ARI Abstracts
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 ARI Abstracts ISSN 2960-2483 (Continues: eCM conferences open access online periodical, ISSN 2522-235X- until July 2023)

eCM Meeting Abstracts 2009, Collection 2

eCM X Stem Cells for Musculoskeletal Regeneration
June 29-July 1, 2009, Convention Centre, Davos, Switzerland

Abstracts of the meeting listed in order of presentation

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file

Oral presentations

Page 1 S Steiner
Team up for Impact - The AO Exploratory Research Concept

Stem Cells: Introduction

Page 2 A Ekonomou, A Somani, A Petrova, S Gogel, S Pringle, H Syed, M Gubernator, Y Wu, N Almaani, SL Minger
Therapeutic and research potential of human stem cells

Page 3 M Koning, MC Harmsen, RA Bank, PMN Werker
Skeletal muscle tissue engineering in patients with facial paralysis

Page 4 C Scotti, A Papadimitropoulos, B Tonnarelli, A Scherberich, A Barbero, I Martin
In vivo formation of bone tissue by adult human mesenchymal stem cells depends on the stage of in vitro chondrogenic differentiation

Stem Cells: The Niche

Page 5 M Alison
A methodological approach to tracing cell lineage in human tissues

Page 6 S Koelling, J Kruegel, M Irmer, J Ragnar Path, B Sadowski, X Miro, C Bode, N Miosge
Migratory chondrogenic progenitor cells from late stages of osteoarthritis exhibit gender differences

Page 7 MLP Langelaan, KJM Boonen, KY Rosaria-Chak, FPT Baaijens, MJ Post, DWJ van der Schaft
Optimising the niche for skeletal muscle tissue engineering; role of electrostimulation in 2D and 3D cultures

Page 8 C de Bari
Mesenchymal stem cells find their niches in skeletal regenerative medicine

Stem Cells: Tissue Regeneration

Page 9 F Barry, M Murphy, R Dwyer, T O'Brien, C Kavanagh, G Duffy
Stem cell therapy for tissue repair: The stem cell-host interaction

Page 10 L Kupcsik, M Stoddart, M Alini
Mimicking the in vivo biomechanical environment

Page 11 NJ Young, J Dudhia, Y Kasashima, AE Goodship, RKW Smith
Bone marrow derived mesenchymal progenitor cell therapy for tendon regeneration in a large animal natural disease model

Page 12 HE McCarthy, J Bara, S Singhrao, C Archer
Equine cartilage repair: An in vitro comparison between articular cartilage progenitor cells and bone marrow derived stromal cells

Stem Cells: General Applications

Page 13 J Elisseeff
Adult and embryonic stem cells for skeletal reconstruction

Page 14 T Asahara
Endothelial progenitor cells for organogenesis

Page 15 E Dohle, S Fuchs, B Pavic, CJ Kirkpatrick
Sonic hedgehog promotes angiogenesis and osteogenesis in a co-culture system consisting of primary osteoblasts and outgrowth endothelial cells

Page 16 GP Duffy, EM Byrne, TM McFadden, EM Farrell, FJ O'Brien
In vitro vascularisation of collagen-GAG scaffolds using mesenchymal stem cells

Page 17 M Kolbe, S Fuchs, D Katerla, B Pavic, CJ Kirkpatrick
Enrichment of outgrowth endothelial cells from human peripheral blood by protocol modification

Stem Cells: Bone

Page 18 R Tasso, F Tortelli, M Mastrogiacomo, VS Komlev, F Rustichelli, F Peyrin, R Cancedda
In vivo recruitment of two "waves" of host's stem/progenitor cells by exogenous mesenchymal stem cells seeded onto porous ceramic scaffolds and role of endothelial progenitors in the new bone formation

Page 19 CH Evans
In situ modification of progenitor cells for the expedited regeneration of skeletal tissues

Page 20 HT Aro, JJ Alm, HM Koivu, TJ Heino, TA Hentunen
Circulating mesenchymal stem cells in fracture patients

Page 21 U Ripamonti, C Ferretti, L Blann, R Parak, L Renton, J Teare
Engineering the induction of bone formation with transforming growth factor-ß3 and responding myoblastic stem cells

