas, D Papadopoulos, N Michailidis
3D printed biodegradable polycaprolactone scaffolds with antibacterial effect for bone tissue repair

Page P87: S Chen, G Mestres, WH Lan, W Xia, H Engqvist
In vitro cytotoxicity of dental cements on odontoblast cells

Page P88: V Chernonosova, A Stepanova, Y Larichev, R Kvon, A Karpenko, P Laktionov
HSA release from and exposure at the surface electrospun PCL fibers

Page P89: V Chiono, I Carmagnola, R Ortiz, I Quintana, S Pacharra, J Salber, S McMahon, C Lovell, P Basnett, B Lukasiewicz, R Nigmatullin, I Roy, G Ciardelli
Biomimetic functionalisation to enhance endothelialisation of bioabsorbable stents

Page P90: J Chmelar, A Kotzianova, M Hermannova, R Sulakova, D Smejkalova, J Mrazek, V Velebny
Characterization of hyaluronan acyl derivatives by raman spectroscopy

Page P91: H Hussein, M Leino, B Robb, J Thilo, M Huang, M Stich, E Lindmark, C Åstrand, Y Zhang, R McKean, P Stobbe, C Krause, A Shokri, V Chotteau
A novel bioreactor for the perfusion of electrospun fibre scaffold supporting 3D engineered tissue production – Application of human skeletal satellite muscle cells and human embryonic stem cells differentiated towards neural cells

Page P92: SY Chun, JY Kim, TG Kwon
Interleukin-10 knockout mouse: In vivo validation model for a novel anti-inflammatory scaffold

Page P93: ES Comeau, DC Hocking, D Dalecki
Ultrasound fields non-invasively pattern microparticles in situ

Page P94: MN Rodrigues, MB Oliveira, RR Costa, JF Mano
Compact membranes of chitosan/hyaluronic acid polyelectrolyte complexes for cartilage repair

Page P95: C Crowley, L Urbani, M De Santis, V Gaillet, F Onofri, L Meran, Sang Eun Lee, S Campinoti, P Bonfanti, A Burns, V Li, M Birchall, S Eaton, P De Coppi
Development of an extracellular matrix hydrogel as a valuable and versatile tool in intestinal tissue engineering

Page P96: SM Dozio, S Panseri, M Montesi, E Campodoni, M Sandri, A Tampieri
3D cell cultures in porous scaffolds with oriented microtubules designed for dental regeneration

Page P97: G Duruksu
The effect of the trehalose on the cell properties of the dental pulp derived mesenchymal stem cells

Page P98: M Echeverry-Rendon, V Duque, SM Robledo, F Echeverria, MC Harmsen
Modification of c.p Mg pure by MAO technique for biomedical applications

Page P99: O Evrova, J Houska, M Welti, E Bonavoglia, M Calcagni, P Giovanoli, V Vogel, J Buschmann
Bioactive, elastic and biodegradable double – layered emulsion electrospun DegraPol tube delivering PDGF-BB for tendon rupture repair

Page P100: CF Buchanan, M Pisano, E Vokali, MA Swartz
In vitro model of the tumor draining lymph node to study immune escape

Page P101: P Das, JF Lahitte, JC Remigy, BG Susini, S Desclaux, C Coetsier, LD Bartolo, P Bacchin
Artificial membranes tuning for lymphatic wall repair

Page P102: D Delcassian, O Qatachi, K Shakesheff
Biodegradable controlled release microparticles as artificial antigen presenting cells (aAPC) for control of T cell behaviour

Page P103: G Gacar, Y Yazir, T Utkan, N. Bekiroglu, N Gacar
Resveratrol alleviates plasma cytokine production in chronic psychological stress: relationship with cardivascular disease

Page P104: JE Kim, YJ Woo, KH Jeong, H Kang
Various wavelengths of light-emitting diode light regulate the proliferation of human outer root sheath cells via wnt/β-catenin and the ERK pathways

Page P105: JE Kim1, YS Kim1, KH Jeong1, UC Yeo1, BJ Kim2, H Kang
Repeated microneedle stimulation induces enhanced hair growth through the wnt/β-catenin pathway in a murine model

Page P106: L Hadley, HE Colley, C Murdoch
Development of an immunocompetent tissue engineered mucosal model to study oral disease

Page P107: S Pujari-Palmer, S Chen, W Xia1, S Rubino, H Weng, L Tang, H Engqvist, M Karlsson Ott
The effects of hydroxyapatite nanoparticle shape on the acute inflammatory response (in vitro and in vivo)

Page P108: C Dollinger, J Barthes, H Knopf-Marques, NE Vrana
Cell response to gelatin based hydrogels in the presence of encapsulated macrophages: An in vitro model of incoming cell/implanted cell interactions

Page P109: TB Wissing, AIPM Smits, CVC Bouten
Biomechanical cues in in situ cardiovascular tissue engineering – the role of shear stress

Page P110: P Aprile, BN Sathy, SF Carroll, DJ Kelly
Three-dimensional interpenetrating networks to modulate the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells

Page P111: MA Asnaghi, R Duhr, H Quasnichka, W Kafienah, I Martin, D Wendt
Chondrogenic differentiation and collagen synthesis of human chondrocytes in the absence of ascorbic acid

Page P112: M Brunelli, CM Perrault, D Lacroix
Tissue formation by hMSCs undergoing dynamic compression in a hybrid scaffold

Page P113: TP Burton, A Callanan
A dual environment 3D printed bioreactor for kidney tissue engineering

Page P114: RF Canadas, AP Marques, JM Oliveira, RL Reis
Rotational dual-chamber bioreactor to generate 3D tissue interfaces

Page P115: SF Carroll, BN Sathy, CT Buckley, DJ Kelly
Mechanical cues and cell shape regulate the myogenic versus chondrogenic fate decision of MSCs

Page P116: SF Carroll, BN Sathy, CT Buckley, DJ Kelly
Cyclic tensile strain enhances both intramembranous and endochondral ossification of MSCs encapsulated within fibrin hydrogels

Page P117: AC Daly, BN Sathy, DJ Kelly
Dynamic bioreactor culture in hypoxic conditions facilitates the development of large cartilage tissues using mesenchymal stem cells

Page P118: F König, C Hagl, E Wintermantel, N Thierfelder
Modyflow – an open-source bioreactor and testing device

Page P119: L Kyllönen, H Halonen, E Koivuniemi, K Vuornos, J Hyttinen, S Miettinen
Translation of vibration loading system from 2D into 3D setting for osteoinduction of human adipose stem cells

Page P120: G Rasskazov, A Stepanova, V Chernonosova, A Gilbert, P Laktionov
Bioreactor for small diameter vascular grafts

Page P121: J Oliver-De La Cruz, G Nardone, K Kováčová, G Forte
Quantitative analysis of cell-matrix interaction

Page P122: PSP Poh, M Unger, C Seelinger, ER Balmayor, M van Griensven
Low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields as treatment for bone healing

Page P123: M Rubert, JR Vetsch, I Lehtoviita, M Sommer, AR Studart, R Müller, S Hofmann
On the role of scaffold pore geometry in stem cell mechanotransduction

Page P124: MA Asnaghi, N Sarraf, B Rieder, S Jalili-Firoozinezhad, C Krause, I Martin, D Wendt
Effect of pH on nasal chondrocyte proliferation & re-differentiation

Page P125: JC Silva, CS Moura, T Viana, JMS Cabral, FC Ferreira
Poly (ε-caprolactone) scaffolds combined with extruded perfusion bioreactor prototypes as an integrated platform for articular cartilage tissue engineering

Page P126: N Thierfelder, M Emrani, C Hagl, F König
Automated perfusion-decellularization – Raising quality, reproducibility and safety in development of tissue engineered vascular grafts

Page P127: I Garzón, MA Martín-Piedra, V Carriel, F Campos, L Rico, S Medialdea, A Campos, M Alaminos
Corneal endothelium differentiation capability of human MSC

Page P128: V Carriel, F Campos, MA Martín-Piedra, BD Jaimes-Parra, JA Sáez, M Alaminos, M Cornelissen, A Campos
Ex vivo and in vivo evaluation of nanostructured bio-artificial nerve guide

Page P129: Y Reinwald, A Cheng, N Foster, S Kimber, A El Haj
Can the application of hydrostatic pressure to 3D ESC-models enhance the maturation of engineered cartilage tissue?

Page P130: D Ge, YY Zhang
The optimization of serum-free medium for co-culture NSCs and ECs in a three-dimensional microfluidic device

Page P131: L Gibot, F Pillet, M Madi, MP Rols, E Dague
A tissue-engineered dermal model rich in endogenous collagens recapitulates human native dermal tissue biomechanics better than classical monolayer or spheroid models

Page P132: I González de Torre, R Moreira, M Alonso, S Jockenhoevel, J Carlos Rodríguez-Cabello, P Mela
Development of a tissue-engineered elastin-based heart valve prosthesis

Page P133: R Grant, D Hay, A Callanan
Manipulating the extracellular matrix for liver tissue engineering

Page P134: O Gsib, M Goczkowski, M Deneufchatel, P Vigneron, O Fichet, V Larreta-garde, C Egles, JL Duval
Biocompatibility assessment of new fibrin-based interpenetrating polymer networks for human skin regenerative medicine

Page P135: JM Sadowska, J Guillem-Marti, MP Ginebra
Effect of physicochemical features of biomimetic hydroxyapatite on endothelial cell behavior

Page P136: S Heraud, A Delalleau, A Houcine, B Guiraud, D Bacqueville, B Payre, MB Delisle, S Bessou-touya, O Damour
Development and characterization of a scaffold-free skin equivalents

Page P137: M Haagdorens, E Melsbach, MM Islam, R Valiokas, V Cepla, G Garbenčiūtė, M Kozak Ljunggen, MJ Tassigon, M Griffith, N Zakaria
Regenerating the anterior cornea using recombinant human collagen nanoscaffolds and corneal epithelial stem cells

