ARI Abstracts
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eCM Meeting Abstracts 2013, Collection 8

Where Science meets Clinics 2013
September 5-7, 2013
Congress Center Davos

Abstracts of presentations and posters

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file

Exploratory Research Symposium

Cell Therapy
Keynote lectures

Page 1: G Andersson
Cell therapy in intervertebral disc degeneration

Page 2: D Saris
Technovolution of cartilage repair

Page 3: H Simpson
Bone repair and regeneration

Oral Presentations

Page 4: A Mehrkens, MZ Karim, R Hilario, S Kim, MG Fehlings, WM Erwin
Canine notochordal cell-secreted factors protect murine and human nucleus pulposus cells from apoptosis by inhibition of activated caspases -9, and -3/7

Page 5: OFW Gardner, G Musumeci, CW Archer, M Alini, MJ Stoddart
Mechanically induced chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells can be improved by manipulating the location of cells within a tissue engineering scaffold

Page 6: HV Almeida, G Cunniffe, CT Buckley, DJ Kelly
Optimizing cartilage extracellular matrix derived scaffolds to act as growth factor delivery platforms to promote chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells

Page 7: J Diaz-Romero, E Schönholzer, M Zumstein, S Kohl, A Despont, A Quintin, D Nesic
S100-based assays to determine differentiation status of human articular chondrocyte

Page 8: JK Wise, AI Alford, SA Goldstein, JP Stegemann
Supplementation of fresh bone marrow preparation with cultured mesenchymal stem cells enhances ectopic bone formation

Page 9: TJ Blokhuis, M Raaben, O Bastian, LPH Leenen
Chemotaxis of neutrophils towards the fracture hematoma in vitro

Responsive Materials in Bone-, Cartilage- & Disc Repair
Keynote lectures

Page 10: A Khademhosseini
Merging micro/nanoscale technologies and advanced biomaterials for tissue regeneration and stem cell bioengineering

Page 11: PB Messersmith
Molecular strategies for adaptive materials

Page 12: V Vogel
How mechanobiology inspires new approaches on the path from basic sciences to the clinics

Oral Presentations

Page 13: T Engstrand, H Engqvist
Repair of cranial defects in humans with bioactive implant

Page 14: V Glatt, F Liu, M Neumann, M Schuetz, C Evans
Effect of mechanical environment on the BMP-2 dose-response of large segmental defect healing

Page 15: P Grunert, B Borde, M Macielak, K Hudson, LJ Bonassar, R Härtl
Annular repair using high-density collagen. An in vivo study

Page 16: O Guillaume, A Daly, J Gansau, K Lennon, S Buckley, CT Buckley
Shape memory scaffolds for minimally invasive disc repair

Page 17: E Tejeda-Montes, KH Smith, E Rebollo, R Gomez, R Nejadnik, A Klymov, F Walboomers, M Alonso, JC Rodriguez-Cabello, A Mata
Osteoblastic differentiation, mineralization and bone regeneration by a bioactive protein-based membrane

Page 18: LD Solorio, CW Cheng, D Correa, E Alsberg
In vivo implantation of microsphere-incorporated cartilage sheets

Cell Therapy & Responsive Materials in Bone-, Cartilage- & Disc Repair
Poster Presentations

Page 19: AP Feistel, W Metzger, M Oberringer, M Laschke, MD Menger, T Pohlemann
Influence of hypoxia on co-culture spheroids consisting of endothelial cells and osteoblasts

Page 20: B Behr, M Wagner, C Wallner, S Fischer, T Hirsch, W Richter, U Kneser, M Lehnhardt, M Schulte
Angiogenesis and osteogenesis are impaired in type 2 diabetic long bone regeneration

Page 21: SCW Chan, J Walse. MJ Shamsollahi, P Kappli, SJ Ferguson, B Gantenbein-Ritter
Responses of the intervertebral disc when compressed and twisted dynamically in an organ culture model

Page 22: E Collin, M Kilcoyne, S Grad, M Alini, L Joshi, A Pandit
Cell surface glycosylation and glycosaminoglycan composition profiles in immature and mature intervertebral discs

