eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials)
eCM Periodical and Conferences, Science with Open Discussion
 ISSN 2522-235X

9th International Conference on
“Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation”

in connection with

COST Action B23
“Oral Facial Development and Regeneration”
Management Committee and Working Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 Meetings

September 4th - 8th 2007, University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Thimios A. Mitsiadis, University of Zurich, ZZMK, Institute of Oral Biology, ZZMK, Plattenstrasse 11, CH 8032 Zurich, Switzerland

Since the 1st conference organized by Prof. JV Ruch in Strasbourg in 1978 for a few researchers interested in tooth development, the number of participants continuously increased during the years and this year there were 250 of participants for the 9th TMD conference.

All the world leader scientists, working on the tooth and craniofacial field, participated. Distinguished outfield speakers attended this auspicious event.

Scientific topics covered craniofacial evolution and genetics, tooth development, molecular mechanisms in differentiation, mineralization and regeneration, stem cell applications, biotechnology and tissue engineering.

The understanding of Craniofacial and Tooth Development, Growth, Homeostasis, Pathology and Repair are based on fundamental questions concerning the specialized cells during morphogenesis, cell proliferation, differentiation and death, mineralization, as in many other biological systems.

A basic knowledge on developmental genes, extracellular matrix components and cell processes and the associated human pathologies are essential for the theoretical and practical management of research on oral physiology and physiopathology.

Experts from all European countries have been networking throughout the European COST B23 Action entitled “Oral Facial Development and Regeneration!.

The 9th TMD conference is encompassing all four of the Working Groups of Cost Action B23 and reflects the evolution of this Action. The conference comprises a series of scientific sessions over a five days period, which maps across the different COST B23 Action Working Groups. A meeting of the Management Committee of the
COST B23 Action took place during the conference.

We invited Dr. Popi Kostelidou to take part on the Management Committee Meeting.

The Programme contained high quality presentations either from invited speakers or selected from submitted abstracts. Together with a poster session ensured the maximum participation from delegates.

View the abstracts

Scientific committee 9th TMD conference
A Huysseune (Belgium), I Thesleff (Finland), D Rice (Finland), K
Heikinheimo (Finland), J Jernvall (Finland), H Magloire (France), H Lesot (France), A Bloch-Zupan (France), M Goldberg (France), F Bleicher (France), J-Y Sire (France), R Peterkova (Czech Republic), R Radlanski (Germany), E Witten (Germany), D Deutsch (Israel), H Harada (Japan), S Iseki (Japan), N Suda (Japan), H-S Jung (Korea), P Sharpe (UK), T Smith (UK), H Peters (UK), M Smith (UK), K Fried (Sweden), T Bronckers (Netherlands), T Mitsiadis (Switzerland), M Snead (USA), Y Chai (USA), A Veis (USA), YP Chen (USA), M Bei (USA), K Tompkins (USA), R D!Souza (USA), P DenBesten (USA)