Page P138: B Halgand, J Clouet, A Smith, P Colombier, J Lesoeur, P Weiss, O Hamel, O Gauthier, J Guicheux, M Fusellier
Regenerative medicine of nucleus pulposus niche through biomaterial-assisted transplantation of adipose stromal cell-derived nucleopulpocytes: preliminary experiments in sheep

Page P139: A Haumer, T Ismail, R Osinga, L Tchang, A Todorov Jr, N Allafi, N Menzi, RD Largo, A Kaempfen, I Martin, DJ Schaefer, A Scherberich
Engineering of axially vascularized bone grafts towards the treatment of avascular bone necrosis

Page P140: M Herrmann, Z Wang, M Alini, L Barbe, S Verrier
The endothelial barrier on-chip

Page P141: DC Hocking, CH Raeman, D Dalecki
Therapeutic effects of ultrasound on dermal wound healing in diabetic mice

Page P142: JY Ko, GI Im
Enhanced human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenic differentiation in concave microwells with PDMS

Page P143: JR Jangamreddy, A Liszka, M Gerasimov, M Griffith
Exracellular vesicles of the corneal epithelium: A functional regenerative response to corneal implants

Page P144: AM Kajbafzadeh, R Khorramirouz, A Masoumi, S Keihani, S Maryam Kameli
Decellularized human fetal intestine as a bioscaffold for bladder augmentation in rabbit model

Page P145: AM Kajbafzadeh, R Khorramirouz, M Kameli, S Eftekharzadeh
Application of omentum as a in vivo bioreactor for regeneration of decellularized human internal mammary artery

Page P146: AM Kajbafzadeh, SH Ahmadi Tafti, R Khorramirouz, M Kameli, S Sabetkish, S Rabbani, MJ Mohseni
Evaluating the role of autologous mesenchymal stem cell seeded on decellularized pericardium in the treatment of myocardial infarction: an animal study

Page P147: J Hashemi, P Pasalar, M Soleimani, R Khorramirouz, AM Kajbafzadeh
A novel technique for perfusion based decellularization of pancreas: arterial versus pancreatic duct cannulation

Page P148: JM Kanczler, D Gothard, EL Smith, LJ White, O Qutachi, KM Shakesheff, ROC Oreffo
The ability of a bone morphogenic protein-2 releasing hydrogel to rapidly regenerate a bone defect cultured within a vascularised chorioallantoic membrane

Page P149: S Khakpour, A Di Renzo, L Giorno, L De Bartolo
Transport phenomena in perfused 3D bioartificial liver systems

Page P150: C Kiernan, M Peeters, A Kleinjan, E Wolvius, P Brama, E Farrell
Chondrogenically differentiated human mesenchymal stem cells induce dendritic cell maturation in vitro

Page P151: CA Knuth, GG Edel, J Witte-Bouma, E Wolvius, E Farrell
Investigating the importance of collagen type X in endochondral ossification

Page P152: O Kossover, R Lev, Y Lati, O Guardiola, G Minchiotti, D Seliktar
Large scale production of recombinant Cripto protein for the treatment of degenerative muscle diseases

Page P153: Š Kubinová, K Zavišková, O Lunov, O Churpita, V Zablotskii, A Dejneka, E Syková
Bactericidal effect of non-thermal atmospheric plasma and its use in wound healing

Page P154: O Kuten, D Kern, S Nehrer, Z Lacza
Serum from platelet rich fibrin enhance proliferative potential of human mesenchymal stem cells

Page P155: S Landau, D Rosenfeld, S Levenberg
Forces and regulation of vascular network

Page P156: S Lau, C Figueiredo, C Schrimpf, M Pflaum, B Wiegmann, A Haverich, M Wilhelmi, U Böer
Silencing HLA class-I expression in allogeneic endothelial cells maintains morphological und functional properties necessary for vascular tissue engineering

Page P157: U Pereira, V Pandolfi, L Richert, M Dufresne, MJ Fleury, C Legallais
Potential of spheroids made of cryopreserved primary human hepatocytes for bioartificial liver

Page P158: HS Shin, YM Kook, WG Koh, JY Lim
Promotion of robust and functional spheroid organization of human salivary gland epithelial cells cultured on hydrogel-micropatterned nanofibrous microwells

Page P159: X Lu, VP Singh, L Engman, MK Ott
Incorporation of selenium-based antioxidants into a calcium phosphate cement

Page P160: S Ahmed, DJ Buttle, S Rehman, E Draper, A Crawford
Repairing injured articular cartilage: investigation of potential repair mechanisms using mesenchymal stem cells

Page P161: S Aldemir, E Akbay, MA Onur
Rat subcutaneous and perigonadal adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cell spheroids: investigation of differentiation and co-culturing potentials

Page P162: A Bakopoulou, D Andreadis, D Apatzidou, E Gousopoulou, G Leyhausen, J Volk, A Konstantinidis, P Koidis, W Geurtsen
Evaluation of “stemness” properties of different types of oral stem cells expanded under serum/xeno-free GMP-compliant culturing conditions

Page P163: E Bauman, RM Gonçalves, CC Barrias
A novel human plasma-derived medium supplement for xeno-free culture of microvascular endothelial cells

Page P164: N Bekiroglu, G Gacar, G Duruksu, Y Yazir, E Karaoz
Short term response of mesenchymal stem cells against chondrocyte apoptosis

Page P165: M Bozkurt, F Ceran
Management of facial hypertrophic scars by using fractional CO2 laser, adipose-derived stem cells, regenerative epithelial suspension and lipoinjection combination

Page P166: F Ceran, M Bozkurt, G Filinte
The efficiency of the bone marrow aspirate concentrate on healing of the corneal injuries due to acid burns

Page P167: TAL Brevini, G Pennarossa, F Gandolfi
Use of soft substrates to promote and maintain high plasticity in epigenetically erased fibroblasts

Page P168: S Budelli, T Montemurro, M Viganò, E Montelatici, C Lavazza, M Canesi, P Lehenkari, L. Lazzari, G Pezzoli, R Giordano
Autologous mesenchymal stem cell for neurological disorders: what happens during in vitro expansion?

Page P169: LB Buravkova, IV Andrianova, EV Sotnezova, MV Lobanova, ER Andreeva
Enchancement of cord blood primitive hematopoietic progenitors: impact of stromal support and hypoxia

Page P170: A Canciello, O Parolini, B Barboni
Progesterone prevents epithelial-mesenchymal transition of ovine amniotic epithelial cells and enhances their immunomodulatory properties

Page P171: SH Cha, JS Byeon, J Lee, IS Cho
Immunomodulatory properties of equine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells

Page P172: IS Cho, JS Byeon, J Lee, SH Cha
Stem cell therapy for healing racehorse’s bone chip fractures

Page P173: SCN Chang, LB Jeng, HY Chung, TM Lin,PL Tseng
Engineered mesenchymal stem cell therapy in tumor ablation

Page P174: NC Cheng
The influence of cell sheet formation of human adipose-derived stem cells on stemness and differentiation capabilities

Page P175: M Cimino, E Bauman, RM Gonçalves, CC Barrias, MCL Martins
Xeno-free strategy for expansion of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells for regenerative therapies

Page P176: MHG Costa, JMS Cabral, TC McDevitt, CL Silva, FC Ferreira
Impact of an alginate encapsulation system on the angiogenic and wound healing potential of hBM MSC cultured as spheroids or single cells

Page P177: EK Hendow, SD Aguayo, L Bozec, RM Day
A novel biomaterial-based approach for therapeutic angiogenesis

Page P178: E Della Bella, S Pagani, G Giavaresi, I Capelli, G Comai, C Donadei, G La Manna, M Fini
Impaired osteogenic differentiation and upregulation of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand in bone marrow stromal cells grown in uremic microenvironment

Page P179: G Desando, I Bartolotti, C Cavallo, A Schiavinato, C Secchieri, G Filardo, E Kon, B Grigolo
Cell engraftment mediated by hyalgan to cartilage: implications for tissue repair

Page P180: S Diederichs, J Autenrieth, W Richter
Opposite early SOX9 response of human iPS cells compared to MSCs during in vitro chondrogenesis

Page P181: D Alexander, E Brauchle, DA Carvajal Berrio, M Rieger, K Schenke-Layland, S Reinert
Assessment of jaw periosteal cell mineralization by Raman microspectroscopy

Page P182: AC Sendoğan, Y Ekici, T Tezcaner, AC Uysal, BH Ozdemir, G Moray
The effects of adipose derived stromal vascular fraction and platelet rich fibrin on experimental colonic anastomosis

Page P183: T Tezcaner, Y Ekici, M Kırnap, AC Uysal, G Ozgun, G Moray
Effects of adipose derived stem cell and platelet rich fibrin in postsurgical adhesion prevention in a rat model

Page P184: C Escobedo-Lucea, A Sanz-García, V Cerullo, D Burks, M Yliperttula
Human adipose stem cells cultured in a novel nanofibrillar cellulose membrane bandage, enable remodelling of wounded areas

Page P185: D Gaspar, A Pandit, D Zeugolis
Tenogenic phenotype maintenance and differentiation using macromolecular crowding and mechanical loading

Page P186: AI Gonçalves, PM Gershovich, MT Rodrigues, RL Reis, ME Gomes
Tenomodulin subpopulation of human adipose stem cells as a promising source of tendon progenitor cells

Page P187: M Hajkova, B Hermankova, E Javorkova, A Zajicova, P Trosan, V Holan, M Krulova
Mesenchymal stem cells in combination with Cyclosporine A for the modulation of immune response

Page P188: D Henrich, C Seebach, J Frank, I Marzi
Application of bone marrow derived mononuclear cells (BMC) for bone tissue engineering – bench to bedside experience

Page P189: JY Ko, GI Im
Maintaining of induced pluripotent stem cells through culture on nanopattern polydimethylsiloxane membrane

Page P190: M Lehmann, J Scholka, G Wittenburg, C Petto, P Geppert, A Muschter, U Anderer
An easily accessible adult stem cell pool may be suitable for tissue engineering-based regeneration of articular cartilage defects