Stem Cells: Dental

Page 22 TA Mitsiadis
Dental stem cells, dental pathology and regeneration

Page 23 MR Alison, TG Fellous, SAC McDonald, J Burkert, A Humphries, S Islam, L Gutierrez-Gonzalez, NA Wright
A methodological approach to tracing cell lineage in human tissues

Page 24 D Docheva, D Padula, C Popov, P Weishaupt, H Clausen-Schaumann, M Schieker
A sight set on periodontitis: establishment of a periodontal progenitor cell line and its behaviour testing on dental materials

Page 25 FJ O'Brien, F Lyons, AA Al-Munajjed, S Kieran, M Toner, GP Duffy
Cell-free collagen-based scaffolds enhance healing over MSC-seeded in vitro-engineered bone tissue grafts

Stem Cells: Cartilage / Disc

Page 26 B Johnstone
Stem cells for cartilage regeneration

Page 27 B Gantenbein-Ritter, L Benneker, M Alini, S Grad
Towards in vitro generation of "intervertebral-disc-like" cells

Page 28 SS Huang, KMC Cheung, D Long, HG Lin, DK Luk, D Chan, GQ Zhou
Isolation and characterization of cell subpopulation with stem cell properties in human and monkey intervertebral disc (IVD)

Page 29 D Sakai
Stem cells for intervertebral disc regeneration and basic study aimed for the identification of disc-progenitor cells and their niche

Page 30 E Farrell, SK Both, OP van der Jagt, W Koevoet, FJ O'Brien, H Weinans, J Jansen, GJVM van Osch
Endochondral bone formation by adult human mesenchymal stem cells

Stem Cells: Regulation

Page 31 L Sommer
Regulating osteoblast and chondrocyte formation from neural crest stem cells

Page 32 K Gelse, M Brem, A Olk, F Hennig, B Swoboda
Paracrine effect of transplanted rib chondrocyte spheroids on bone marrow derived stem cells

Page 33 G Pattappa, NC Jegard, DA Lee, JD de Bruijn
The effect of oxygen tension on the proliferation and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells

Page 34 Z Li, SJ Yao, M Alini, M Stoddart
Mechanical load promotes chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells through the TGF-ß pathway (Prize for the best presentation)

Page 35 CA Hellingman, DA Frenz, GJVM van Osch
Temporal expression of FGF-Receptors in chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells


Page 36 H Abdulrazzak, J Dudhia, PD Clegg, RKW Smith
Tendon-derived cells differentially modulate proliferation of mesenchymal progenitor cells from different sources

Page 37 J Demol, J Eyckmans, J Schrooten, H Van Oosterwyck
Fibrin as a substrate and carrier for human periosteum derived progenitor cells during osteogenic induction

Page 38 JA Desmarais, SP Demers, J Suzuki Jr, S Laflamme, S Laverty, LC Smith
Derivation of autologous embryonic stem cell lines for stem cell therapy in an equine model of cartilage repair.

Page 39 S Giovannini, J Diaz-Romero, T Aigner, P Mainil-Varlet, D Nesic
Stem cells for musculoskeletal regeneration.production of a cartilage-like tissue by coculturing human articular
chondrocytes with human bone marrow MSC in a 3D system (Prize for the best poster)

Page 40 F Hildner, A Peterbauer, S Neussl, A Schultz, C Gabriel, H Redl, M van Griensven, S Wolbank
Minipig derived mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow and adipose tissue: comparison of adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation potential

Page 41 QP Hou, A Spadaccino, O Hughes, DS Dauphin, BS Noble
Development of stem cell carriers for bone regeneration

Page 42 M Jäger, M Herten, E Jelinek, U Fochtmann, J Fischer, R Krauspe
Bone marrow concentrate - optimal for bone repair!

