ARI Abstracts
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 ARI Abstracts ISSN 2960-2483 (Continues: eCM conferences open access online periodical, ISSN 2522-235X- until July 2023)

eCM Meeting Abstracts 2007, Collection 6

BIOSURF VII — Functional Interfaces for Directing Biological Response
August 29–31, 2007. University of Zurich, Aula of the University, Rämistrasse 71, Zurich

Abstracts listed in order of presentation at the meeting

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file

Page 1: S Schweizer, A Taubert
Electrospinning of polyesters

Page 2: M Garcia-Fuentes, L Meinel, HP Merkle
IGF-I time-concentration profiles can modulate the early stage differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells: application to ligament or cartilage engineering

Page 3: O Guillaume-Gentil, Y Akiyama, CS Tang, M Textor, M Yamato, T Okano, J Vörös
Electronically addressable polyelectrolyte coatings and their potential for cell sheet engineering

Page 4: NC Quach, P Schmutz
Corrosion behavior of magnesium alloy WE 43 used in biomedical applications studied by electrochemical techniques

Page 5: M Leretter, C Sinescu, M Negrutiu, R Negru, N Faur, M Hluscu, M Rominu, M Sorin
Intraoral welding of implants abutments with a prefabricated titanium bar

Page 6: R Vukmirovic, ML Smith, KE Kubow, D Gourdon, V Vogel
Conformation dependent interaction between fibronectin and collagen I in cell mediated remodeling of eCM

Page 7: V Milleret, P Neuenschwander, AG Bittermann, H Hall
Characterization of a novel biodegradable 3D-scaffold designed for medical applications

Page 8: M Rimann, T Lühmann, M Textor, H Hall
Characterization Of novel PLL-g-PEG-DNA nanoparticles for local and controlled DNA release

Page 9: OV Semenov, J Voeroes, AH.Zisch
Engineering and differentiation of stem cell sheets

Page 10: M Ehrbar, MP Lütolf, A Sala, SC Rizzi, JA Hubbell, FE Weber
Enzymaticically formed, modular designed biomaterials

Page 11: H Perea, J Heverhagen, J Aigner, I Feix, S Repmann, A Stemberger, E Wintermantel
A visible antithrombogenic biosurface for synthetic vascular grafts

Page 12: P Deshpande, N Bullett, M Notara, JT Daniels, D Haddow, S MacNeil
Use of a rabbit cornea model for the development of a cell transfer system for limbal epithelial cells

Page 13: M Roba, MH Naka, B Gasser, D Delfosse, E Gautier, ND Spencer, R Crockett
Investigation of artificial hip joint lubrication

Page 14: S Lee, ND Spencer
Lubricating behaviour of albumin at the sliding contacts of chemically modified elastomers

Page 15: N Cottenye, J Razumovitch, K de França, F Teixeira Jr., W Meier, C Vebert, L Ploux
Nucleotide nanostructured surfaces to study bacterial adhesion and biofilm growth

Page 16: C Schmidt, N Davies, D Bezuidenhout, L Higham, P Zilla
VEGF and PDGF-BB increase neovascularisation into a heparin-coated polyurethane

Page 17: Ch Mayer, V Zoulalian, S Tosatti, N Spencer
Polymeric monomolecular magnesium coatings for biomedical applications

Page 18: S Sartori, A Rechichi, G Ciardelli, A Caporale, G Vozzi, L Mazzucco
New strategies in polymeric biomaterials functionalisation

Page 19: C Sinescu, A Podoleanu, M Negrutiu, C Todea, D Dodenciu, M Rominu
Material defects investigation in fixed partial dentures using optical coherence tomography method

Page 20: M Negrutiu, C Sinescu, G Draganescu, C Todea, D Dodenciu, M Rominu, C Clonda
Application of the laser microspectral analysis in dentistry: microleakage evaluation in fixed partial dentures

Page 21: RO Rominu, C Sinescu, A Podoleanu, M Negrutiu, M Rominu, AR Soicu, C Sinescu
The quality of bracket bonding studied by means of oct investigation. A preliminary study

Page 22: ML Smith, D Gourdon, WC Little, KE Kubow, V Vogel
Force-induced unfolding of fibronectin in the extracellular matrix of living cells

Page 23: M Charnley, K Fairfull-Smith, NH Williams, CWI Douglas, SL McArthur, JW Haycock
Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial resorcinarene-peptides for biomaterial modification