Page P191: F Campos, G Scionti, MA Martín-Piedra, BD Jaimes-Parra, I Garzón, PV Crespo, M Alaminos, A Campos

Page P192: P Bhattacharjee, TK Maiti, D Bhattacharya, SC Kundu
Non-mulberry silk fibroin grafted poly(Є-caprolactone)/nano hydroxyapatite nanofibrous scaffold for osteoconduction and osseointegration

Page P193: M Kaliva, A Georgopoulou, M Chatzinikolaidou, M Vamvakaki
Biodegradable 3D scaffolds based on chitosan-g-polylactide copolymers for bone tissue engineering

Page P194: SM Dozio, E Boanini, S Panseri, F Arroyo, M Montesi, K Rubini, A Tampieri, C Covarrubias, A Bigi
Alendronate functionalized mesoporous bioactive glass nanospheres

Page P195: S Fahmy-Garcia, D Mumcuoglu, L de Miguel, BCJ van der Eerden, D Eglin, SGJM Kluijtman, GJVM van Osch, E Farrell
Injectable synthetic collagen beads hydrogel loaded with BMP2 promotes ectopic bone formation

Page P196: J Field, A Glen, J Haycock, F Boissonade, F Claeyssens
Conduits for peripheral nerve repair fabricated using microstereolithography and electrospinning

Page P197: T Flora, I Gonzalez de Torre, M Alonso, JC Rodriguez Cabello
Selective cell adhesiveness on model surfaces grafted with elastin-like recombinamers

Page P198: S Font Tellado, P Poh, JA Delgado, S Martinez, M van Griensven, ER Balmayor
Fabrication, characterization and osteogenic properties of 3D printed PCL and PCL-Bioactive glass composites

Page P199: BE Fornasari, S Gnavi, C Tonda-Turo, M Zanetti, G Ciardelli, S Geuna
In vitro evaluation of gelatin and chitosan electrospun nanofibers as artificial guide in peripheral nerve repair

Page P200: L Fu, W Xia, H Engqvist, T Mellgren, M Moge
Synthesis of high purity α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate via the hydrothermal method

Page P201: C Furne, G Clermont, MEH Begnier, A Letessier, C Correia, RA Sousa, RL Reis
Functionalized collagen conduit implantation in a paraplegic rat model

Page P202: S Gallinetti, C Öhman Mägi
Characterization of multiphasic calcium phosphate cements with improved degradation rate

Page P203: J Gansau, CT Buckley
Effect of fibrin concentration on matrix deposition capacity of articular chondrocytes for nucleus pulposus regeneration

Page P204: M Ghani, WC Mak, KY Cheung, M Montazer, B Rezaei, M Griffith
Cross-linked superfine electrospun tragacanth-based biomaterial as scaffolds for tissue engineering

Page P205: T Gonzalez-Fernandez, BN Sathy, HO McCarthy, NJ Dunne, F O’Brien, DJ Kelly
Alginate hydrogels incorporating cell penetrating peptide-mediated gene delivery for cartilage tissue engineering

Page P206: C González-García, M Cantini, J Ballester-Beltran, G Altankov, M Salmerón-Sánchez
The strength of the protein-material interaction determines cell fate

Page P207: Z Gorecka, E Choinska, K Szlazak, W Swieszkowski
Increase of radiopacity of PCL scaffolds for their in vivo monitoring using x-rays imaging

Page P208: M Gorguc, G Duruksu
The role of charged synthetic homo-polymer coated surfaces on rat bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells; interaction of the cells with the charged surfaces

Page P209: D Gupta, KMZ Hossain, I Ahmed, DM Grant, V Sottile
Biological evaluation of degradable phosphate-based glass microspheres for stem cell therapy

Page P210: SN Kang, YK Joung, YH Kim, DK Han
Capture of outgrowth endothelial cells by anti-CD146 antibody immobilization on silicone nanofilament-coated stent

Page P211: E Lih, YA Kim, SY Chun, YK Joung, TG Kwon, WG Koh, DK Han
Potential therapeutic applications of functional PLGA/ECM/Mg(OH)2 scaffolds for kidney tissue regeneration

Page P212: RH Harrison, R Chapman, JAM Steele, AJ Gormley, LW Chow, SP Hettiaratchy, IE Dunlop, MM Stevens
A biomaterial approach for maintaining glide at tendon tissue interfaces

Page P213: Y Hiraguchi, K Kushiro, M Takai
Investigation of cell adhesion mechanism by the distribution of adsorbed proteins on nano-scale phase-separated structures

Page P214: R Holmes, G Tronci, XB Yang, D Wood
Green light initiated collagen hydrogels as cell-hydrogel constructs in regenerative medicine

Page P215: K Hölzl, L Atanasova, M Markovic, P Gruber, J Van Hoorick, S Van Vlierberghe, P Dubruel, R Liska, A Ovsianikov
Photosensitive gelatine-methacrylamide as engineered extracellular matrix for three-dimensional cell culture

Page P216: A Hoppensack, M Uckert, S Heinen, M Weinhart
Influence of cell culture and detachment conditions on cell sheet release from thermoresponsive surfaces

Page P217: JH Im, MG Yeo, JY Lee, YW Koo, W Kim, MJ Yeo, GH Kim
The effect of fish collagen and fabrication of scaffold for hard tissue regeneration

Page P218: Z Izadifar, T Chang, XB Chen, BF Eames
Non-cartilage decellularized matrix in 3D-bioprinted hybrid constructs for cartilage tissue engineering

Page P219: JY Lee, YB Kim, YW Koo, WJ Kim, M Yeo, JH Im, DH Kweon, GH Kim
Fabrication of mechanically improved PCL/M13-bacteriophage-conjugated alginate scaffold for hard tissue engineering

Page P220: HP Janke, PKJD de Jonge, RMLM Lomme, J Bohlin, H van Goor, J Hilborn, WFJ Feitz, E Oosterwijk
A novel biohybrid which mimics the (bio)mechanical behaviour of tubular organs

Page P221: T Kamperman, S Henke, M Neubauer, A Fery, J Leijten, M Karperien
Engineering 3D single stem cell microniches with dynamically tunable stiffness

Page P222: EA Demirci, O Karaman
Osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells on nanofiber based microtubular scaffolds

Page P223: IN Simões, D Keller, P Vale, JMS Cabral, CL Da Silva, T Sulser, PM Baptista, D Eberli
Impact of solubilized muscle-specific urethral extracellular matrix on skeletal muscle differentiation for sphincter reconstruction

Page P224: K Khurana, JG Marti, C Canal, MP Ginebra
Enhanced mineralization and vascularization in pitavastatin loaded calcium phosphate scaffolds

Page P225: WJ Kim, H Lee, YB Kim, JY Lee, YW Koo, M Yeo, JH Lim, GH Kim
Low temperature fabrication of three-dimensional alginate scaffold coated with poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) for enhancing mechanical properties

Page P226: DK Kim, HY Jeon, YS Song, N Tripathy, G Khang
Bio-engineering of neo-corneas using nature-derived aloe vera gel blended silk fibroin scaffolds

Page P227: H Knopf-Marques, S Singh, L Wolfova, J Barthes, P Schaaf, A Ghaemmaghami, NE Vranai, P Lavalle
Immunomodulatory surface coatings based on crosslinkable hyaluronic acid derivatives

Page P228: H Kobayashi, S Hattori, T Monda, T Kameda, Y Tamada
Transparent silk fibroin nano-fibrous scaffold for corneal stromal regeneration

Page P229: L Kohutova, R Buffa, L Wolfova, I Scigalkova, V Velebny
New designed hydrogels based on aldehyde-derivative of hyaluronic acid for application in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

Page P230: J Koivisto, JE Parraga, J Karvinen, M Kellomäki
Interpenetrating network hydrogels based on gelatin and gellan gum for tissue engineering

Page P231: P Gupta, M Kumar, N Bhardwaj, JP Kumar, CS Krishnamurthy, SK Nandi, BB Mandal
Bioengineered silk vascular grafts for coronary artery bypass surgery

Page P232: A Garcia, R Marotta, M Tunesi, MM Nava, R Fedele, E Jacchetti, JF Rodriguez Matas, MT Raimondi
Integrated experimental/computational approach of the nuclear pore complex

Page P233: KT Kang, J Son, C Baek, YG Koh
Development of computational model using the in vivo subject-specific articular surface material properties: A probabilistic study

Page P234: JV Sá, S Kleiderman, C Brito, U Sonnewald, M Leist, AP Teixeira, PM Alves
Metabolic flux analysis of neural stem cells and astrocytes: metabolic alterations during neural differentiation

Page P235: A Kelp, S Wöhrle, T Abbruzzese, WK Aicher
Fluorescent labels PKH26 and vibrant dil do not influence the proliferation and differentiation of human mesenchymal stromal cells, but they interfere with their migration

Page P236: K Bardsley, Y Yang, AJ El Haj
Fluorescent labelling of collagen production by cells for non-invasive imaging of extracellular matrix deposition

Page P237: C Crowley, C Butler, C Camilli, R Hynds, K Kolluri, G Cossu, M Birchall, P De Coppi, L Urbani
Non-invasive tracking of oesophageal constructs engineered with smooth muscle precursor cells in a customised bioreactor

Page P238: A De Grazia, ND Evans, MRR De Planque
Microfluidic cell arrays for characterization of stem cell differentiation

Page P239: AD Olubamiji, Z Izadifar, T Chang, N Zhu, XB Chen, BF Eames
Using non-invasive 3D imaging to monitor performance of 3D-bioprinted hybrid cartilage tissue constructs

Page P240: W Gamal, D Gillies, A Downes, Y Reinwald, Y Yang, A El Haj, PO Bagnaninchi
Real-time and non-invasive measurements of cell mechanical behaviour with optical coherence phase microscopy

Page P241: C Goepfert, P Sergeev, R Pörtner
Measuring directional diffusion coefficients in native and in tissue engineered cartilage

