ARI Abstracts
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 ARI Abstracts ISSN 2960-2483 (Continues: eCM conferences open access online periodical, ISSN 2522-235X- finished July 2023)

Volume No 14 - Supplement 2 - November 2007

Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on
Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation

September 4th - 8th 2007, University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland

Abstracts listed in order of presentation at the meeting

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file

Page 1: M Goldberg
History of the TMD conferences

Development and Evolution

Page 2: L Olsson
Evolution of vertebrate head development

Page 3: F Galis
Interactions between genetics and development as constraints on organogenesis

Page 4: M Meredith
Smith Building unique dentitions by patterning repeated tooth addition

Page 5: R Cerny
Oral morphogenesis in Axolotl and the first evidence of endodermal teeth for gnathostomes

Page 6: V Laudet
Crucial roles of retinoic acid signalling during teeth induction in Teleost fish

Page 7: J Jernvall
Evolution and varieties of the tooth crown shapes

Page 8: L Viriot
Cusp development in the mouse first lower molar

Page 9: A Huysseune
Unique and concerved characters in salmon tooth development

Page 10: S Delgado
Evolutionary analysis of DMP-1

Page 11: Y Barrandon
Epithelial stem cells: manipulating the niche

Page 12: J Helms
Genetic pathways mediating species-specific craniofacial variations

Page 13: D Rice
Cell fate specifications during suture formation: consequences for craniosynostosis

Page 14: W-Y Yu
Craniofacial phenotype in Barx1 mutant mice

Craniofacial Development

Page 15: T Peltomaki
Normal and abnormal jaw development

Page 16: M Cobourne
Severe defects of craniofacial development in mice over-expressing Shh

Page 17: M Seppala
Gas1 is a modifier for holoprosencephaly and genetically interacts with Shh

Page 18: A Neubueser
The function of FGF signalling during early craniofacial development

Page 19: R Radlanski
The creation of a 3D atlas on human prenatal dental development

Initiation / Patterning / Morphogenesis

Page 20: O Pourquie
Segmental patterning in vertebrate development

Page 21: I Thesleff
Regulation of continuous growth of mouse incisors by epithelialmesenchymal interactions

Page 22: M Bei
Molecular mechanisms controlling early tooth morphogenesis

Page 23: Y Chai
Smad-dependent TGF-beta/BMP signaling in regulating first branchial arch patterning and tooth development

Page 24: A Ohazama
The role of primary cilia in tooth development

Initiation / Patterning / Morphogenesis

Page 25: P Sharpe
Lrp4: a Wnt/BMP modulator regulating tooth number

Page 26: J Blackburn
Reappearance of successionary lateral incisors in the mouse recapitulates the ancestral glires dentition

Page 27: E Jarvinen
Wnt signalling in tooth replacement

Page 28: P Munne
Molecular regulation of incisor fate in developing dentition

Genetic anomalies

Page 29: S Antonarakis
Conserved non-coding regions in the human genome

Page 30: H Peters
Pax9/Msx1 interactions in tooth and lip development

Page 31: O Klein
Loss of Sprouty gene function leads to dental anomalies by rendering dental tissues hypersensitive to FGF signaling

Page 32: M Zoupa
Palatal and tooth development in Tbx1 mutant mice

Page 33: T Mitsiadis
Molecular networks underlying dental defects in the DiGeorge syndrome

Differentiation/ Dentinogenesis / Mineralization

Page 34: H Magloire
Odontoblasts as sensor cells

Page 35: A George
Dentin matrix protein-4 functions in terminal differentiation of odontoblasts

Page 36: M Goldberg
Extracellular molecules stimulate the formation of reparative dentin in experimentally exposed adult dental pulp of rats and mice

Page 37: J-C Park
TgfBeta1 induces apoptosis through the Smad signalling pathway in odontoblasts of NFI-C null mice

Page 38: J-C Farges
Odontoblasts sense pathogens and trigger an immune response in the human dental pulp

Differentiation / Amelogenesis / Mineralization

Page 39: J Kirkpatrick
In vitro studies on bone tissue engineering

Page 40: P DenBesten
Calcium mediated differentiation of ameloblast lineage cells in vitro

Page 41: F Lezot
Dlx homeoproteins implication in ameloblasts organization and function