Page 24: JL Vázquez-Gutiérrez, A Igual-Muñoz
Influence of potential on the electrochemical behaviour of Co-Cr-Mo alloy in simulated body fluids using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

Page 25: CV Vidal, AI Muñoz,
Electrochemical characterisation of biomedical alloys for surgical implants in simulated body fluids

Page 26: O Casse, A Taubert
Amphiphilic copolymers at the air-water interface for the preparation of calcium phosphate thin films

Page 27: Th Schuster, Ch Dittrich, D de Bruyn Outer, W Meier
Solid supported membranes based on amphiphilic gramicidin derivatives

Page 28: TE Balmer, M Heuberger
The transmission interference adsorption sensor (TInAS)

Page 29: K Barth, G Coullerez, L Nilsson, R Castelli, M Textor
Engineered mannose-presenting platform for the study of E.coli adhesion under static and dynamic conditions

Page 30: HL Khor, E Sinner, W Knoll
Neurons derived from P19 embryonic carcinoma cells as a platform for biosensor applications

Page 31: M Baumann, E Reimhult, M Textor
Controlling self-assembled structures via different hydrophobic amino acids in short peptide amphiphiles

Page 32: N Giamblanco, N Tuccitto, A Licciardello, G Marletta
Focused ion beam treatment of self-assembled monolayers for protein patterning

Page 33: A Studer, LX Tiefenauer
Stable planar lipid bilayers in nanopores

Page 34: E Reimhult, C Merz, Q Ye, R Konradi, M Textor
Novel surface architectures for biomimetic lipid membranes

Page 35: J Zimmermann, M Rabe, S Seeger
Silicone nanocarpets as biointerfaces: from superhydrophobicity to selective protein enrichment

Page 36: K Akiyoshi
Nanogel-based materials for drug delivery system

Page 37: R Sklyar
Two-way interface for directing the biological signals

Page 38: A Keppler, A Feger, N Henninger, H-M Kloetzer, B Kraenzlin, N Gretz, J Pill
Continuous glucose monitoring in subcutaneous tissue of rats using glucose oxidase based sensors

Page 39: S Saxer, S Zürcher, S Tosatti, K Gademann, M Textor
Novel screening protocol for universal applicable adhesive molecules

Page 40: M Bally, R Dhumpa, J Voeroes
A microarray assay with fluorescent microparticles

Page 41: G Singh, S Pillai, F Besenbacher, P Kingshott
Binary nanoparticle assemblies for generating chemical patterns

Page 42: C Volcke, RP Ghandiraman, L Basabe-Desmonts, A Riaz, A Cafolla, B McCraith
Oriented transfer of proteins for biosensor applications

Page 43: E Amstad, S Zurcher, JY Wong, M Textor, E Reimhult
Surface functionalization of single superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for targeted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Page 44: L Kind, A Müller, U Pieles, A Taubert, W Meier
Stimuli responsive core-shell silica nanoparticles

Page 45: CC Wu, L Basabe-Desmonts, K van der Werf, C Otto, AH Velders, M Crego-Calama, DN Reinhoudt, V Subramaniam
Fabrication and visualization of metal ion patterns on sensing fluorescent SAMs with AFFM

Page 46: N Reynolds, S Janusz, CN Hunter, GJ Leggett
Nanoscale patterning of photosynthetic light harvesting proteins

Page 47: GJS Fowler, AM Pereira, B O'Sullivan, G Mishra, PC Wright, SL McArthur
Plasma polymer surfaces for high-throughput microfluidic proteomic analysis

Page 48: G Mishra, SL McArthur
Patterning of plasma polymers for bioarrays

Page 49: B Koelsch, M Rimann, H Hall
Design of a flow chamber to study shear stress induced endothelial cell orientation on/within different modified 3D-fibrin matrices

Page 50: MA Cole, M Jasieniak, NH Voelcker, H Thissen, HJ Griesser
Control over protein adsorption with thermosensitive stimuli-responsive coatings

Page 51: R Nehring, CG Palivan, W Meier
Ni2+-NTA functionalized amphiphilic diblock-co-polymer vesicles

Page 52: L Iversen, N Cherouati, D Stamou, KL Martinez
Protein self-assembly on micro-contact printed surface patterns

Page 53: S Kaufmann, K Kumar, M Textor, E Reimhult
Characterisation of the structure of PEG-supported lipid bilayers

Page 54: A Bezrukova
Biomedical nanoparticle interfaces optical sensing

Page 55: M Cantuel, AH Velders, DN Reinhoudt
Microcontact printing of DNA on various functionalized monolayers