Page 43 TQ Kajhøj, EM Füchtbauer, H Løvschall
Mesoangioblast stem cells in regenerative therapies

Page 44 T Kamarul, P Chong, L Selvaratnam, CC Tai, AA Abbas
Quantitative real-time PCR analysis for chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cell in alginate

Page 45 T Kamarul, L Boo, L Selvaratnam, CC Tai
Three-dimensional culture of rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells using microcarrier beads in spin culture

Page 46 T Kamarul, AS Wee, SY Lee, L Selvaratnam, AA Abbas
A comparative study using negative selection and standard methods for adult mesenchymal stem cells isolation

Page 47 T Kamarul, SL Tan, L Selvaratnam, CC Tai
The effect of growth and differentiation factor 5 in tenogenic differentiation

Page 48 NS Khan, JL Tremoleda, S Riahi, B Lucendo, D Pier, O Hughes, V Mann, DS Dauphin, BS Noble
Regenerative properties of human embryonic stem cell-derived chondrogenic cells in an articular defect

Page 49 N Krattinger, LA Applegate, D Pioletti, J Caverzasio
Effects of culture conditions on the proliferation and differentiation capacities of human fetal bone cells

Page 50 J Kruegel, S Koelling, N Miosge
The role of nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis

Page 51 Z Li, SJ Yao, M Alini, M Stoddart
Chondrogenesis of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells is modulated by frequency and amplitude of dynamic compression and shear stress

Page 52 A McAlinden, SW Choi, J Xie, Y Du, S Ravindran, E DeLassus, A Gotimer, Y Xia
Three-dimensional inverse opal scaffolds for culture and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells

Page 53 RM McCann, T Doyle, GR Jordan, SA Clarke
Towards an understanding of inter-patient variability in marrow progenitor populations

Page 54 D McMullan, G Burke, SA Clarke, GR Jordan
Expansion of stem/progenitor cells; the potential of small interfering RNA strategies

Page 55 JRJ Paletta, A Greiner, HJ Wendorff, S Fuchs-Winkelmann, MD Schofer
PLLA and BMP-2 containing PLLA nanofiber scaffolds for growth and differentiation of hMSCs and bone regeneration

Page 56 A Papadimitropoulos, A Mehrkens, N Theilgaard, A Scherberich, I Martin
An in vitro model of bone organ starting from progenitor cell populations

Page 57 M Pierini, C Di Bella, M Fini, B Dozza, T Frisoni, E Lucarelli, F Salamanna, M Sartori, D Donati
BMP-7 and Mesenchymal stem cells promote allograft integration

Page 58 C Qu, H Kröger, MJ Lammi
Enhancement of chondrogenesis of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell by centrifugation or gluosamine sulfate

Page 59 T Randau, K Ito, M Alini, M Stoddart
The effect of dexamethasone and triiodthyronine on chondrogenically differentiated bovine mesenchymal stem cells

Page 60 MD Schofer, A Greiner, HJ Wendorff, JRJ Paletta, S Fuchs-Winkelmann
Functionalisation of PLLA nanofibers by collagen or collagen derived peptides - Effect on growth and differentiation of hMSCs

Page 61 T Struys, W Martens, E Theunissen, E Wolfs, M Moreels, C Politis, I Lambrichts
Ultrastructural evidence for multi-lineage differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells

Page 62 S Thorpe, CT Buckley, DJ Kelly
Chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells is differentially regulated by temporal application of dynamic compression

Page 63 T Vinardell, CT Buckley, DJ Kelly
Functional properties of cartilaginous tissues generated from mesenchymal stem cells isolated from different tissue sources

Page 64 B Weyand, C Kasper, M Israelowitz, C Gilles, HP von Schroeder, K Reimers, PM Vogt
Three-dimensional laminar flow dynamic culture of human adipose stem cells stimulates cell differentiation and extracellular matrix deposition

Page 65 R Williams, K Richardson, SK Singhrao, RE Jones, DM Baird, L Nelson, H Lewis, S Roberts, J Dudhia, IM Khan, CW Archer
A sub-population of human articular cartilage cells display stem cell/progenitor characteristics

Page 66 JC Bishop, IM Khan, R Williams, CW.Archer
Articular cartilage-derived chondroprogenitors maintain telomere length through transient telomerase activation

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file