Page P242: HP Janke, J Simo Padial, W Duo, RMLM Lomme, SM Mihaila, WFJ Feitz, A Heerschap, AE Rowan, E Oosterwijk
Imaging (tubular) organ templates with a smart polyisocyanopeptide hydrogel

Page P243: CF Waschkies, F Kivrak Pfiffner, Y Tian, O Evrova, M Calcagni, P Giovanoli, M Rudin, J Buschmann
Dose and particle size effects for SPIO-enhanced MRI as method to assess vascularization of 3D scaffolds planted on the chorioallantoic membrane of the chick embryo in ovo

Page P244: DS Kuznetsova, NN Prodanets, SA Rodimova, PS Timashev, EV Zagaynova
Study of the involvement of seeded MSCs in bone repair using the model of transgenic mice

Page P245: S Lewin, S Nouhi, T Engstrand, H Engqvist, C Öhman Mägi
Quantitative evaluation of bone regeneration in a craniofacial implant using computed tomography images

Page P246: AV Meleshina, AS Bystrova, VV Dudenkova, MV Shirmanova, EV Zagaynova
Characterization of metabolic changes of mesenchymal stem cell during adipogenic differentiation by two-photon FLIM

Page P247: R Moreira, T Schmitz-Rode, S Jockenhoevel, P Mela
Online markers as a potential tool for non-invasive monitoring of tissue development

Page P248: CC Moura, RS Tare, ROC Oreffo, S Mahajan
Non-destructive techniques to follow skeletal stem cell development for skeletal repair and regeneration

Page P249: A Paul, S Chen, E Peris, P Micallef, M Haugh, C Brännmark, S Heilshorn, I Wernstedt, Asterholm, A Enejder
Nonlinear microscopy to investigate brown and white adipocytes in three-dimensional tissue-mimicking environments in comparison with adipose tissue

Page P250: A Raza, HE Colley, E Baggaley, NH Green, S Botchway, JA Weinstein, S MacNeil, JW Haycock
Optical measurement of oxygen concentration in melanoma spheroid and skin engineered models

Page P251: DM Sousa, F Conceição, P Aguiar, M Lamghari
A novel computational tool for 3D morphometric analysis of bone-resorbing osteoclast activity

Page P252: TT Yu, SA Ferreira, A Seymour, E Gentleman
A method to quantify MSC extracellular matrix secretion in hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels

Page P253: I Garzón, MA Martín-Piedra, BD Jaimes-Parra, D Durand-Herrera, LA García-Martínez, A España, MC Sánchez-Quevedo, R Fernández-Valadés
Generation of a complete substitute of the hard palate by tissue engineering

Page P254: V Carriel, I Garzón, F Campos, E Miralles-Martín, S García-García, G Vizcaíno, B Jaimes-Parra, A Campos
Axonal regeneration and myelination trough fibrin-agarose/mesenchymal stem cell based nerve guides

Page P255: A Haumer, M Kreutz, A Todorov, C Scotti, A Barbero, P Bourgine, A Scherberich, C Jaquiery, I Martin
Bone organoids formed by devitalized hypertrophic cartilage through addition of fat-derived progenitors

Page P256: ML Kang, JE Kim, GI Im
Thermo-responsive nanospheres with independent dual drug release profiles for combined cryotherapy of osteoarthritis

Page P257: J Hashemi, P Pasalar, M Soleimani, R Khorramirouz, AM Kajbafzadeh
Application of body as a novel bioreactor for in vivo pancreas tissue engineering

Page P258: AM Kajbafzadeh, M Kianmanesh, R Abbasion, P Akbari, S Amini, M Rostami, F Fazelifard, M Mirbeyk, R Khorramirouz
Whole organ decellularization of human testis by perfusion based method; introduction of novel technique for testis tissue engineering

Page P259: A Akbarzadeh, R Khorramirouz, R Seyed Hosein Beigi, M Banitalebi Dehkordi, AM Kajbafzadeh
Development of perfusion based decellularization of human-sized heart as a natural scaffold for organ engineering

Page P260: AM Kajbafzadeh, R Khorramirouz, A Massoumi, M Kameli, SH Moosavi, M Ataei
Application of decellularized colon in situ position versus mesenteric patch used as in vivo bioreactor with long-term patency; rat model of study

Page P261: AM Kajbafzadeh, R Abbasioun, S Sabetkish, N Sabetkish, AA Habibi
In vivo human corpus cavernosum regeneration: fabrication of tissue-engineered corpus cavernosum in rat using the body as a natural bioreactor

Page P262: J Luo, M Garriboli, I Mushtaq, F Scottoni, L Urbani, J Southgate, P De Coppi
Extra-luminal demucosalisation of intestine for bladder tissue engineering

Page P263: D Martinelli, RC Pereira, M Grandizio, R Cancedda, C Gentili
Platelet rich plasma drives cartilage regenerative response by activating chondroprogenitor cells

Page P264: OO Maslova, OG Deryabina, OK Koliada, EO Denis, VA Kordium
Umbilical cord tissue as a source of cell-based material for dermal restoration

Page P265: G Mattei, C Magliaro, SD Ramachandran, B Muenst, J Braspenning, A Ahluwalia
Liver organoid formation in vitro: what triggers cell self-assembly?

Page P266: F Wolf, T Schmitz-Rode, S Jockenhoevel, P Mela
Rapid fabrication of mechanically adequate and hemocompatible fibrin-based vascular grafts

Page P267: I Moreno-Jimenez, G Hulsart-Billstrom, SA Lanham, JM Kanczler, ND Evans, ROC Oreffo
Development of a humanized model of bone regeneration - harnessing the chorioallantoic membrane model as a replacement model in animal research

Page P268: L Jennings, C Murdoch, HE Colley, SA Whawell
Functional characterisation of a three-dimensional tissue engineered in vitro model of the oral mucosa using TERT2 immortalised oral keratinocytes

Page P269: DS Musson, R Gao, ML Tay, KE Callon, AM Lock, C Yarrell, M Street, D Naot, J Ferguson, J Cornish
Bone burrings harvested during spinal surgery offer an osteoinductive alternative bone graft for spinal fusion

Page P270: SD Naghib, A Di Renzo, FP Di Maio, L De Bartolo, E Curcio
Dynamic simulation of hydrodynamics in reactor as bioartificial liver through a compartment model for liquid level control

Page P271: MA Cleary, R Narcisi, A Albiero, LMG de Kroon, WJLM Koevoet, PAJ Brama, GJVM van Osch
Dynamic regulation of TWIST1 expression during chondrogenic differentiation of human bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells

Page P272: R Spanò, M Nardini, A Muraglia, MR Todeschi, R Cancedda, M Mastrogiacomo
Smart platelet-rich plasma-based bioactive membranes as a new advanced wound care tool

Page P273: K Morgan, A Bryans, P Reynolds, P Treskes, A Koh, G Anderson, SD Morley, JN Plevris, PC Hayes, N Gadegaard, LJ Nelson
Directed-nanopatterning promotes earlier liver-specific maturation/ differentiation in human hepatic HepaRG progenitor cells

Page P274: N Newton, B Rahmani, G Burriesci, G Jell
Mechanical properties of the porcine oesophagus assessed using biaxial testing

Page P275: SA Ock, KB Oh, S Hwang, MG Lim
Methylation analysis according to the development stage of insulin-producing cells induced from bone marrow stromal cells derived from a GalT (GGTA1) knockout pig

Page P276: A Ozturk, G Duruksu, A Baglar, Y Yazir
Decellularized liver protein matrix enhances the differentiation potential of pancreatic islet stem cells into beta-like cells

Page P277: V Zubillaga, A Alonso-Varona, P Garrido-Pascual, M Burón, J Bejar, T Palomares
Three dimensional differentiation model of adiposed derived mesenchymal stem cells in normoxia and hypoxia for cartilage repair

Page P278: A Patar, P Dockery, L Howard, S McMahon
Examination of the glial scar in a rat ex vivo model of spinal cord injury

Page P279: M Patrikoski, MH Lee, B Mannerström, M Raghunath, S Miettinen
Effects of macromolecular crowding on human adipose stem cell culture in fetal bovine serum, human serum and defined xeno-free/serum-free conditions

Page P280: M Pérez-Basterrechea, A Brea Pastor, S Pérez, M Álvarez-Viejo, A Ferrero-Gutiérrez, T Sánchez Álvarez, SD Aznar-Cervantes, JL Cenis, J Otero
Development of a new silk fibroin-autologous blood serum scaffold for healing of long-bone critical-sized defects: preliminary results

Page P281: E Perrier-Groult, M Durbec, M Pasdeloup, D Vertu-Ciolino, E Pacard, F Disant, F Mallein-Gerin
3D-printing for tissue engineering of nasal cartilage

Page P282: M Pikuła, P Langa, A Wardowska, J Zieliński, K Kondej, A Hedrych-Ozimina, P Trzonkowski
Fibrin glue as a carrier for cultured human epidermal progenitor cells for cellular therapy of non-healing wounds

Page P283: M Piola, M Ruiter, S Seminati, M Pesce, GB Fiore, M Soncini
Double-compartment culture system for conditioning vascular grafts with different trans-wall oxygen levels

Page P284: G Pisani, D Massai, A Rodriguez, G Cerino, R Galluzzi, G Falvo D’Urso Labate, C Bignardi, A Tonoli, A Marsano, U Morbiducci
An advanced platform for investigating fibrin based engineered cardiac tissues

Page P285: F Pletscher, AC Feutz, I Martin, C De Geyter
Establishment of an in vitro model of teratoma-like tissue formation to assess stem cell pluripotency

Page P286: M Shafiq, SH Kim
Self-assembling peptide hydrogels coupled with stem cell inducing/recruiting factor and cell-adhesion peptide for accelerated in situ tissue regeneration

Page P287: B Han, S Tan, M Tan, W King, J Woodell-May
White blood cell concentration correlates with CFU-F concentration in the output of a point-of-care bone marrow concentrating device

Page P288: Z Kočí, R Bém, Š Kubinová, M Dubský, A Jirkovská, E Syková
Comparison of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells, adipose tissue-derived stromal cells and bone marrow mononuclear fraction in a diabetic wound healing model