Page 42: T Bronckers
Localization and function of the anionic exchanger AE2 in developing rodent teeth

Page 43: A Taniquichi
Reuptake of extracellular amelogenin by dental epithelial cells results in increased levels of amelogenin mRNA through enhanced mRNA stabilization

Roots / Periodontal ligament / Bone

Page 44: A Berdal
Frontiers in dental and bone cell biology

Page 45: M Ota
Shh and Fgf signalling are important for tooth root development

Page 46: K Tompkins
Amelogenin signalling in tooth root formation

Page 47: D Gullberg
A role for alpha11beta1 integrin in mouse incisor eruption

Page 48: M Tummers
The flexible modulation of epithelial differentiation in the cervical loop sheds new light on the relationship between root formation and continuous growth

Page 49: M Saito
Transcriptome analysis of extracellular matrix genes involved in periodontal ligament development

Tissue engineering / Growth factors / Stem cells

Page 50: G Richards
Bioreactors: Culturing human bone ex vivo

Page 51: M Alini
Use of mesenchymal stem cells: potential and present limitations

Page 52: P Sharpe
History of tooth tissue engineering

Page 53: H Lesot
Crown formation during tooth development and tissue engineering

Page 54: N Fujiwara
EGF prevents formation of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath during mouse molar tooth development in vitro

Page 55: N Suda
Amelogenin and Emdogain inhibit odontoclastic root resorption

Page 56: P Boissy
Characterization of mineralized-tissue-forming cells in culture of human periodontal cells stimulated by enamel matrix derivatives using flow cytometry

Page 57: A Mohamed
Neural crest contribution to dental stem cells

Tissue engineering / Regeneration / Stem cells

Page 58: R D'Aquino
Human neural crest-derived cells from adult dental tissues: an extraordinary niche of embryonic stem cells in the adult body

Page 59: T Tsuji
The development and in vivo transplantation of an artificial tooth germ reconstituted by the bioengineered organ germ method

Page 60: M Honda
Reconstitution of tooth tissues

Page 61: A Poliard
Clonal cell lines isolated from mouse dental pulp behave as either monopotent or multipotent progenitors in vitro and contribute to reparative dentin formation after implantation in the mouse incisor

Page 62: R Sartaj
The origins and locations of dental stem cells

Page 63: G Varga
Isolation, culture and differentiation of human epithelial salivary cells: a step towards salivary gland regeneration

Oral Pathology

Page 64: K Heikinheimo
Genetic changes in sporadic keratocystic odontogenic tumor

Page 65: J Caton
Ameloblastoma characterization, regulation and the search for tumor stem cells


Page 66: AC Acevedo, RR Gomes, JAC Fonseca, LM Paula
Phenotypic characterization of a Brazilian family with dominant autosomal ankyloglossia

Page 67: N Al Hashimi, S Delgado, JY Sire
Mammalian enamelins: identification of conserved regions, evolution mode and made use of for validation of mutations leading to amelogenesis imperfecta

Page 68: S Lopez-Cazaux, T Cordonnier, M Julien, P Weiss, J Guicheux, B Alliot-Licht
Growth hormone stimulates proliferation and differentiation in M2H4 odontoblasts

Page 69: EF Martinez, V Cavalcanti de Araujo, SCO Machado de Souza, V.E. Arana-Chavez
TGF- 1 induces human pulp fibroplasts to express -smooth muscle actin in vitro

Page 70: AD Berendsen, TH Smit, XF Walboomers, ALJJ Bronckers, V. Everts
Alkaline phosphatase-induced mineral deposition to anchor collagen fibrils to a solid surface

Page 71: T Bienvenu, C Charles, F Guy, L Viriot
Diversity of the molar radicular complex in murine rodents: investigating the dark side of the tooth

Page 72: J Blackburn, A Ohazama, PT Sharpe
Reappearance of successionary lateral incisors in the mouse recapitulates
the ancestral glires dentition

Page 73: A Bloch-Zupan, A Marx, M Hamou, R Huli, P Dollé
Serial analysis of gene expression during mouse teeth development at day E 14.5 through the Eurexpress initiative

Page 74: T Boran, OD Klein, H Lesot, M Peterka, R Peterkova
Morphology of the lower jaw incisor in Spry null mice

