ARI Abstracts
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 ARI Abstracts ISSN 2960-2483 (Continues: eCM conferences open access online periodical, ISSN 2522-235X- until July 2023)

eCM Meeting Abstracts 2003, Collection 2

Abstracts of European Cells and Materials IV
Bone Tissue Engineering

30th June - 2nd July 2003, Congress Centre, Davos, Switzerland

Abstracts listed in order of presentation at the meeting

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file

Page 1 : J E Aubin, S Zhang and S Uchida
Mesenchymal stem cells and their progeny: developmental paradigms Governing osteoblast differentiation and bone formation.

Pages 2-3 : R Cancedda, R Quarto, P Giannoni, M Mastrogiacomo and A Muraglia
Cell Therapy and Bone Repair

Page 4 : C Jaquiéry, A Barbero, C Kunz , H-F Zeilhofer, M Heberer and I Martin
Human jaw periosteal cells display reduced & delayed in vitro osteogenic differentiation as compared to bone marrow stromal cells

Pages 5-6 : V Luginbuehl, G H van Lenthe, L Meinel, R Müller, B Gander, H P Merkle and B von Rechenberg
Long-term effects of localized Insulin-like growth factor I delivery on bone repair and remodelling.

No abstract submitted : D Poitout
Clinical experience with large osteochondral allografts.

Page 7 : W Y Ip, S Gogolewski., K Tsui
Bone regeneration with resorbable polylactide membrane and sponge in an unstable fracture model in rabbit radius.

Page 8 : P Rooney and A A Rees
Blood vessels & mesenchymal cells: Can they make better bone?

Page 9 : T Meury, M Alini
Endothelial cells modulate bone marrow stromal cell differentiation into osteoblast: Dependency on endothelial cell maturation.

Page 10 : A Wenger, A Stahl, U Kneser, T Korff, H G Augustin and G B Stark
Introduction of a three-dimensional co-culture model for in vitro angiogenesis in bone tissue engineering .

Pages 11-12 : B D Boyan, S Lossdorfer, L Wang, G Zhao, C H Lohmann, D L Cochran and Z Schwartz
Mechanisms regulating osteoblast response to surface microtopography

Pages 13-14 : W Hofstetter, R Balga, K Jost-Albrecht, M Leunig and R Felix
Inflammatory reactions to implant materials & bone resorption: Observations and mechanisms

Page 15 : H Winet, C Caulkins and J Y Bao
A proposed role for exercise in erodible implant incorporation.

Pages 16-17 : L Geris, H Van Oosterwyck, A Andreykiv, J Vander Sloten, F van Keulen, J Duyck and I Naert
Numerical simulation of peri-implant tissue differentiation in a bone chamber
****Joint winner of the award for the best oral presentation by a student

Pages 18-19 : B Burmeister, H Domaschke, M Gelinsky, A Rösen-Wolff, Th Hanke and W Pompe
Co-culture of osteoblasts and osteoclasts on resorbable mineralised collagen scaffolds: Establishment of an in vitro model of bone remodelling

Pages 20-21 : S Tepic
Bone Biomechanics

Pages 22-23 : S M Perren
Biological internal fixation-interface between biology and biomechanics

Page 24 : E Chao
Biophysical stimulation on connective repair and remodelling

Page 25 : B Noble
Mechanical stimulation & cell death-shaping our bones

Pages 26-27 : D J Mason and J F Huggett
Elucidation of mechanically- regulated signalling pathways in bone and their application to bone tissue engineering.

Page 28 : R O C Oreffo
Bone tissue engineering - Biomimetic scaffolds and engineered human osteoprogenitors

Pages 29-30 : U Ripamonti
Sculpturing the architecture of mineralized tissues: Soluble, insoluble and geometric signals

Page 31 : M Bohner and F Baumgart
Effects of geometrical factors on the resorption of calcium phosphate bone substitutes.

Page 32 : L Mathieu, P-E Bourban, D Pioletti, P-Y Zambelli, L Applegate and J-A E Månson
Bioresorbable scaffolds prepared by supercritical fluid foaming.

Page 33 : F E Weber, M P Lutolf, H G Schmökel, K W Grätz and J A Hubbell
Synthetic rhBMP-2 delivery systems: From surface erosion to cell triggered rhBMP release.