Page P289: PY Orekhov, AV Chupin, MA Konoplyannikov, VP Baklaushev, VA Kalsin, AV Averyanov
Transplantation of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of critical lower limb ischemia

Page P290: JI Lee, SJ Lee, SR Lee, Y Han, EC Balolong, M Park, YD Kim, HY Yoon
Fluid-based culture medium (FCM) for clinical application

Page P291: M Lehmann, J Scholka, G Wittenburg, C Petto, P Geppert, A Muschter, U Anderer
An easily accessible adult stem cell pool may be suitable for tissue engineering-based regeneration of articular cartilage defects

Page P292: HS Shin, HY An, S Lee, JSk Choi, YM Kim, JY Lim
Hypoxia-conditioned adipose mesenchymal stem cell medium impacts on salivary glandular cell survival and function after irradiation in organotypic three-dimensional culture

Page P293: A Llucià-Valldeperas, C Soler-Botija, C Prat-Vidal, C Gálvez-Montón, S Roura, I Perea-Gil, R Bragos, A Bayes-Genis
Mechanical stretching on cardiac adipose progenitors upregulates sarcomere-related genes

Page P294: J Maier, W Holnthoner, C Steffenhagen, C Wurzer, S Wolbank, H Redl, E Oberbauer
Secretory activity of the stromal vascular fraction

Page P295: C Manferdini, F Paolella, E Gabusi, L Gambari, L Cattini, S Fleury-Cappellesso, A Barbero, G Lisignoli
Adipose stromal cells effects on osteoarthritic synovial cells are dependent by macrophages

Page P296: A Mauretti, NAM Bax, MJ Goumans, C Sahlgren, CVC Bouten
Mechanosensitivity is induced by differentiation in cardiomyocyte progenitor cells: mechanosome development and strain response

Page P297: A Moya, N Larochette, J Paquet, M Deschepper, M Bensidhoum, V Izzo, G Kroemer, H Petite, D Logeart-Avramoglou
Quiescencent preconditioned human multipotent stromal cells adopt a metabolic profile favorable for enhanced survival under ischemia

Page P298: B Newland, H Newland, P Welzel, A Rosser, C Werner
Cryogel microcarriers as an injectable scaffold for neural cell growth and transplantation

Page P299: B Özkan, A Cagri Uysal, A Terzi, E Özturan Özer, N Markal Ertaş
Effect of adipose stromal vascular fraction on random pattern flap viability in rats with diabetes and chronic renal disease: an experimental study

Page P300: P Papageorgiou, PS Lienemann, S Metzger, M Ehrbar
Hydrogel-based cell traps for capturing MPCs participating in bone healing and regeneration model

Page P301: J Paquet, A Moya, M Deschepper, N Larochette, K Oudina, M Bensidhoum, D Logeart-Avramoglou, H Petite
Rapid use of intracellular energy reserve through glycolysis explains poor human mesenchymal stem cells survival after implantation

Page P302: YS Park, G Kim, Y Lee, YM Jin, Y Yu, YJ Park, SA Jo, JY Hwang, KD Park, I Jo
Therapeutic potential of tonsil-derived mesenchymal stem cells loaded hydrogel-G in osteoporosis animal model

Page P303: A Zolocinska, K Siennicka, T Debski, J Wysocki, Z Pojda
Adipose stem cells (ASC) from young and ageing rats show no difference in phenotype, proliferation potential or differentiation capability

Page P304: S Salemi, D Keller, M Rottmar, T Sulser, D Eberli
Multi-cell approach for successful bioengineering of functional smooth muscle layers

Page P305: SC Serra, RC Assunção-Silva, JC Costa, FG Teixeira, KM Panchalingam, NA Silva, SI Anjo, B Manadas, J Gimble, LA Behie, N Sousa, AJ Salgado
Does cell passage number influences the effect of adipose tissue derived stem cells secretome on neurodifferentiation and axonal growth?

Page P306: J Smolar, M Horst, M Ehrbar, D Eberli
2D and 3D co-culture of bladder-derived smooth muscle and smooth muscle-like adipose-derived stem cells induces smooth muscle microtissue formation

Page P307: KJ Jung, SH Rhee, SY Kim, YH Park, IH Song
Mesenchymal stem cells attenuate adriamycin induced nephropathy by diminishing oxidative stress and inflammation

Page P308: P Sukho, GS Boersema, A Cohen, F Verseijden, YM Bastiaansen-Jenniskens
Preventing anastomotic leakage with adipose tissue-derived stem cell sheets

Page P309: M Kuş, Y Ekici, T Tezcaner, AC Uysal, P Borcek, G Moray
Improved intestinal adaptation by administration of adipose derived stem cells in experimental short bowel syndrome

Page P310: AL Torres, EA Silva, CC Barrias
Priming OEC/MSC-laden microspheres to promote neovascularization

Page P311: OA Rybachuk, AE Rodnichenko, DG Nesterenko, DA Zubov, NO Savytska, LS Litvinova, VV Shupletsova, IF Labunets, SN Novikova, GM Butenko, RG Vasyliev
Therapeutic potential of neural crest-derived multipotent stem cells in an in vitro model of ischemic injury of hippocampus

Page P312: M Fiorillo, M Iliut, AF Verre, F Sotgia, A Vijayaraghavan, MP Lisanti
Graphene oxide selectively targets cancer stem cells, across multiple tumour types: non-toxic cancer treatment, via differentiation-based nano-therapy

Page P313: G Villoldo, R Albite, J Jaunarena, F Pereyra-Bonnet, A Sordelli, M Loresi, M Dadamo, W Gonzalez, J Moldes, C Giudice, F Debadiola, P Argibay
Platelet-rich plasma anchors adipose stem cells injected in the urinary sphincter in a pudendal nerve-transected rat model of stress urinary incontinence and restores sphincteric function

Page P314: A Weigand, AM Boos, JP Beier, A Arkudas, R Brodbeck, A Cai, RE Horch
The arteriovenous loop model – an essential tool for vascularized tissue engineering and angiogenesis studies in human and veterinary medicine

Page P315: A Zajicova, J Cejkova, P Trosan, C Cejka, E Javorkova, B Hermankova, V Holan
Therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells and limbal epithelial stem cells for ocular surface healing

Page P316: L Koerber, J Mauer, R Rösch, K Tluczynski, S Schwarz, N Rotter, R Buchholz, R Breiter
Decellularized xenogenic meniscus as a replacement for meniscal tissue

Page P317: O Karaman
Comparing the effect of electrospun PLGA nanofibers alignment and RGD peptide conjugation on marrow stromal cells spreading and proliferation

Page P318: DK Kim, HY Jeon, CH Kim, IN Choe, N Tripathy, G Khang
A study on wound healing properties of eucalyptus oil/polyurethane mat

Page P320: Il Woo Lee
Peripheral nerve regeneration by porcine small intestinal submucosa

Page P321: DH Lee, YS Jeon, JG Cha, YJ Kook, JE Song, CH Park, DS Suh, G Khang
Potency of duck’s feet-derived collagen/poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)/hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

Page P322: DH Lee, YJ Kook, JH Shin, YS Jeon, JE Song, CH Park, G Khang
Osteogenic differentiation evaluation of quercetin-functionalized silk fibroin /hydroxyapatite scaffolds

Page P323: TH Kim, JH Byun, SH Oh, JH Lee
Two year follow-up for bone regeneration of BMP-2/VEGF-immobilized polycaprolactone porous beads using mini-pig model

Page P324: YJ Lee, EY Rha, JW Rhie
The effect of verapamil coated silicone gel sheet in hypertrophic scar

Page P325: Y Li, T Arnett, G Jell
Si-based bioactive materials for bone formation: the role of osteoclasts

Page P326: YP Singh, J Christakiran, BK Bhunia, BB Mandal
Bi-phasic silk scaffolds for osteochondral tissue engineering

Page P327: A Marrella, A Lagazzo, F Barberis, F Villa, R Quarto, S Scaglione
Novel 3D graphene oxide/alginate hydrogels for nanomedicine applications

Page P329: EB Montufar, M Horynová, M Casas-Luna, S Diaz-de-la-Torre, L Celko, L Klakurková, Z Fohlerová, T Zikmund, I Ročňáková, J Kaiser
Iron-tricalcium phosphate composites define osteoblast morphology and alkaline phosphatase activity

Page P330: J Mrazek, J Chmelar, M Foglarova, R Sulakova, V Zapotocky, Z Satinska, H Vagnerova, V Velebny
Free-standing films from hydrophobized hyaluronan as biodegradable implants with anti-adhesive properties

Page P331: D Naskar, S Sapru, Z Li, X Yang, M Mandal, AK Ghosh, SC Kundu
Non-mulberry silk fibroin based nerve guide biomaterials for neural tissue engineering

Page P332: DP Olvera, BN Sathy, DJ Kelly
Integrating biochemical and topographical cues to direct stem cell fate

Page P333: DA Ossipov, A Ranga, MP Lutolf, J Hilborn
Biocompatible cross-linking of hyaluronic acid using transglutaminase

Page P334: DJ Page, JI Dawson, R Mani, CE Clarkin, ND Evans
VEGF-associated clay gels promotes in vitro angiogenesis: potential tissue engineering application for chronic wounds

Page P335: S Panseri, M Montesi, SM Dozio, E Campodoni, M Sandri, L Peruzzotti-Jametti, S Pluchino, A Tampieri
Collagen-based scaffold as a new tool for 3D neural stem cell culture

Page P336: HS Park, SH Kim, OJ Lee, HJ Park, JM Lee, HW Ju, BM Moon, YR Park, JE Song, G Khang, CH Park
Fabrication of duck's feet collagen-silk hybrid biomaterial for tissue engineering

Page P337: CH Park
Fabrication of fluorescent silk materials utilized in biotechnological and medical applications

Page P338: JS Park, MH Jung, DT Kim
Physical changes during in vitro degradation of biodegradable PGLA woven band for application fecal diverting device