Page 75: B Bulckaen, M Soenens, A Huysseune
Xenopus tropicalis: a model organism to study tooth replacement

Page 76: J Cai, SW Cho, M Ishiyama, M Mikami
Chick tooth revisited

Page 77: C Charles, S Pantalacci, R Peterkova, P Tafforeau, V Laudet, L Viriot
Morphological diversity of upper cheek teeth in the Tabby mouse

Page 78: C Chaussain-Miller, J Hao, A Eapen, S Ravindran, A George
Identification of peptides resulting from DMP1 degradation by MMP-2 to promote stem cell differentiation

Page 79: GH Yuan, L Zhang, YD Zhang, MW Fan, Z Bian, Z Chen
Mesenchyme is responsible for tooth suppression in the mouse lower diastema

Page 80: SO Ko, TH Kim, JC Lee, ES Cho
Temporospatial localization of acetylcholinesterase activity in the dental epithelium during mouse tooth development

Page 81: KW Cho, J Cai, SW Cho, HS Jung
Specificity in ERK activation and function during tooth development

Page 82: SW Cho, J Cai, HS Jung
Patterning of tooth in rodents

Page 83: F Eltit, A Oyarzun
Immunolocalization of integrin B4 (Beta 4) during amelogenesis

Page 84: S Felszeghy, M Suomalainen, I Thesleff
Modulation of BMP activity affects size and shape of incisor morphogenesis

Page 85: S Cheon, E Somogyi-Ganss, Y Nakano, E Bajenova, V Nguyen, R Kosnevitch, MD McKee, B Ganss
Expression profiling and biochemical characterization of mouse amelotin

Page 86: D Graf, AN Economides
Generation and characterization of conditional alleles for BMP-2 and BMP-7

Page 87: Y Gruenbaum-Cohen, A Haze, LA Taylor, B Shay, Y Leiser, E Rosenfeld, L Dafni, PT Sharpe, A Tucker, T Mitsiadis, A Blumenfeld, D Deutsch
Spatial-temporal expression of amelogenin in the developing embryonic craniofacial complex

Page 88: M Hovorakova, H Lesot, M Peterka, R Peterkova
The early prenatal development of the dentition and vestibulum oris in humans

Page 89: A Jenca, J Jencova, V Jencova, M Orencak, J Ondrasovicova, V Hanusinova, I Yaqub
Bone cell transplantation in reconstructive surgery in orofacial region

Page 90: T Nakamura, S de Vega, S Fukumoto, L Jimenez, F Unda, Y Yamada

Page 91: T Kagiya, N Fujiwara, K Ishizeki, J Xiao, H Harada
A role of Wnt5a in continuously growing mice incisors

Page 92: N Kawanabe, K Murakami, S Murata, T Yamashiro
Investigation of primitive characteristics of human periodontal ligament cells

Page 93: P Kemoun, S Laurencin-Dalicieux, J Rue, JC Farges, JP Salles, G Brunel
Human dental follicle cells acquire cementoblast features under BMP-2/-7 and enamel matrix derivatives (EMD) stimulation in vitro

Page 94: JY Kim, A Hosoya, S Kwak, SW Cho, YJ Kim, HS Jung
Analysis of gene expression in root region of developing tooth using laser capture microdissection

Page 95: JY Kim, MJ Lee, KW Cho, JM Lee, J Cai, JY Kim, SW Cho, HS Jung
Dual molecular mechanisms in CVP morphogenesis

Page 96: S Risnes, RF Klinge, C Li, N Skogedal, K Storhaug
Enamel and dentin histology of syndrome teeth

Page 97: K Kosaka, M Saito, K Tsutsui, RI Manabe, T Kiyono, H Ohshima, N Suda, G Ganjargal, T Teranaka, K Sekiguchi, T Yoneda
ADAMTSL-4 and fibrillin-1 cooperate in the formation of oxytalan fiber during periodontal ligament development

Page 98: Y Kozawa
On the enamel evolution and its cytological background

Page 99: HJ Kwon, SW Cho, YJ Kim, MJ Lee, JY Kim, HS Jung
Identification and characterization of epithelial stem cells during mouse incisor development

Page 100: P Lapthanasupkul, I Miletich, PT Sharpe
BCoR and murine tooth development

