Volume No 12 - Supplement 1- August 2006
Abstracts of European Cells and Materials VII
Cartilage and Joint Repair
June 26th - 29th 2006, Congress Centre, Davos, Switzerland
All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file
Abstracts listed in order of presentation at the meeting
Cartilage Development
Page 1 : C Hartmann
Importance of Wnt-signaling during embryonic skeletogenesis
Page 2 : CW Archer
The isolation and partial characterisation of progenitor cells from foetal and aged human articular cartilage
Page 3 : E Lundgren-Ackerlund, L Varas, A-K Lindqvist, C Kjellman
Integrin alpa10beta1, a unique cell-surface for chondrogenic cells
Page 4 : LC Hughes, C Archer, I ap Gwynn
Stages of murine articular cartilage development
Page 5 : A Vortkamp
Indian hedgehog signalling in the embryonic growth plate
Page 6 : H Agoston, S Khan, C James, F Beier
C-Type natriuretic peptide regulates endochondral bone growth in a P38 map kinase-dependent manner (Joint Winner of the Prize for the best presentation)
Page 7 : V Ulici, F Beier
The PI3K/Akt pathway regulates endochondral bone growth
Page 8 : L Sandell
Lack of Endochondral Ossification in Site-1 Protease Knockout Mice
Page 9 : E Steck, AN Maurer, H Kalbacher, W Richter
Chondrocyte secreted CRTAC1: an extracellular matrix molecule of human articular cartilage facilitates cell adhesion
Cartilage Biochemistry
Page 10 : D Heinegard
Cartilage eCM molecules with roles in tissue homeostasis
Page 11: P Roughley
The function of cartilage proteoglycans
Page 12: CTG Appleton, DD McErlain, V Pitelka, JL Henry, D Holdsworth, F Beier
Chondrocyte gene expression in a rat model of osteoarthritis
Page 13: S Chubinskaya, L Otten, S Soeder, R Loeser, T Aigner, DC Rueger
Role of osteogenic protein-1 in the regulation of catabolic and anabolic pathways
Page 14: D Eyre
Articular cartilage collagen - an irreplaceable framework?
Cartilage Biomechanics
Page 15: Robert Sah
A model of synovial fluid lubricant composition in normal and inflamed joints
Page 16: Y Takahashi, K Yamamoto, S Chueh, Y Tamada, N Tomita
Effects of relative sliding stimulus on the friction properties of regenerated cartilage
Page 17: ARC Jones, C Keohan, R Sheldon, M Majumdar, EA Morris, R Zollner, CR Flannery
Regulation of lubricin expression and metabolism in synovial joints
Page 18: G Ateshian
Finite element analysis of strain fields in chondrocytes and the extracellular matrix of cartilage under physiological loading
Page 19: U-J Goerke, MA Wimmer, M Alini, E Schneider, H Guenther
Multiscale finite element modelling in tissue engineering of articular cartilage
Page 20 : M Wimmer
Mechanical and cellular response of impaction cycles on osteochondral grafts
Cartilage Degradation
Page 21: J Mort
Proteases in cartilage degradation
Page 22: B Fermor
Oxygen, Nitric Oxide, and Osteoarthritis
Page 23: CM Davies, F Guilak, JB Weinberg, B Fermor
Inerleukin-1 induction of DNA damage in articular cartilage: roles of nitric oxide and superoxide
Page 24: A Fosang
Is ADAMTS-5 the only aggrecanase in mouse cartilage?
Page 25: T Aigner
IL-1ß and BMP-7 - Interactive players of catilage matrix degradation and regeneration
Cartilage repair: Present
Page 26: R Jakob
AMIC technique for cartilage repair, a single-step surgical intervention as compared to other methods
Page 27: J Richardson
Is ACI a success? Current evidence and trials in progress
Page 28: S Majumdar
MR Imaging and Early Cartilage Degeneration Detection
Page 29: S Grohmann, R Schade, J Martini, D Anselmetti, K Liefeith
Visualization of chondrocytes on collagen scaffolds by two photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) (Joint Winner of the Prize for the best presentation)
Page 30 : J Jurvelin
Biophysical diagnostics of normal, degenerated and repaired articular cartilage
Page 31: S Laverty
The pros and cons of studies of animal joints to improve articular cartilage regeneration
Cartilage repair: Future
Page 32: F Barry
Stem cell strategies for cartilage repair
Page 33: T Hennig, H Lorenz, K Goetzke, C Lee, W Richter
A comparison of the different growth factor repertoire and the factor requirement for successful chondrogenesis of MSC's from bone marrow and adipose tissue
Page 34: F Mwale, P-L Girard-Lauriault, HT Wang, S Lerouge, J Antoniou, MR Wertheimer
Suppression of hypertrophy and osteogenesis in committed human mesenchymal stem cells cultured on novel nitrogen-rich plasma polymer coatings
Page 35: B Johnstone
Skeletal tissue regeneration with stem cells
Page 36: H Lorenz, T Hennig, W Richter
Chondrogenic differentiation in adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells: Effects of growth factors and PTHrP
Page 37: A Crawford, DJ Kelly, SC Dickinson, TJ Sims, J Mundy, AP Hollander, PJ Prendergast, PV Hatton
Biochemical markers of the mechanical quality of engineered hyaline cartilage
Page 38: C De Bari
Cell-based approaches to joint surface repair: from bench to bedside
Page 39: M Sato
Cell sheet technology for cartilage repair
Page 40 : R Takaya, N Kachi, N Tomita
Micro-folding culture: A new method of making multicellular aggregate
Page 41: Ivan Martin
Bioreactors for cartilage tissue engineering
Page 42: C Vinatier, O Gauthier, M Masson, D Magne, C Merceron, A Moreau, F Moreau, P Weiss, J Guicheux
Transplantation of nasal chondrocytes with an innovative self-setting hydrogel for cartilage repair
Page 43: C Vinatier, O Gauthier, M Masson, O Malard, A Moreau, F Moreau, B Bilban, R Spaethe, A Goppelt, G Daculsi, P Weiss, J Guicheux
Nasal chondrocytes and fibrin sealant for cartilage tissue engineering
Page 44: C Evans
Molecular approaches to cartilage repair
Page 45: T Schmid
PRG4/lubricin/SZP and the slippery side of cartilage
Page 46: M Alini
Articular motion induces SZP in chondrocytes-seeded 3-D scaffolds: Link between joint motion and joint lubrication?