Page 56: SR Coyer, AJ García, E Delamarche
High resolution multi-protein NANOpatterns

Page 57: TM Blättler, A Binkert, E Thomasson, P Senn, F Rakusa, E Reimhult, M Textor, J Vörös
Novel micro- and nanopatterning techniques for biological applications using particle self-assembly as template

Page 58: K Kumar, S Kaufmann, M Textor, E Reimhult
Site-specific sorting of proteoliposomes for high density parallel screening of membrane receptor function

Page 59: H Gliemann, S Kalinina, A Petershans, D Wedlich, Th Schimmel, S Reichlmaier, A Lyapin, G Fisher, S Bryan
TOF-SIMS analysis of bio-functionalized surface structures for specific cell adhesion

Page 60: J Razumovitch, K de França, N Cottenye, L Ploux, W Meier, C Vebert
Immobilization of oligonucleotides onto substrates for cell adhesion studies

Page 61: A Mashaghi, E Reimhult, M Swann, J Popplewell, M Textor
Effects of optical anisotropy on waveguide spectroscopy and its measurement allows elucidation of conformational changes in supported lipid bilayers

Page 62: D Grieshaber, E Reimhult, J Vörös
Increasing the sensitivity of enzymatic biosensors by working at the phase transition temperature

Page 63: M Gheorghiu, S David, C Polonschii, D Bratu, E Gheorghiu
Biosensing and controlled interaction with cellular systems via structured interfaces

Page 64: C Jönsson, M Aronsson, G Rundström, C Pettersson, I Mendel-Hartwig, J Bakker, B MacCraith, O Öhman, J Melin
Silane-dextran chemistry on polymer chips for point of care diagnostics

Page 65: J P?ibyl, P Skládal, D Ren?iuk, M Vorlí?ková
High resolution AFM as a tool for analysis of short-chain DNA structure and properties

Page 66: R Iwata, Y Iwasaki, K Akiyoshi
Site-directed immobilization of antibodies on well-defined polymer brushes

Page 67: M Ochsner, M Smith, M Grandin, M Textor
Defining cell shape in 3D

Page 68: MN Giraud, D Keller, D Balazs, E Körner, T Humbert, H Tevaearai, G Fortunato
Selection of tuning PCL nanofiber non-wovens for muscle tissue engineering.

Page 69: MD Paz, S Chiussi, P González, J Serra, B León, JI Alava, I Güemes, FM Sánchez-Margallo
In vivo evaluation of CaP produced nanocoating on laser macrostructured Ti6Al4V implants

Page 70: I Gerber, JC Puippe, T Wallimann
Biological responses of human osteoblasts to titanium coated by glow discharge anodisation

Page 71: RA Green, LA Poole-Warren, NH Lovell
Novel neural interface for vision prosthesis electrodes: Neurite outgrowth through biomolecule incorporation

Page 72: Y Iwasaki, U Takami, Y Shinohara, K Akiyoshi
Control of cell function on carbohydrate-immobilized phosphorylcholine polymer surfaces

Page 73: E Thomasson, B Staedler, T Blaettler, J Voeroes, A Franco-Obregón
Real time analyses of myogenesis in behaving myoblasts

Page 74: Z Fohlerová, P Skládal, J Turánek
The cell adhesion process and apoptosis monitored with the piezoelectric sensor

Page 75: K Poole, G Behme, H Haschke, R Owen
The CellHesion - quantifying adhesion forces between single cells

Page 76: A Ochsenbein, F Chai, S Winter, M Traisnel, HF Hildebrand, J Breme
Interaction of osteoblasts with the surface structure of different oxide layers on titanium substrate

Page 77: P Schweizer, K Borchers, D Wojciukiewicz, D Riester, M Weimer, G Tovar, H Mertsching
Adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of primary keratinocytes on chemically functionalized nano- and microstructured surfaces

Page 78: Skoglund, J Wetterö, T Skogh, C Sjöwall, P Tengvall, T Bengtsson
C1q and C-reactive Protein (CRP) Modulate Platelet Activation on Adsorbed Immunoglobulin G and Albumin

Page 79: N Csaba, G Coullerez, X Liu, M Textor, PH Seeberger, HP Merkle
Glycopolymer-engineered biodegradable microparticles as vaccine against Leishmaniasis

Page 80: C Perrino, N Csaba, G Coullerez, G Gorodyska, S Bravo, H-P Merkle, M Textor
PLL-g-PEG/PEG-mannose functionalized nanogels for cell-receptor-targeted drug delivery application

