eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials)
eCM Periodical and Conferences, Science with Open Discussion
 ISSN 2522-235X

eCM Meeting Abstracts 2014, Collection 6

Annual meeting of the

Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES)

2-4 July 2014

Newcastle University


TCES Annual Meeting 2014 at Newcastle

This year, we received more than 130 abstracts. Over half of the abstracts were authored by young and early stage researchers. This indicates that the TCES is continuing thrive and has strong vitality! We would like to thank every member of the TCES community and all delegates who attended the meeting. Your enthusiastic participation ensured the very success of the TCES2014.

This TCES meeting had an exciting 3 day programme, addressing stimulating and relevant areas of tissue and cell engineering in eight scientific sessions. This meeting also integrated activities from ARUK TEC, FP7 RESTORATION project and Marie Curie Multi Partner ITN programme CELLEUROPE. The enjoyable social events complemented the exciting scientific programme.

Below is a link to the abstracts of both oral and poster presentation.

Best wishes,

Chaozong Liu & Oana Bretcanu
(Chairs, Local Organising Committee)

View the abstracts