Page 101: V Lazzari, P Tafforeau, C Charles, J Michaux, L Viriot
Microwear pattern, topographical maps, and the morpho-functional
interpretation of the murine dental pattern origination

Page 102: JM Lee, JY Kim, KW Cho, MJ Lee, SW Cho, S Kwak, J Cai, HS Jung
Wnt11/Fgfr1b cross-talk modulate the fate of cells in palate development

Page 103: N Lehmann, R Debret, A Romeas, H Magloire, F Bleicher, P Sommer, D Seux
Dentin bonding: expression and activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in human odontoblasts cultures from tooth slices

Page 104: B Vilhjalmsson, A Rasmussen, B Fabi, M van de Weert, T Hamelryck, S Lemoult
Bioinformatic and experimental analysis of the secondary structure of amelogenin

Page 105: E Leonardi, J Ochoa-Garay, D Granchi, V Devescovi, S Pagani, G Ciapetti, N Baldini
Genetic control on osteoblast differentiation: a gene expression analysis

Page 106: DB Lyons, OD Klein
Sprouty genes are required for normal mouse maxillary incisor morphogenesis

Page 107: Y Simon, X Penin, A Marchadier, F Lezot, M Aioub, A Berdal, JR Nefussi
Cranio-facial bone dysmorphologies in relation with gene mutations screened by cephalometric tool

Page 108: E Matalova, J Fleischmannova, I Misek, PT Sharpe, AS Tucker
Caspases in primary enamel knot apoptosis

Page 109: JC Maurin, ML Couble, F Carrouel, I About, H Magloire, F Bleicher
MAP-1B expression in human odontoblasts

Page 110: HD Mestrinho, JAC Fonseca, RR Gomes, LC Souza, AC Acevedo, JC Carvalho, LM Paula
Prevalence of enamel dental defects in the deciduous teeth of preschool children in Brasilia, Brazil

Page 111: F Völlner, O Driemel, TE Reichert, C. Morsczeck
Differentiation and characterization of dental follicle precursor cells (PCs)

Page 112: M Nakatomi, H Peters
The role of Pax9 and Msx1 in upper lip formation

Page 113: JR Nefussi, A Marchadier, M Aioub, F Lezot, A Basillais, R Toledo, CL Benhamou, A Berdal
Mouse model coupled to micro CT imaging analysis to investigate alveolar bone involution following tooth extraction

Page 114: E Nishida, M Saito, T Sasaki, SK Ishikawa, N Shimizu, T Yoneda
Transcriptome analysis of extracellular matrix genes involved in periodontal
ligament development

Page 115: H Nordgarden, B Mork-Knutsen, KP Hammerlund, K Storhaug
Salivary gland hypoplasia and aplasia is not so uncommon in
persons with oligodontia and ectodermal dysplasias?

Page 116: Y Ishikawa, K Nakakura-Ohshima, SI Kenmotsu, H Suzuki, HS Jung, H Ohshima
Responses of dental pulp stem cells against exogenous stimuli

Page 117: A Oyarzun
Immunohistomchemical localization of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans involved in enamel formation

Page 118: S Pantalacci, A Chaumot, F Delsuc, A Sadier, E Douzery, V Laudet
Evolution of the EDA pathway in vertebrates: a step towards tooth "evo-devo studies"

Page 119: LM Paula, JAC Fonseca, RR Gomes, E Vieira, AC Acevedo, JC Carvalho, HD Mestrinho
Variation in number and morphology of primary teeth in Brazilian pre-school children

Page 120: E Penttilä, J Jernvall
Dynamics of cusp pattern regulation

Page 121: M Peterka, R Peterkova, Z Likovsky
Seasonal incidence of orofacial clefts in the Czech Republic

Page 122: R Peterkova, H Lesot, S Churava, DB Lyons, M Rothova, M Peterka, O Klein
Morphogenesis of a supernumerary cheek tooth in Spry null and Tabby/Eda mice

Page 123: R Kist, E Greally, H Peters
Neural crest-specific inactivation of Pax9 in mice causes unexpected tooth and craniofacial phenotypes

Page 124: S Petit, S Babajko, JC Jeanny, L Pibouin, A Berdal
Regulatory loop of MSX1 expression by its sense and antisense transcripts

