eCM Meeting Abstracts 2002, Collection 4
Annual meeting of the UK Tissue and Cell Engineering Society
19-20 September 2002, The University of Glasgow, Scotland
Introduction |
We were interested in attracting presentations, both oral and poster, which we hoped would cover the whole field of Cell and Tissue engineering from materials and biocompatibility issues via the use of engineered devices used to address cell biological questions to attempts in whole organ fabrication. We hope that the programme and list of posters shows that we succeeded with the help of all delegates in putting together a stimulating and diverse programme.
The initial invitation was circulated with previous attendees of
the annual meeting and members of the TCES. The spread was increased
by posting the text on several webboards, and the website of the
TCES. We were
fortunate to interest attendees from Canada, the United States,
Israel and even Iran besides a good number of British and participants
from other European countries.
With the help of the University Accommodation Services all those
in need could be housed and the coffee breaks as well as the cheese
and wine at the poster session (see
picture) was refreshing after a day filled with talks.
The invitation by the Lord Provost (sadly absent) was well attended
(see picture montage) and the history and stunning looks of the
City Chambers were well appreciated, as were the excellent nibbles
(see picture).
All in all we were happy to have hosted the meeting despite some
near catastrophes (vanishing posterboards, …).
We hope that all those attending did take home that the TCES is
a unique and affordable platform for the academic and industrial
researcher as well as PostDoc and PhD students in the field of tissue
engineering, especially in the UK to present their work to their
What remains to be said is that of course Glasgow can be dry and
sunny, and that it is a city to remember because Glasgow-s-miles
Mathis Riehle, Adam Curtis and Matthew Dalby