Page P339: SH Park, JH Park, JY Jang, BK Lee, J Yun, JH Kim, BH Min, MS Kim
Osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells using in an injectable in vivo-forming hydrogel

Page P340: BK Kim, JH Park, BH Min, SH Park
Fabrication of tissue engineered intervertebral disc using enable 3D plotting and scaffold-free technologies

Page P341: TE Paterson, SN Beal, ME Santocildes-Romero, PV Hatton, Í Ortega
Manufacture of SLM-enabled electrospun synthetic niches for regenerative medicine

Page P342: I Perea-Gil, C Prat-Vidal, C Gálvez-Montón, S Roura, A Llucià-Valldeperas, C Soler-Botija, O Iborra-Egea, V Crisóstomo, I Díaz-Güemes, FM Sánchez-Margallo, A Bayes-Genis
An allogeneic bioengineered myocardial graft limits infarct size and improves cardiac function: pre-clinical study in the porcine myocardial infarction model

Page P343: PP Esteban, R Pendlington, A Scott, MJ Ellis
Engineering a capillary bed model for dermal bioavailability measurement for refinement of human health risk assessments

Page P344: DG Petre, A Abbadessa, DA Ossipov, T Vermonden, A Polini, SCG Leeuwenburgh
Functionalization of electrospun polyester fibers with calcium–binding bisphosphonate groups for reinforcement of calcium phosphate cements

Page P345: S Pina, R Canadas, AP Marques, JM Oliveira, RL Reis
Hierarchical ionic-doped scaffolds for osteochondral tissue engineering

Page P346: K Siennicka, A Zolocinska, J Miszkiewicz, J Wysocki, T Debski, A Aleksandrowicz, Z Pojda
Fish skin collagen for adipose stem cell cultures – biocompatibility evaluation

Page P348: S Raschke, L Nehrenheim, A Lichtenberg, P Akhyari
Novel three-dimensional hydrogel model to study extracellular matrix remodelling of aortic valves related to the development of aortic stenosis

Page P349: LL Reys, SS Silva, NM Oliveira, D Soares da Costa, JF Mano, RL Reis, TH Silva
Evaluation of the potential of fucoidan-based microparticles for diabetes treatment

Page P350: C Robo, M Español, J Buxadera-Palomero, C Öhman, MP Ginebra, C Persson
The effect of two fatty acids on the antibacterial properties of calcium phosphate cements

Page P351: DFL Rodrigues, T Russo, U D’Amora, O Oliviero, G Improta, M Triassi, R de Santis, A Gloria, L Ambrosio
Design and analysis of hydrogel-based devices as reservoir systems for in situ cell and drug release

Page P352: J Roether, C Oelschlaeger, N Willenbacher
Synthesis, structural and micromechanical properties of 3D hyaluronic acid/collagen based cryogel scaffolds for tissue engineering

Page P353: K Roshanbinfar, Z Mohammadi, AS Mesgar, J Hilborn, OP Oommen
Pericardial matrix derived hydrogels functionalized with multiwalled carbon nanotubes for cardiac applications

Page P354: V Russo, L Tammaro, L Di Marcantonio, A Sorrentino, M Ancora, L Valbonetti, A Mauro, A Martelli, C Cammà, B Barboni
Positive interaction between the amniotic epithelial stem cells and electrospun poly(lactide-coglycolide), poly(ε-caprolactone), poly(lactic acid)

Page P355: B Matta-Domjan, AK King, S Totti, M Ajaz, C Matta, H Macedo, RM La Ragione, AB Dalton, I Jurewicz, E Velliou
Aligned pristine carbon nanotubes: a promising scaffold for in vitro screening of pancreatic cancer

Page P356: NJ Walters, TT Yu, OP Oommen, J Hilborn, S Miettinen, E Gentleman
Sequential synthesis of modular poly(ethylene glycol)—peptide hydrogels for nanoscale control over extracellular matrix features

Page P357: KR Amilon, C Mendonca, JR Fitzgerald, FX Donadeu, CL Esteves
Antibacterial effects of equine mesenchymal stem cells

Page P358: C De Schauwer, K Goossens, E Meyer, GR Van de Walle, A Van Soom
Characterization of equine mesenchymal stromal cells from non-invasive sources

Page P359: P Gastelurrutia, A Bayes-Genis, ML Cámara, A Teis, J Lupón, C Llibre, E Zamora, X Alomar, X Ruyra, S Roura, A Revilla, JA San Román, C Gálvez-Montón
First-in-man safety and efficacy of the adipose graft transposition procedure (AGTP) in patients with a myocardial scar

Page P360: I Ribitsch, S Gabner, M Miksic, S Chang-Rodriguez, S Gueltekin, T Schuster, M Egerbacher, F Jenner
Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from ovine placenta cotyledons

Page P361: J Lopez, JR Sarkanen, O Huttala, I Kaartinen, T Ylikomi
Isolation of adipose tissue growth factors in operating room for wound treatment - a clinical pilot study

Page P362: T Schmid, S Zeiter
A refined and clinically more relevant, preclinical osteochondral defect model in rabbits

Page P363: T Birman, E Ivanir, D Seliktar
Semi-synthetic material design and implementation for chemo-sensitivity testing and diagnostics cancer drug screening

Page P364: P Garrido-Pascual, T Palomares, Y Calle, V Zubillaga, M Burón, A Alonso-Varona
Fluorescence-based 3D model for drug screening against colorectal cancer

Page P365: SG Hulsart Billström, S Inglis, ROC Oreffo
High-throughput screening of distinct biomaterials for bone repair; techniques to reduce animal use in screening of biomaterials for regenerative medicine

Page P366: N Mahmoudi, M Golmohammadi, S Eftekharzadeh, R Khorramirouz, Z Kashani, M Alijani, AM Kajbafzadeh
Assessment of uroprotective effects of pomegranate in cyclophosphamide induced hemorrhagic cystitis: an experimental study in rats

Page P367: HS Shin, HY An, JS Choi, YM Kim, JY Lim
Three-dimensional spheroid culture as a suitable model to study radiation response of salivary epithelial cells

Page P368: C Manfredonia, MG Muraro, C Hirt, V Mele, F Amicarella, H Hoffmann, H Misteli, C Nebiker, RA Droeser, B Weixler, SD Soysal, D Oertli, M Heberer, A Papadimitropoulos, GC Spagnoli, I Martin, G Iezzi
Maintenance of primary human colorectal cancer microenvironment by culture in 3D perfusion-based bioreactor

Page P369: MG Muraro, S Muenst, V Mele, L Quagliata, G Iezzi, A Tzankov, WP Weber, GC Spagnoli, SD Soysal
Primary breast cancer culture in a perfusion-based bioreactor suitable for in vitro testing of immune blockade therapy

Page P370: LJ Nelson, K Morgan, A Koulovasilopoulos, P Treskes, PC Hayes, JN Plevris, W Gamal, PO Bagnaninchi
Non-destructive 3D optical toxicity assays for 3D liver models

Page P371: J Rosser, F Jenner, B Bachmann, I Ribitsch, P Ertl
Osteoarthritis-on-a-chip: A novel 3D hydrogel chondrocyte disease model

Page P372: E Rossi, I Knuesel, I Martin, A Scherberich
A 3D in vitro bone model for the investigation of the role of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM-2) in bone homeostasis

Page P373: J Sarkar, A Kumar
Cryogel based high throughput spheroid culture platform for drug toxicity screening

Page P374: A Chróścicka, K Jach, E Tymicki, A Wajler, M Lewandowska-Szumieł
Biocompatibility of SiC samples prepared in the form of mono- and polycrystal with a graphene modification

Page P375: L Magill, M Keshtgar, G Jell
Understanding why breast implants fail: Physiochemical and fibrotic encapsulation analysis of failed implants

Page P376: S Mobini, K Srirussamee, R Xue, Ü Talts, R Balint, NJ Cassidy, SH Cartmell
Effect of direct current electrical stimulation on cell morphology, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells

Page P377: C Ozel, AE Sariboyaci, G Duruksu
Exosomes derived from pluripotent stem cells increase the reprogramming efficiency of MBD3 silenced fibroblast cells

Page P378: M Xavier, P Rosendahl, M Herbig, D Spencer, J Guck, O Otto, ROC Oreffo, H Morgan
Primary human skeletal stem cell bio-physical characterisation for high-purity microfluidic cell sorting and enrichment

Page P379: AM Kajbafzadeh, S Seyedpour, M Hoopanah, B Gholami , A Bolbolhaghighi, MJ Mohseni, R Khorramirouz
Human skin decellularization protocol and local tissue reaction in nude mice graft model

Page P380: AM Kajbafzadeh, S Sabetkish, N Sabetkish
Comparison of two different decellularization and recellularization protocols of kidney orgn in efficiency of cell removal, biocompatibility and further recellularizaion potential

Page P381: AM Kajbafzadeh, N Sabetkish, S Sabetkish
Optimization and critical evaluation of decellularization and recellularization strategies to develop bioengineered heart: comparison of two different protocols

Page P382: A Ponomarev, O Makeev, L Gurevich, V Rodin
Different xenon conditions for preservation of viable tissue in order to use in regenerative medicine

Page P383: I Ponomarev, T Reuter, C Hauspurg, A Kammel, D Barnewitz
3D scaffold-free cartilage transplants (SFCTs) as a new way to the cartilage tissue engineering

Page P384: J Prueller, N Figeac, PS Zammit
Evaluation of different biomaterials and cell types for use in skeletal muscle engineering

Page P385: J Pupkaite, M Temkit, I Kochevar, EJ Suuronen, EI Alarcon, M Griffith
Tissue photo-bonding using biopolymer crosslinked with rose bengal

Page P386: M Quade, S Duin, S Knaack, A Gabrielyan, A Lode, A Rösen-Wolff, M Gelinsky
Bone tissue regeneration – functionalization of biomimetic scaffolds with a central, growth factor-loaded depot for cell attraction and stimulation of angiogenesis