Page 81: F Lüthen, C Bergemann, B Finke, K Schröder, A Ohl, J Rychly
Cell biological investigations on bioactive surfaces

Page 82: S Pezzatini, C Satriano, G Marletta, M Ziche, L Morbidelli
Respose of endothelial cells to polyethylene terephthalate surfaces activated by irradiation

Page 83: A Sala, M Ehrbar, D Trentin, J Vörös, FE Weber
Micropatterned hydrogel layers for tissue engineering

Page 84: N Tymchenko, D Thid, J Gold
Evaluation of supported phospholipid bilayer persistance and mobility in cell culture

Page 85: A Wandrey, M Garcia-Fuentes, M Mattotti, V Vogel, L Meinel, HP Merkle
Cell response on silk fibroin scaffolds with varying topographies

Page 86: A-K Born, M Rottmar, M Pleskova, K Maniura-Weber, A Bruinink
Live-cell monitoring tools for cell-surface interaction investigations

Page 87: D Baranes, H Peretz, R Vago
Aragonite crystalline biomaterials as bioactive and instructive microenvironments for neural development

Page 88: J-P Kaiser, A Bruinink
Monitoring and analysis of cell migration

Page 89: S Weigel, L Yao, M Halbeisen, A Pandit, A Bruinink
Dynamic observation of axonal growth on textile fibres

Page 90: T Pompe, S Glorius, C Werner
Adhesion energy balance at the cell-matrix-substrate interface

Page 91: M Schnabelrauch, AR Kautz, J Weisser, J Schmidt, A Henning, C Schrader, U Bayer, F Schlottig
Engineering strontium-containing titanium implant surfaces

Page 92: L Sandrin, L Coche-Guérente, D Boturyn, P Labbé, P Dumy
Characterization of RGD-functionalized gold substrate and monitoring of cell adhesion process using QCM-D

Page 93: T Lühmann, H Sigrist, C Hinderling, H Hall
Photochemically functionalizable surfaces for nerve regeneration

Page 94: S Wang, XJ Lian, XM Chen, EL Li, HS Zhu
Surface modification of silk fibroin with ferulic acid

Page 95: U Pieles, T Bühler, B von Rechenberg, K Voelter, D Snetivy, F Schlottig
Investigation of a unique nanostructured dental implant surface

Page 96: MCL Martins, SA Curtin, SC Freitas, P Salgueiro, BD Ratner, MA Barbosa
Engineering surfaces for blood deheparinization using an heparin-binding peptide

Page 97: IC Gonçalves, MCL Martins, MA Barbosa, E Naeemi, BD Ratner
Platelet adhesion and activation modulated by selective adsorption of proteins to self-assembled monolayers

Page 98: SA Johnston, CL Yeung, J Bramble, SD Evans, JA Preece, PM Mendes, LM Machesky
Cell spreading in response to adhesive microenvironments

Page 99: E Rebollar, I Frischauf, T Peterbauer, M Olbrich, C Romanin, J Heitz
Alignment of mammalian cells on laser nanostructured polystyrene

Page 100: E Madarasz, I Levkovets, K Erdelyi, I Szendro
Label free biosensor assay on the kinetics of cell-substrate interactions

Page 101: F Walther, M Hennemeyer, S Kerstan, P Davidovskaya, K Schürzinger, AM Gigler, S Maßberg, RW Stark
Enhancement of cell growth on SU-8 by O2 plasma activation

Page 102: R Lange, F Lüthen, B Nebe, U Beck
The influence of the surface topography of titanium implants on the behaviour of adhesive osteoblastic cells - statistical correlations

Page 103: ST Reddy, AJ van der Vlies, E Simeoni, CP O'Neil, MA Swartz, JA Hubbell
Exploiting lymphatic transport and complement activation in nanoparticle vaccines

Page 104: AG Bittermann, Burkhardt, F Greve, A Hierlemann, H Hall
The neuron-to-chip interface analyzed by FIB-milling

Page 105: S Giljean, M Bigerelle, K Anselme
Influence of surface roughness of titanium substrates on wettability and human bone cell adhesion

Page 106: S Pezzatini, R Solito, E Boanini, A Bigi, M Ziche, A Giachetti
Proangiogenic effect of hydroxyapatite nanocrystals on microvascular endothelium

Page 107: S Pezzatini, R Solito, L Morbidelli, A Bigi, M Ziche
Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite promotes angiogenesis in vitro by up-regulation of FGF-2