Page 125: B Richard, J Deforges, A Bloch-Zupan, A David, Y Gillerot, S Lopez-Cazeaux, M Matthieu, M Till, A Verloes, D Lacombe, Ph Gorry
DMP1 is not involved in dentinogenesis imperfecta or dentin dysplasia cases

Page 126: R Sartaj, P Sharpe
Diacyclglycerol lipase gene expression in tooth development

Page 127: I Sasagawa, H Yokosuka, M Ishiyama, T Uchida
Fine structural and immunocytochemical observations on collar enamel and ganoine in polypterus, an actinopterygian fish

Page 128: M Seltmann, T Krage, K Zanger, T Struys, I Lambrichts, WHM Raab
Changes observed over time in dentin development after neonatal

Page 129: M Shiga, M Saito, M Hattori, C Torii, K Kosaki, T Kiyono, N Suda
Characteristic phenotype of immortalized periodontal cells isolated from a
Marfan syndrome type I patient

Page 130: L Sonnesen, I Kjaer
Cervical column morphology and mandibular development

Page 131: T Struys, T Krage, W Martens, E Theunissen, M Moreels, I Lambrichts
Metallothionein: a possible new marker for human dental pulp stem cells

Page 132: M Suomalainen, XP Wang, S Felszeghy, LC Zelarayan, MT Alonso, MV Plikus, RL Maas, CM Chuong, T Schimmang, I Thesleff
Balance between BMP4 and activin signalling regulates FGF3 expression
and epithelial stem cells in mouse incisors

Page 133: B Thivichon-Prince, ML Couble, P Delmas, B Franco, L Romio, S Bahe, EA Nigg, H Magloire, F Bleicher
Expression and localization of odontoblast primary cilium proteins

Page 134: H Bandali, M Buchtova, JM Richman, AS Tucker
Egg tooth development in the snake

Page 135: PE Witten, A Huysseune
Histogenesis and pattern of replacement of dentary teeth in wild atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L., Salmonidae, Teleostei)

Page 136: L Xu, H Harada, A Taniguchi
The exon 6ABC region of amelogenin mRNA contribute to increased levels of amelogenin mRNA through amelogenin protein-enhanced mRNA stabilization

Page 137: A Yamada, E Fukumoto, K Yoshizaki, K Yuasa, S Yamamoto, T Iwamoto, S Furukawa, H Harada, M Saito, K Nonaka, S Fukumoto
Gap junctional communication regulates ameloblast differentiation

Page 138: N Yamaguchi, H Ichioka, S Toyosawa, H Harada, R Nishimura, T Yoneda
Role of P38 kinase and JNK in tooth development

Page 139: PM Yamaguti, GC Ferreira, LM Paula, KV Xavier, MCS Dias, AC Acevedo
Clinical heterogeneity of the oral manifestations in nephrocalcinosis patients

Page 140: T Yamashiro, L Zheng, Y Shintaku, M Saito, T Tsubakimoto, K Takada, T Takano-Yamamoto, I Thesleff
Wnt10a regulates dentin sialophosphoprotein mRNA expression and possibly links odontoblast differentiation and tooth morphogenesis

Page 141: T Yokohama-Tamaki, S Shibata, S Wakisaka, H Harada
Fgf-9 play a role for the maintenance of stem cell niche via Fgf-10 expression in the mouse incisors

Page 142: N Yoshiba, K Yoshiba, A Hosoya, M Saito, T Yokoi, T Okiji, N Amizuka, H Ozawa
Association of TIMP-2 with extracellular matrix exposed to mechanical stress and its co-distribution with periostin during mouse tooth development

Page 143: K Yoshizaki, A Yamada, K Yuasa, S Yamamoto, T Iwamoto, H Harada, M Saito, E Fukumoto, K Nonaka, S Fukumoto
Neurotrophic factor NT-4 regulates ameloblastin expression

Page 144: Q Zhang, X Wang, Z Chen
Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis of LIM mineralization protein 1 and
its associated molecules in cultured human dental pulp cells

Page 145: D Lin, Y Huang, F He, S Gu, G Zhang, YP Chen, YD Zhang
An expression survey of genes critical for tooth development in human
embryonic tooth germ

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file