Pages 34-36 : J A Gasser
Potential and limitations of bone anabolic therapy with parathyroid hormone

Page 37 : R J Waddington, H C Roberts, R V Sugars and E Schönherr
Differential roles for small leucine rich proteoglycans in bone formation

Page 38 : W J Chen, S Jingushi, G Hirata, Y Matsumoto and Y Iwamoto
Suppression of bone resorption by bisphosphonate following intramuscular ectopic bone formation induced by rhBMP-2

Page 39 : P J Roughley, F Rauch and F H Glorieux
Osteogenesis imperfecta-molecular & clinical diversity

Page 40 : P Pogoda, M Priemel, P Catala-Lehnen, A F Schilling, T Schinke, J M Rueger and M Amling
Genetic control of bone remodelling.

Page 41 : B A Rahn
Fluorochrome labelling of Bone Dynamics.

Pages 42-43 : R J Müller and R G Richards
Immunohistological identification of the osteoclast formation regulator osteoprotegerin ligand (OPGL/RANKL/TRANCE) in human bone tissue.
****Joint winner of the award for the best oral presentation by a student

Pages 44-45 : R Müller
3D Micro-tomographic imaging of bone and biomaterials.

Page 46 : H Plenk Jr.
Role of the extracellular matrix in the bone-material interface.

Page 47 : D B Jones
Ex Vivo Bone Chamber for Bone Tissue Engineering.

Page 48 : E L Smith, U Boudriot, B Daume, M Kratz, R R. Recker, D Cullen and D B Jones
Long term perfusion loading of trabecular bone cores and formation rate.


Pages 49-50 : M Ahrens, U Schlegel, H Halm
Perfusion Culture for cortical bone

Pages 51-52 : M Ahrens, U Schlegel, H Halm
Fracture healing in vitro

Page 53 : B Al-Nawas, H Götz, K A Grötz and H Duschner
Standardised characterisation of peri-implant bone structure using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)

Pages 54-55 : A Asselin, A Berdal and J-M Sautier
Bioactive glasses modulate tissue-specific gene expression in rat nasal chondrocyte cultures.

Page 56 : N Burri, E Federici, C Scaletta, P Hohlfeld, D P Pioletti, P-Y Zambelli, P-F Leyvraz, P E Bourban, E Offord and L Applegate
Characterisation of foetal trabecular bone cells for tissue engineering.

Pages 57-58 : K Trieb, E Cetin, W Girsch, G Brand
Distinct expression of Apo-1 and Caspase-8 in the human growth plate.

Page 59 : K M C Cheung,W C W Chan, K S E Cheah and D Chan
The Molecular And Cellular Changes Underlying Increased Bone Formation In A Mouse Model With Generalized Progressive Hyperostosis.

Page 60 : M Cornelissen, H Declercq and L De Ridder
Calcification and ossification in osteoblastic cell cultures.

Pages 61-62 : H Declercq, L De Ridder and M Cornelissen
Osteoblastic cells to study cell/biomaterial interactions: A comparative study.

Page 63 : Ö Degistirici, I Napierski, S Schroot and A Knipper
In vitro differentiation capability of cord blood derived unrestricted somatic stem cells along the osteogenic and chondrogenic lineage.

Pages 64-65 : M Golembo, M Azachi, M Gladnikoff, H Barkay and A Yayon
Controlled release of novel FGF variants for bone fracture healing.

Pages 66-67 : A Gorustovich and M B Guglielmotti
Effects of 45S5 Bioactive glass particles on titanium peri-implant bone healing. A histomorphometric study in rats.

Pages 68-69 : S Hattar, A Asselin, A Berdal and J-M. Sautier
Sol-Gel bioglass stimulate osteogenesis in mouse primary cell culture.

Pages 70-71 : J Holmbom, M Tommila, E Ekholm, A Kuusilehto, M Märtson, R Penttinen and J Salonen
Bone formation in glass-cellulose composite implant in rat femoral defect follows Wolff's law.

Pages 72-73 : P Kasten, R Luginbühl, M van Griensven, T Barkhausen, C Krettek, M Bohner and U Bosch
Comparison of human bone marrow stromal cells seeded on calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite, ß-tricalcium phosphate and demineralized bone matrix.