Page 108: G Hasanova, S Noriega, J Turner, A Subramanian
Effect of ultrasound stimulation on the biosynthetic activity of chondrocyte in cell-seeded matrices

Page 109: K Pataky, M Cordey, J Brugger, M Lutolf
Cell patterning using nanostencil lithography: An alternative to micro-contact printing

Page 110: C Su, S Wang, X Lian, Z Gao, H Zhu, J Bei, S Wang
The application with danshen to improve cell affinity on silk fibroin surface

Page 111: Y Tanaka, Y Tsutsumi, H Doi, T Yoneyama, T Hanawa
Electrodepositional immobilization manners of poly(ethylene glycol) on titanium

Page 112: A Steffen, C Thiele, S Tietze, C Strassnig, A Kämper, T Lengauer, G Wenz, J Apostolakis
Improved cyclodextrin-based receptors for camptothecin by inverse virtual screening

Page 113: S Yamane, K Akiyoshi
Nanogel-inorganic hybrid: Synthesis and characterization of polysaccharide-calcium phosphate nanomaterials

Page 114: AG Shard, S Westall, R Ogaki, IS Gilmore, MR Alexander, MC Davies
C60 sputter depth profiling of drug-loaded poly(lactide)

Page 115: C Fraysse-Ailhas, A Graff-Meyer, P Rigler, C Mittelhozer, S Raman, U Aebi, P Burkhard
Peptide nanoparticles for drug delivery applications

Page 116: FD Matl, S Repmann, M Kiokekli, A Obermeier, W Friess, A Stemberger
Haemocompatibility studies of novel anti-infective vascular grafts

Page 117: F Cengelli, J Grzyb, F Tschudi-Monnet, X Montet, A Montoro, H Hofmann, S Hanessian, L Juillerat-Jeanneret
Surface functionalization of nanoparticles for cell-targeted drug delivery

Page 118: MØ Andersen, JV Nygaard, KA Howard, R Bak, SR Paludan, M Raarup, F Besenbacher, J Kjems
Surface delivery of siRNA for implants

Page 119: M Gengler, H Hall, JA Hubbell
Reductively degradable PEG-nanoparticles for DNA delivery

Page 120: M Grzelakowski, C Fraysse, P Riegler, W Meier
Block copolymer based vesicles as carriers and biological membrane mimetics

Page 121: F Teixeira Jr., C Cattin, M Ledergerber, AHE Müller, C Vebert-Nardin
Nucleo-copolymers: oligonucleotide-based amphiphilic diblock copolymers

Page 122: N Csaba, S Fischer, G Gorodyska, M Textor, HP Merkle
Surface modified microparticles as carriers for nucleic acid vaccines and immunopotentiators

Page 123: B Malisova, K Gademann, S Zürcher, S Tosatti, M Textor
Surface active poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) catechol derivatives on metal oxide surfaces: influence of pH, pKa and isoelectric point on adsorption kinetics and adlayer stability

Page 124: S Bozzini, P Petrini, S Zürcher, S Tosatti, MC Tanzi, G Bianchi, P Robotti
PEg-based SAMs onto titanium oxide surfaces: Effect of peg molecular weight

Page 125: NM Graf, J Möller, V Vogel, A Mühlebach, W Rutsch, M Textor, R Konradi
Non-fouling hydrogel coatings on polymer substrates

Page 126: M Charnley, K Fairfull-Smith, NH Williams, CWI Douglas, SL McArthur, JW Haycock
Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial resorcinarene-peptides for biomaterial modification

Page 127: S Bonazzi, J-Y Wach, K Gademann
Combining devices and drugs by synthetic natural product hybrids

Page 128: S Al-Bataineh, M Textor, M Yan
Covalent immobilization of antibacterial furanones via photochemical activation of perfluorophenylazide

Page 129: T Hanawa, Y Tanaka, H Saito, Y Matsuo, Y Tsutsumi, H Doi
Effect of concentration of active hydroxyl groups on the immobilization of poly(ethylene glycol) onto metals

Page 130: A Franken, EEM van den Bosch, O Crespo-Biel, JA Loontjens, AA Dias
Anti-microbial coatings for urological applications

Page 131: R Konradi, B Pidhatika, Q Li, M Textor
Poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline): Protein-like polymer for the fabrication of functional non-fouling surface coatings

Page 132: L Mauclaire, J-D Bünger, J Lübben, M Zinn
Biofilm formation on mcl-polyhydroxyalkanoates: relevance of purity grade and pre-conditioning

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file