Page 47: LJ Bonassar
Frictional Properties of Engineered Cartilaginous Tissues in Boundary Lubrication
Page 48: GD Jay
Friction Reducing Properties of Lubricin (Prg4): A Nanoscale Study of Chondroprotection
Page 49: C Flannery
Therapeutic perspectives for lubricin and joint function
Page 50 : C Adamczyk, T Tischer, R Putz, M Benjamin, S Milz
The adaptation of human pisiform entheses to compressive forces
Page 51: W Anderl, P Heuberger, B Kriegleder, M Neumaier, H Plenk Jr.
Adverse cell and tissue reactions during delayed degradation of PLDLA-anchors for shoulder joint repair
Page 52: C Curtin, B Curtin, M Murphy, F Barry
Stem cell delivery of osteoarthritic tissue
Page 53: EJ Blain, VC Duance
Maintenance of chondrocyte phenotype by the vimentin intermediate filaments
Page 54: L Davies, E Blain, B Caterson, V Duance
Comparing the responsiveness of chondrocytes isolated from young and mature articular cartilage to IGF-1 and TGFbeta1
Page 55: GP Dowthwaite, SN Redman, LM Haughton, JA Fairclough, AS Williams, CW Archer
Identification of human chondroprogenitor cell populations
Page 56: C Forkmann, M Alini, U-J Görke, MA Wimmer, H Günther
Identification of hyperelastic parameters of porous polyurethane sponges
Page 57: K Gelse, J Park, K von der Mark, T Aigner, F Henning, H Schneider
BMP-2 transgene-stimulated adult mesenchymal cells for articular cartilage repair (Joint Winner of the Prize for the best poster)
Page 58: LM Haughton, GP Dowthwaite, SN Redman, AS Williams, CW Archer
Spatial pattern of the delta-notch signalling pathway on osteoarthritic cartilage
Page 59: F Hildner, M van Griensven, G Schüller, A Peterbauer, C Gabriel, H Redl
Ability of BMP-6 and FGF-2 to induce chondrogenic differentiation in adipose-derived stem cells
Page 60 : LC Hughes, C Archer, I ap Gwynn
The development and structural integrity of articular cartilage in collagen IX decorin and matrilin-1 knockout mice (Joint Winner of the Prize for the best poster)
Page 61: RW Kang, AH Gomoll, JM Williams, BR Bach, BJ Cole
Chondrolysis after continuous intra-articular bupivacaine infusion. An experimental model investigation chondrotoxicity in the rabbit shoulder
Page 62: RW Kang, PC McCulloch, MH Sobhy, JK Hayden, BJ Cole
Prospective evaluation of prolonged fresh osteochondral allograft transplantation of the femoral condyle: Minimum 2 year follow-up
Page 63: IM Khan, CW Archer
Oxidative stress induces expression of markers of early osteoarthritis and chondrocyte terminal differentiation in cultured bovine explants
Page 64: P Marcus, C De Bari, F Dell'Accio, G Dowthwaite, CW Archer
The in vivo fate of implanted chondroprogenitor cells in SCID mice
Page 65: S Nürnberger, F Wiesauer, S Marlovits
Two year long-term study of human MACT-grafts in vitro
Page 66: CO Flatharta, W Curtin, FP Barry, G Henihan, JM Murphy
Mesenchymal stem cell senescence in osteoarthritis
Page 67: E Pirhonen, L Moimas, P Väänänen
Porous bioactive glass scaffold with high compression strength
Page 68: I Ponomarev, D Paul, M Neumann, I Wilke
Scaffold-free chondrocyte transplantation as alternative to matrix associated chondrocyte transplantation
Page 69: SN Redmann, N Bateman, LM Haughton, GP Dowthwaite, AS Williams, CW Archer
Evidence of a chondroprogenitor population in human osteoarthritic cartilage
Page 70 : K Richardson, IM Khan, CW Archer
Identifying progenitor cells within articular cartilage
Page 71: K Saldanha, J Lozano, CB Ma, HT Kim, S Majumdar
MRI of iron oxide labelled stem cells: Application to tissue regeneration
Page 72: M Stoddart, L Ettinger, HJ Häuselmann
Effect of mechnical load on matrix synthesis in scaffold free, de novo cartilage - like tissue
Page 73: RS Tigli, M Gümüsderelioglu
Dexamethasone releasing chitosan scaffold for cartilage development
Page 74: R Williams, GP Dowthwaite, DJ Evans, C Archer
Notch family signalling and notch signalling modulation during chondrogenesis
Page 75: S Williams, T Banse, W Conrads, T Nickel, L Mejja
BioDynamic test instrument for Characterization of tissue and biomaterials
Page 76: M Wimmer, TK Pylawka, JM Williams, M Honl
Water-Jet cutting of articular cartilage to improve cell viability in cartilage repair
All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file