Page 23: M Janki, M Peroglio, M De Wild, LM Benneker, M Alini, S Grad
Intervertebral disc regeneration by mesenchymal stem cells and fibrin

Page 24: M Zenobi-Wong, C Millan
Engineering sticky surfaces for cartilage repair

Page 25: P Lopez-Chicon, L Recha-Sancho, A Mata, CE Semino
Bioactive and biomimetic scaffolds for cartilage regeneration

Page 26: SBG Blanquer, S Sharifi, DW Grijpma
Advanced tissue engineering scaffold designs based on TPMS structures prepared by stereolithography

Page 27: V Palarie, E Schiegnitz, M Zahalka, PW Kammerer
Vertical osteoconductivity and early bone formation of different implants in a subperiosteal model

Page 28: A Bernstein, N Suedkamp, S Senger, M Bohner, HO Mayr
Role of a microporosity on bone integration

Page 29: WX Cai, LW Zheng, FE Weber, M Ehrbar, RA Zwahlen
Interaction of rhBMP-2 and TG-VEGF on osteo- and angiogenesis in a novel rabbit model

Page 30: A Haze, FA Ejzenberg, S Hanhan, J Waxman, R Waxman, K Goren. M Liebergall, R Shahar, A Atkins, A Blumenfeld, D Deutsch
Medial collateral ligament regeneration using the recombinant human amelogenin protein (rHAM+), in a rat model

Barriers & Strategies for Translation
Keynote lectures

Page 31: CH Evans
An academic biologist's perspective on research translation

Page 32: M Brittberg
Cartilage repair; barriers and strategies for translation

Page 33: A Ratcliffe
Translating concept to product for articular cartilage repair: barriers and strategies

Page 34: L Åkerblom
Regulatory perspectives on the translation of chondrocyte implantation products


Page 35: I Binderman, A Yaffe
Engineered coral, an optimal scaffold for tissue engineering of bone

Page 36: TJ Blokhuis, O Bastian, L Koenderman, LPH Leenen
Inhibition of osteogenic differentiation of MSCs by neutrophils

Page 37: EB Rad, K Pichler, G Musumeci, E Marth, A Weinberg
RUNX2 is a potential transcriptional regulator of ST2 in growth plate chondrocyte

Page 38: PN Dang, X Yu, C Bowerman, W Murphy, E Alsberg
Guiding chondrogenesis and osteogenesis with hydroxyapatite and BMP-2 incorporated within high-density hMSC cultures for bone and cartilage regeneration

Page 39: B Gantenbein-Ritter, E Calandriello, K Wuertz, M Keel, LM Benneker, SCW Chan
Notochordal cells activate nucleus pulposus cells more strongly after stimulation with serum in 3D cross-species co-cultures

Page 40: CA Grant, M Schuetz, D Epari
Mechanical testing of locked plate fracture fixation constructs: limitations of previous methodologies

Page 41: E Jabbari
Cortical bone mimetic scaffolds for regeneration of load-bearing defects

Page 42: P Leucht, J Jiang, D Cheng, B Liu, G Dhamdhere, M Fang, SD Monica, JJ Urena, W Cole, RL Smith, AB Castillo, M Longaker, JA Helms
Wnt3a re-establishes osteogenic capacity to bone grafts from aged animals

Page 43: Z Li, T Pirvu, SBG Blanquer, DW Grijpma, S Grad, M Alini, D Eglin
Polyurethane membrane for intervertebral disc annulus rupture closure – feasibility under dynamic loading in an organ culture study

Page 44: D Mehrotra, S Kumar
Condylar reconstruction using hydroxyapatite/collagen with platelet rich plasma

Page 45: E Öztürk, G Palazzolo, J Becher, M Schnabelrauch, M Zenobi-Wong
Alginate sulfate hydrogels promote 3D expansion of primary chondrocytes: ionic versus covalent crosslinking

Page 46: K Pichler, SF Fischerauer, P Ferlic, E Martinelli, HP Brezinsek, PJ Uggowitzer, AM Weinberg
Immunological response to biodegradable magnesium implants in vivo

Page 47: L Recha-Sancho, P Lopez-Chicon, T Fernández-Muiños, A Mata, CE Semino
Bimolecular-based self-assembling hydrogel for application in cartilage repair

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file