Page P387: R Ramm, A Wendland, T Goecke, K Theodoridis, A Mogaldea, S Cebotari, I Tudorache, A Haverich, A Hilfiker
Species specific staining of extracellular matrix proteins reveals remodelling of decellularized pulmonary heart valves in a pig-to-sheep transplantation model

Page P388: M Rotherham, J Price, JR Henstock, AJ El Haj
Remote activation and spatial modulation of Wnt signalling for regulating hMSC osteogenesis and bone formation

Page P389: N Rotter, S Schwarz, M Freutel, L Körber, N Wolf, L Dürselen, PS Wiggenhauser
Spatial characterization of different types of human nasal cartilages: basis for successful nasal cartilage engineering

Page P390: EJ Ryan, AJ Ryan, C Hobbs, A Widaa, V Nicolosi, SW Kerrigan, CJ Kearney, FJ O’Brien
Antibiotic-free scaffold for the treatment of infection and regeneration of bone

Page P391: P Sandoval, A Rynne-Vidal, JA Jiménez-Heffernan, ML Pérez-Lozano, J Dotor, A Aguilera, M López-Cabrera
Participation of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of mesothelial cells in the pathogenesis of peritoneal adhesions

Page P392: S Salemi, T Sulser, D Eberli
Autophagy is needed during the differentiation of adipose derived stem cells to functional smooth muscle cells for use in tissue engineering

Page P393: E Sayin, ET Baran, V Mudera, U Cheema, V Hasirci
Influence of 2D and 3D microenvironments on human bone marrow stem cells under different oxygen tensions

Page P394: AK Schubert, M Pumberger, JJ Smink, J Ringe, M Putzier, M Sittinger
What’s for dinner? The impact of cell culture media on annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus cells from human cervical intervertebral discs

Page P395: YS Shin, JW Choi, EH Song, MS Kim, CH Kim
Controlled release of hepatocyte growth factor from MPEG-b-(PCL-ran-PLLA) diblock copolymer for scarless vocal fold regeneration

Page P396: M Simon, M Bagó, A Hinsenkamp, B Major, D Horváthy, I Hornyák, Z Lacza
Human subchondral bone pieces can be effectively rescued after cold ischaemia with addition of a new blood-derived supplement (SPRF) to culture medium

Page P397: M Sloff, PDKJ De Jonge, HP Janke, SM Mihaila, BBM Kortmann, PJ Geutjes, E Oosterwijk, WFJ Feitz
The influence of sterilization on tubular hybrid construct remodelling

Page P398: K Spanoudes, D Gaspar, D Cigognini, P Kumar, A Satyam, C Ryan, A Pandit, D Zeugolis
Engineering skin and cornea living substitutes in vitro with macromolecular crowding and oxygen tension

Page P399: H Steinle, A Behring, C Schlensak, HP Wendel, M Avci-Adali
Synthetic mRNA for therapeutic applications: a versatile tool to engineer cells

Page P400: A Stepanova, V Chernonosova, I Popova, I Zaporozhchenko, A Karpenko, P Laktionov
Stability of electrospinning produced vascular grafts depending on the presence of blood cell impermeable inner layer

Page P401: S Stich, A Moeller, M Cabraja, J Ringe, M Sittinger
Factor-screening for the regeneration of anulus fibrosus defects after disc herniation

Page P402: T Eufrásio-da-Silva, E Ruiz­Hernández, D Picazo-Frutos, GP Duffy, BP Murphy
Recellularization of tissue engineered vascular grafts

Page P403: S Ozturk, R Shahbazi, M Gultekinoglu, ND Zeybek, EA Aksoy, M Demircin, K Ulubayram
Synergistic effects of chemical, biological and electromechanical stimulations on cardiomyogenic differentiation of BMSCs

Page P404: ME Verdenelli, S Meikle, G Phillips, M Santin
Induction of endothelial cell sprouting by poly (ɛ-lysine) dendron tethered with an angiopoietin-1-mimicking peptide

Page P405: K Vuornos, M Björninen, E Talvitie, K Paakinaho, M Kellomäki, H Huhtala, S Miettinen, R Seppänen-Kaijansinkko, S Haimi
Human adipose stem cells cultured on braided polylactide scaffolds is a potential approach for tendon tissue engineering

Page P406: X Wang, O Omar, F Vazirisani, P Thomsen, K Ekström
Altered microRNA expression profile in exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenic differentiation

Page P407: F Wang, A Seekamp, S Fuchs
The impact of fucoidan from fucus vesiculosus on angiogenesis in OEC and MSC co-culture system

Page P409: J Zimoch, AS Klar, C Meuli-Simmen, M Meuli, A Scherberich, E Reichmann
Utilization of adipose-derived cells to bio-engineer skin substitutes that include the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis

Page P410: RG Vasyliev, DO Zubov, AE Rodnichenko, OS Gubar, AV Zlatska, VM Oksymets
Bone tissue engineering for critical sized bone defects

Page P411: SW Jung, TH Kim, JH Byun, SH Oh, JH Lee
Repair of osteochondral defect in a mini-pig model by periosteum-derived osteoblast/BMP-2-embeded alginate/hyaluronic acid hydrogel

Page P412: P Gupta, M Kumar, N Bhardwaj, JP Kumar, CS Krishnamurthy, SK Nandi, BB Mandal
Bioengineered silk vascular grafts for coronary artery bypass surgery

Page P413: M Pujari-Palmer, S Pujari-Palmer, X Lu, T Lind, H Melhus, M Ott, H Engqvist
Proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts exposed to pyrophosphate

Page P414: AJ Ryan, WS Sheridan, AR Cameron, SF Carroll, BP Murphy, FJ O'Brien
Biomimicking vascular grafts using natural polymers and dynamic stimulation

Page P415: M Rysová, H Tománková, J Rotková, D Kadlečík, T Zajíc
Silica nanofibres –A novel biodegradable material for drug delivery

Page P416: JM Sadowska, J Guillem-Marti, MP Ginebra
Ionic exchanges modulate the in vitro response of mesenchymal stem cells to biomimetic hydroxyapatite

Page P417: L Szkolar, A Mujeeb, V Workman, JE Gough, AF Miller, A Saiani
Self-assembling peptide hydrogels for articular chondrocyte culture

Page P418: M Salgado, ARC Duarte, S Rodríguez-Rojo, RL Reis, MJ Cocero
Preparation of β-glucan scaffolds by hydrogel foaming with supercritical CO2

Page P419: PF Sánchez, S Somo, B Akar, R Lopez, EM Brey, JC Briceño
Study of soft-tissue regeneration on small intestinal submucosa scaffolds using a subcutaneous rat model: preliminary results

Page P420: ME Santocildes-Romero, RL Goodchild, PV Hatton, A Crawford, IM Reaney, CA Miller
Fabrication and characterisation of electrospun membranes containing strontium-substituted bioactive glass for bone regeneration

Page P421: P Sauerova, M Verdanova, T Suchy, M Supova, S Ryglova, M Zaloudkova, Z Sucharda, M Hubalek Kalbacova
In vitro analysis of mesenchymal stem cell interactions with collagen-based scaffolds cross-linked by EDC/NHS or genipin

Page P422: R Schieber, D Moreno, C Mas-Moruno, FJ Gil, F Mücklich, M Pegueroles
Biofunctionalization of patterned PLLA surfaces with RGD, REDV and YIGSR peptides to promote endothelial cells adhesion and migration

Page P423: C Schneider, J Lehmann, E Oberbauer, F Hildner, GJ van Osch, H Redl, S Wolbank, S Nürnberger
Decellularization of human articular cartilage for tissue engineering

Page P424: M Schulte, S Tansaz, L Harhaus, A Eweida, R Detsch, AR Boccaccini, U Kneser
In vitro evaluation of soy protein based hydrogels for wound-healing

Page P425: M Shafiq, SH Kim
Covalent immobilization of stem cell inducing/recruiting factor and heparin on cell-free small-diameter vascular graft for accelerated in situ tissue regeneration

Page P426: C Sherborne, IU Rehman, F Claeyssens
Porous biomaterials: The methodology and characterisation of laser based additive and subtractive manufacturing techniques

Page P427: AMS Costa, SE Azevedo, JF Mano
Injectable, highly robust hydrogels towards cartilage regeneration

Page P428: BR Sim, WT Lee, H Park, N Tripathy, G Khang
Neo-cornea endothelium regeneration on glycerol modified silk fibroin film

Page P429: BR Sim, DK Kim, WT Lee, SH Jeon, N Tripathy, G Khang
Epigallocatechin gallate/silk fibroin films for cornea tissue engineering

Page P430: J Simó Padial, W Dou, A Heerschap, A Rowan
Imageable polyisocyano-peptide based hydrogels

Page P431: F Simpson, J Edin, MM Islam, O Buznyk, J Phopase, M Kozak Ljunggren, A Liszka, K Merrett, H Gustafsson, P Fagerholm, M Griffith
Effect of e-beam sterilization on recombinant human collagen-phosphorylcholine implants for cornea transplantation

Page P432: J Šógorková, J Běťák, J Baťová, V Zápotocký, V Štěpánková, M Čepa, D Švadlák, D Daro, H Vágnerová, V Velebný
Cellular adhesion on surface-modified textile scaffold made of hydrophobized hyaluronan suitable for tissue engineering

Page P433: JS Son, ST Kwon
Development and evaluation of polypropylene nonwoven filters for blood filtration

Page P434: A Sorushanova, AM Mullen, A Pandit, D Zeugolis
Biophysical, biochemical and biological properties of nano-textured collagen fibres

Page P435: MP Sousa, MB Oliveira, RR Costa, I Gonzalez de Torre, JC Rodríguez-Cabello, JF Mano
Stimuli-responsive elastin-like biomimetic coatings towards to tissue engineering

Page P436: N Thierfelder, F Starnecker, C Hagl, F König
Tissue-engineering of acellular scaffolds – The significant influence of physical and procedural decellularization factors

Page P437: K Tluczynski, L Koerber, S Schwarz, N Rotter, R Buchholz, R Breiter
Revitalisation of a decellularised xenogenic meniscus implant by cells from human synovial membrane