Page 74 : U Koenig, M Gelinsky and W Pompe
Biomimetic bone graft material Biodegradable, mineralized 3D collagen-scaffolds.
****Joint winner of the award for the best poster by a student

Pages 75-76 : K Koller, C Davies, D Jones, E L Smith and R G Richards
Histomorpological quantification of Bone Growth using an ex-vivo loading and culturing system for human bone.

Page 77 : M Lemkamp, L Feuz, M Hagenmüller, E Rose, I Jonas and B A Rahn
Quantification of bone maturity using scanning acoustic microscopy.

Page 78 : C-J Liao, Y-J Lin and C-F Chen
Multilayer scaffold for culturing bi_phasic joint cartilage in vitro.

Page 79 : M O Montjovent, N Burri, C Scaletta, L Mathieu, E Federici, P E Bourban, J A Manson, P Y Zambelli, D P Pioletti and L Applegate
Biocompatibility of scaffold components and human bone foetal cells.

Page 80 : I Ponomarev, S Becker, T Stoll, E Wrabetz, M Alini and I Wilke
Preliminary results of enhanced osteogenesis by Fibrogammin and mesenchymal stem cells on chronOS cylinders.

Page 81 : N Ito, N Burri, L Applegate, E Federici, M O Montjovent, P E Bourban, J A Manson, P F Leyvraz, P Y Zambelli, D P Pioletti
Proliferation of human fetal cells in fibrin gel.

Page 82 : S Rammelt, M Neumann, U Hanisch, A Reinstorf, A Biewener and H Zwipp
Addition of osteocalcin to Ha/collagen composites.

Page 83 : S Rousseau and J Lemaître
Long-term aging of brushite cements in physiological conditions in vitro Study.

Pages 84-85 : L Safinia, J J Blaker, J Lim, V Maquet, A R Boccaccini, A Bismarck and A Mantalaris
In vitro evaluation and surface characterisation of bioresorbable polylactide foams, surface coated with fibronectin and collagen.

Page 86 : L Saldaña, G Vallés, N Vilaboa, J González-Cabreo, J L González-Carrasco, M E Martinez and LMunuera
Thermally oxidised Ti6Al4V alloy enhances osteoblastic cells behaviour.

Pages 87-88 : I Sitte, A Kathrein, M Klosterhuber, K Pfaller, M Blauth and B Moriggl.
Morphological changes in the osteo-cartilagenous endplate and annulus fibrosus of cervical and thoracic spine after trauma – case reports.

Page 89 : E Slaets, J Duyck, G Carmeliet and I Naert
Histological and biological analysis of tissue differentiation during bone healing around titanium implants.

Pages 90-91 : T Tirri, A J Aho, J Rich, N Strandberg, J Seppälä and A Yli-Urpo
Osteoconductivity of injectable composites in rabbits.

Page 92 : 1O A Trentz, A E Handschin, A Platz, O Trentz, G Zund and S V Hoerstrup
Phenotypic Osteoblasts for in vitro Testing of Bone Implants and Substitutes.

Page 93 : G Vallés, L Saldaña, N Vilaboa, E López-Collazo, J L González-Carrasco, M E Martinez and L Munuera
Cytokines secretion in response to wear particles of thermally oxidised Ti6Al4v alloy.
****Joint winner of the award for the best poster by a student

Pages 94-95 : T Van Cleynenbreugel, J Schrooten, H Van Oosterwyck and J Vander Sloten
Biomechanical design of porous structures for bone growth stimulation.
****Joint winner of the award for the best poster by a student

Pages 96-97 : K Vandamme, L Geris, J Duyck, H Van Oosterwyck, J Vander Sloten, M De Cooman, R Puers and I Naert
Quantification of the role of mechanical parameters on the bone response around loaded titanium implants.

Pages 98-99 : R Yang, C M Davies, C Archer and R G Richards
Technovit 9100 new as a low-temperature methyl methacrylate embedding method for improved undecalcified trabecular bone immunohistochemistry.

Page 100 : V David, M Marino, A Guignandon, N Laroche, D Jones, L Vico
Performance of a new cancellous bone explants tissue culture-loading system.

All abstracts: click here to download all the abstracts in one file