Page P438: J Maksimcuka, G Poologasundarampillai, PJ Withers, O Tsigkou
Vascular network formation within a cotton wool like bioactive glass scaffold using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells

Page P439: M Vandrovcova, H Moravec, K Chotova, J Fojt, L Joska, L Bacakova
Evaluation of osteoblast-like Saos-2 cells behaviour on nanotubes enriched with Ca2+, H2PO4- or heat treated nanotubes

Page P440: E Vardar, HM Larsson, EM Engelhardt, M Snyder, K Pinnagoda, G Vythilingam, MP Lutolf, JA Hubbell, P Frey
Bioactive collagen-fibrin bead gel system, acting as bulking agents for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence

Page P441: S Totti, S Brito Dos Santos, M Allenby, A Mantalaris, M Ajaz, E Velliou
On the evaluation of long term ex vivo cultivation of pancreatic cancer in a 3D scaffolding system

Page P442: E Vidal, E Rupérez, D Rodríguez
Pulsed electrodeposition of calcium phosphate coatings for drug delivery

Page P443: S Virjula, S Vanhatupa, X Zhao, YS Lui, SCJ Loo, S Miettinen
Ascorbic acid and dexamethasone simultaneously releasing electrospun scaffolds for carriers and differentiation of human adipose stem cells

Page P444: K Výborný, Z Kočí, I Vacková, O Lunov, Š Kubinová, E Syková
Extracellular matrix hydrogels from CNS and non-CNS tissues developed for neural tissue repair

Page P445: S Wang, OP Oommen, J Hilborn, OP Varghese
Tunable dynamic covalent crosslinked hydrogel for tissue engineering

Page P446: PS Wiggenhauser, S Schwarz, DW Hutmacher, N Rotter
Extracellular matrix formation of chondrocytes on novel polycaprolactone-based composite scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering

Page P447: F Wolf, R Moreira, F Vogt, S Jockenhoevel, T Schmitz-Rode, P Mela
Elastin-like recombinamer covered coronary stents

Page P448: VL Workman, K Burgess, D Oceandy, A Saiani
Adaptations to RNA extraction protocols for peptide hydrogels

Page P449: KC Yang, HH Hu, S Sumi, CC Wang
An osteoconductive and biodegradable composite implant for fracture fixation

Page P450: M Yeo, YB Kim, H Lee, J Lee, Y Koo, W Kim, J Im, DH Kweon, GH Kim
Myoblasts-printed hierarchical scaffolds for inducing cell alignment and differentiation to regenerate skeletal muscle tissue

Page P451: T Zhou, ED McCarthy, C Soutis, SH Cartmell
The synthesis and characterization of novel ionomer bio-scaffolds using different lactone co-monomers and layered double hydroxide initiator

Page P452: Y Asakura, N Kojima
Inhibition of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cholangiocyte 3D culture by embedding alginate hydrogel beads

Page P453: AR Akkineni, T Ahlfeld, M Brückner, A Lode, M Gelinsky
3D printing of biopolymer based core/shell structures – novel properties and applications in tissue engineering

Page P454: S Baudis, Z Tomášiková, E Zerobin, XH Qin, M Markovic, P Gruber, J Stampfl, A Ovsianikov, R Liska
Laser-microfabricated, biocompatible hydrogels based on hyaluronan

Page P455: N Cagol, D Maniglio, A Motta, C Migliaresi
Cryopreservation of cells encapsulated in hydrogel: evaluation of recovery and assembly after thawing

Page P456: S Chand, F Claeyssens, B Ciani
Polymer-supported membranes as models of the cell surface using a microphotopatterning technique to investigate 1D patterns in 3D cell migration

Page P458: M Hedhammar, U Johansson, ND Shalaly, M Widhe
Self-assembly of bioactive silk to integrate cells into a 3D scaffold

Page P459: I Henriksson, D Hägg, S Ferreyra Vega, E Karabulut, P Gatenholm
Nanocellulose-based bioinks for 3D Bioprinting of human skin model

Page P460: B Toprakhisar, E Bakirci, B Koc
3D bioprinting stem-cells with solubilized tendon extracellular matrix (ECM)

Page P461: E Bakirci, B Toprakhisar, MC Zeybek, GO Ince, B Koc
Cell sheet as a bioink for 3D bioprinting

Page P462: F Tao, N Kojima
A method to fabricate multicellular spheroids containing various amount of extracellular matrix

Page P463: F König, B Steinl, E Petersen, C Hagl, N Thierfelder
3D-printing materials and medical coatings – a biocompatibility evaluation

Page P464: YW Koo, YB Kim, H Lee, JH Lim, JY Lee, W Kim, M Yeo, GH Kim
Enhanced cell viability in bio-printing process via piezoelectric transducer (PZT)-assisted 3D printing method for hard tissue regeneration

Page P465: M Köpf, F Kreimendahl, DF Duarte Campos, A Blaeser, S Jockenhoevel, H Fischer
A tailored three-dimensionally printable agarose-collagen blend allows encapsulation, spreading, and attachment of human umbilical artery smooth muscle cells

Page P466: A Kosik, T Bolek, MC Wright, JE Brinchmann, K Szöke, W Święszkowski
Polylactide short sub-micron fibers as reinforcement factor for bioprinted-laden chondrocytes alginate construct for cartilage regeneration

Page P467: SJ Lee, JH Lee, WD Kim, SA Park
Development of three-dimensional printable hydrogel using hyaluronic acid/alginate mixture bioink

Page P468: ÁJ Leite, B Sarker, T Zehnder, R Silva, JF Mano, AR Boccaccini
Bioactive grid-like hydrogel produced by bioplotting

Page P469: C Lueders, D Tartakowska, C Kautz, B Jastram, J Weinhold, F Falk, H Schwandt
Polymer processing for 3D printing of tissue engineered heart valve scaffolds

Page P470: E Mancuso, S Muller, X Nong Wang, A Dickinson, K Dalgarno
Apatite-wollastonite scaffolds: a guide for osteogenic hMSCs differentiation

Page P471: P Mistry, A Aied, A Bennett, M Alexander, K Shakesheff, J Yang
3D bioprinted core-shell cellular fibres

Page P472: T Möller, L Kölby, D Hägg, C Brantsing3, M Amoroso, N Rotter, S Schwarz, A Lindahl, P Gatenholm
Preclinical evaluation of 3D Bioprinted constructs with human chondrocytes and human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells

Page P473: M Müller, E Öztürk, Ø Arlov, P Gatenholm, M Zenobi-Wong
Alginate-sulfate nanocellulose bioinks for cartilage bioprinting application

Page P474: S Bang, L Nguyen, KE Kim, JH Lee, DK Lee, CB Lee, Y Cho, SS Kim, I Noh
In situ polymer-ceramic hybrid hydrogel for 3D printing applications

Page P475: CS Jung, JH Lee, BH Min, SH Park
Natural ECM bioink for the 3D printing of tissue shaped structure

Page P476: JW Rhie, YJ Lee, HH Han, BF Seo, DW Cho, WS Yun, JH Shim
Clinical application in facial bone reconstruction: 3D printed patient specific absorbable implant

Page P477: K Sayo, S Aoki, N Kojima
Effect of SCF and TPO on the bone marrow-like tissue

Page P478: M Shariatzadeh, APG Castro, CM Perrault, D Lacroix
Effect of mechanical stimulation on osteogenesis of self-assembled
collagen-cell seeded microspheres

Page P479: LY Shi, J Hilborn, DA Ossipov
Bisphosphonate-functionalized hyaluronic acid hydrogel as three-dimensional printable bioink

Page P480: DS Singh, E Albadawi, A Harding, F Boissonade, JW Haycock, F Claeyssens
In vivo implantation of novel photocurable PGSm 3D printed nerve guidance conduits for peripheral nerve repair

Page P481: M Tromayer, M Markovic, P Gruber, K Hoelzl, S Van Vlierberghe, P Dubruel, J Stampfl, A Ovsianikov, R Liska
Novel biocompatible two-photon initiator based on hyaluronan

Page P482: S Zaunz, H Martínez-Ávila, I Tournier, D Hägg, K Håkansson, P Gatenholm
Effect of 3D bioprinting on cell viability of human stem cells

Page P483: HK Patra, MM Islam, SC Basu, M Griffith
Molecular framework of multifunctional peptide: Towards corneal regenerative therapies

Page P484: J Fischer, M Ortel, S Hagmann, W Richter
Enhanced chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stromal cells by intermittent PTHrP: role of pulse duration versus pulse frequency

Page P485: L Urbani, P Maghsoudlou, A Milan, F Scottoni, M Menikou, G Totonelli, CK Hagen, S Eaton, A Burns, A Olivo, P De Coppi
Effective methodology for the long-term preservation of decellularised tissues in oesophageal tissue engineering

Page P486: M Sola, MA Martín-Piedra, A Campos-Sánchez, A Ruyffelaert, V Carriel, BD Jaimes-Parra, MC Sánchez-Quevedo, I Garzón
Family medicine residents perceptions on tissue engineering health education

Page P488: S Sen, MH Chowdhury, B Mukherjee, P Basak
A combinatorial approach towards in vitro skin-regeneration and in vivo biocompatibility of polyurethane/gelatin composite scaffold

Page P489: I Henriksson, P Gatenholm, D Hägg
Developing a novel bioink for 3D bioprinting of adipose tissue models

Page P490: NM Oliveira, YS Zhang, J Ju, AZ Chen, Y Chen, SR Sonkusale, MR Dokmeci, RL Reis, JF Mano, A Khademhosseini
Self-assembling floating hydrogels for tissue engineering on air-liquid interface

Page P491: H Sekine, T Shimizu
Ex vivo engineering of vascularized heart tissue model

Page P492: S Park, W Jwon, T Chung, J Choi, J Lee, H Kim, S Moon
The use of enzymatic bioful cell system without the power plant for improvement of human ESC-derived cardiomyocytes function

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